Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 413 The Weird Pendant

After Huang Fenggu, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang were beaten and humiliated by Zhang Deyi, they were overwhelmed with anger, so they combined to kill him with the Three Corpse Brain Powder.

But who once thought that Zhang Deyi was so strong, even if they were poisoned by the three corpses brain powder, they would not be able to handle it.

The two almost became Zhang Deyi's dead souls, but luckily Tong Minghong and Yang Yunfei arrived in time.

Only then did they rescue them, and successfully beheaded Zhang Deyi.

It is precisely because of this matter that Zhao Chengzhi and others urgently want to improve their own Cultivation Base. No, they applied for Closed Door Training as soon as they returned to Sect.

A big sect like the Yellow Wind Valley usually has a special training room for the disciples to attack the Realm.

Of course, the practice room is not free, and you need to pay the corresponding Contribution Points or Spirit Stones. Fortunately, when Sect issued the status jade badge, everyone gave 1,000 Contribution Points.

In addition, there are quite a few Spirit Stones and 10,000 Contribution Points in Zhang Deyi's storage bag, which shows that this kid must have robbed many other cultivators.

Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang are all Cultivation Bases of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period, and Tong Minghong is a Cultivation Base integrating the early stage.

After this Closed Door Training, with the help of the strong Spiritual Qi in the practice room, they have accumulated a lot of knowledge, and they have made great progress in the Cultivation Base.

"Hahaha... Brother Yunfei! How are you doing?"

As soon as Qi Yutang came out of a nine-story tower, he happened to see Yang Yunfei's figure, stepped forward excitedly, and said with a smile.

This nine-story tower with carved beams and paintings is the place where Huang Fenggu practiced. It only has nine floors on the surface, and the space is not very large. In fact, there are multiple space formations inside.

There are at least a thousand rooms, large and small, and each room is about the size of a study room. The Spiritual Qi inside is very strong, which is very suitable for cultivation.

It's a pity that one thousand Contribution Points can only be cultivated in it for one month, which is really a bit expensive.

When Yang Yunfei heard this familiar voice, he knew it was Qi Yutang, and when he saw his strong aura, he knew that he had also broken through. Then he smiled happily:

"Hehehe... Am I the same as you?"

"That's really great. We all broke through to the fusion early stage, but I don't know how Zhao Chengzhi and Tong Minghong are doing. Did you see them when you came out first?"

Qi Yutang smiled happily when he heard the words.

"Hehehe...Cousin Yu...Brother Yunfei! Congratulations to the two who have successfully broken through to the integration period, and they will win the Gold Core in the future!"

At this time, Tong Minghong appeared in front of Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang and smiled.

"Huh? I still can't see Brother Tong's Cultivation Base, it seems that we should also congratulate Brother Tong for breaking through again,

Such an exciting moment, when Zhao Chengzhi comes out, we will

Be sure to have a few drinks to celebrate. "

Qi Yutang smiled in surprise.

A few of them knew Tong Minghong’s Cultivation Base Realm before, and now both he and Yang Yunfei have broken through to the fusion early stage,

But I still couldn't see Tong Minghong's Cultivation Base, and immediately guessed that Tong Minghong should also have a breakthrough.

As a good brother, he is naturally happy for Tong Minghong.

"Let's go! Let's go back first. It is estimated that after Zhao Chengzhi comes out, everyone's Cultivation Base has made some progress, and we can go to receive the corresponding tasks together. When we earn Contribution Points, we will come to practice again."

Yang Yunfei smiled. I am very satisfied with the results of this Closed Door Training.

Tong Minghong and Qi Yutang immediately nodded happily when they heard the words, because they both discovered the benefits of the Sect practice room.

However, in the next few days, Yang Yunfei and the others did not wait for the news of Zhao Chengzhi's exit, and everyone began to speculate whether there was something wrong with Zhao Chengzhi's cultivation.

However, what they didn't know was that Zhao Chengzhi actually broke through to the fusion early stage on the third day after entering the practice room,

Next, Cultivation Base is even more powerful, directly from fusion early stage breakthrough to fusion late stage, and now it is hitting the Realm of the Dzogchen in the fusion period. This kind of thing is very strange and unusual.

The matter had to start with dividing up Zhang Deyi's storage bag.

Tong Minghong beheaded Zhang Deyi, and after they returned to the residence, Tong Minghong took the initiative to take out the resources in Zhang Deyi's storage bag for everyone to choose.

Spirit Stones and Contribution Points are naturally divided equally, but for other resources, everyone can choose at will according to their own preferences.

At that time, Zhao Chengzhi saw a string of mahjong-sized square pendants that were not bad, and even if he put the pendants around his neck,

The reason why I like it is because the pendant is black but not autumnal, like jade but not jade, but the carving is extremely exquisite, giving people a deep and mysterious feeling.

So when Zhao Chengzhi saw it, he couldn't put it down immediately.

Later, when Zhao Chengzhi entered the practice room to practice, under the strong spiritual qi envelope, the black pendant on his chest flickered with black light strangely.

Then the black pendant turned into wisps of black smoke and merged with Spiritual Qi into Zhao Chengzhi's body.

Then after passing through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, they converged into Zhao Chengzhi's sea of ​​consciousness, forming a black silhouette.

Immediately, Zhao Chengzhi showed a little bit of pain, but he still sat in the Lotus Position, his eyes closed tightly and he did not wake up.

In the dark sea of ​​consciousness, the phantom of Zhao Chengzhi's soul looked at the uninvited guest in horror.

There was a faint light flickering around the black shadow, and after glancing at Zhao Chengzhi's phantom soul, he showed a ghostly smile,

Then it directly turned into wisps of black smoke and rushed up.

The phantom of the soul that cannot be spoken, face to face immediately

Lu was terrified and inexplicable, she turned around and wanted to run away, but her speed was not as fast as that black smoke.

Immediately entangled in black smoke, and then the phantom of the soul glowing with white halo, slowly blacken up.

"Hey hey..."

At this time, Zhao Chengzhi, who was sitting in the Lotus Position, and the phantom of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, almost at the same time, slightly raised the corners of their mouths, showing a very strange smile.

Immediately, Zhao Chengzhi saw the phantom of the soul in the sea, Lotus Position, and sat down, seemingly muttering something.

Then a miraculous scene happened, only the phantom of the soul in the sea was seen, and a white light suddenly appeared around.

After the white light circled around the soul phantom several times, it instantly dissipated and turned into countless white light spots.

The countless white light spots then gradually grew larger, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a Cultivation Technique called "Prime Ancient Attracting Stars".

The way of heaven is to damage more than enough and make up for what is not enough, so the emptiness wins the real, and the insufficiency wins the more...

Its meaning is broad, its rationale is deep, its interest is deep, the image of heaven and earth is divided, Yin & Yang are listed, and the change is from the table...

It is to take the merits of others, the way of accepting oneself, accepting all rivers, tolerance is great...

With the operation of "Imperial Star Absorbing Art", the Spiritual Qi in the practice room quickly gathered into Zhao Chengzhi's body like a long whale absorbing water.

At this time, the true essence in Zhao Chengzhi's Dantian is rapidly changing from a viscous shape to a jelly shape, achieving the Dzogchen fusion period.


In the training room, a powerful aura erupted. Fortunately, there was a corresponding defensive formation in the training room, otherwise it would definitely be destroyed by Zhao Chengzhi's powerful aura.

Just when Zhao Chengzhi was about to continue to hit the Gold Core stage, he suddenly found that the Spiritual Qi in the practice room seemed to become thinner.

At the same time, the cultivators in other rooms also felt that the Spiritual Qi had become much thinner, unable to continue to support their cultivation at all.

"Damn it! I'm so close to breaking through, why does Spiritual Qi suddenly become insufficient follow-up, why the hell is this? No! I have to go to the Elder to withdraw the Spirit Stones."

A cultivator cursed angrily, then got up and rushed out of the room.

Similar examples also happened in other rooms. Many cultivators quit their cultivation because the Spiritual Qi became thinner.

Because without Spiritual Qi, it's still a shame to practice, everyone immediately got up cursing, ready to go to Elder for a refund.

But the instigator, Zhao Chengzhi, knew all this, and it should be caused by absorbing a large amount of Spiritual Qi.

Immediately, Zhao Chengzhi stood up, with a strange smile on his mouth, and with a thought, he suppressed his own Cultivation Base in the Realm fused with the early stage.

Then the figure flashed, and they left the training tower directly, heading for their living place...

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