Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 414: There Are Mountains Beyond Mountains

"Yang Elder! What's going on? We were still practicing well, but the Spiritual Qi in the room suddenly became thinner, and we couldn't continue to practice at all.

After all, our Contribution Points are not easy to come by, and we have to quit the practice, so let Yang Elder be the master for us! "

A disciple dressed in Yellow Maple Valley's costume was gathering with others in the hall on the first floor of the training tower, begging an old man aggrievedly.

Because the old man who looked about sixty years old was Yang Elder who was in charge of guarding the practice tower.

Before Yang Elder could answer him, another cultivator said aggrievedly:

"Yang Elder! I was just a little bit short of breaking through to the fusion late stage, but the Spiritual Qi suddenly lacked follow-up, which made it impossible to continue the breakthrough.

If it wasn't for my quick response, Qi Deviation would have almost happened, and Yang Elder is also invited to make the decision for us! "

As soon as the cultivator finished speaking, another cultivator rushed to speak, so everyone talked about their helplessness and encounters one by one.

The hall on the first floor of the entire training tower suddenly became noisy like a vegetable market.

But Yang Elder always kept a faint smile on his face.

When everyone was talking about it, a faint aura suddenly emerged from Yang Elder's body.

It was this faint aura, but everyone suddenly felt uncomfortable as if they were carrying a heavy weight. They quickly closed their mouths and looked at Yang Elder in shock.

"Okay... I probably understand the basic situation. I just received the news that the Spiritual Qi in the practice room has returned to its usual state.

You can continue to practice. As for the refund you requested, I'm really sorry, I don't have this authority here either.

But I can give you some more time to practice. If you still don't agree with this handling method, you can only report to the head of the sect, and everything will be decided by the head of the sect. "

Yang Elder smiled like a spring breeze.

Everyone knew immediately that a refund was impossible.

Just kidding, going to the head for such a trivial matter, isn't that the same as asking for trouble? Who dares to go? Anyway, none of the people present dared to do so.

Fortunately, there was time to make up for it, so everyone left happily. Some chose to continue practicing, and some chose to register the time and come back next time.

"Chengzhi! Hahaha...Your boy is back, how is it? Did you breakthrough?"

As soon as Zhao Chengzhi returned to the small courtyard where they lived together,

Just bumped into Qi Yutang who was going out, Qi Yutang immediately asked happily.

"Hey hey...Of course! You don't look at the old don't look at who I am."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengzhi said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and stretched out his right hand along the way, spreading out his palm, and a gorgeous flower of true essence bloomed in his palm.

"Hehehe... Not bad, you really broke through to the fusion early stage,

Let me tell you some good news, Yang Yunfei, Tong Minghong, and me, we have all broken through! "Biquku

Qi Yutang looked at the flower of true essence condensed from true essence in Zhao Chengzhi's hand, and praised:

Then he proudly showed off his so-called good news.

In the room, Tong Minghong and Yang Yunfei, who heard them talking, also went out one after another.

After seeing Zhao Chengzhi, they all greeted him warmly.

Qi Yutang immediately yelled that everyone should have a good celebration and come back without getting drunk.

"Hehehe...Okay! This proposal is good. I just haven't had a drink for a long time. Let's not get drunk together tonight,"

When Zhao Chengzhi heard that he was drinking, his eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

But his smile caused Yang Yunfei to frown slightly. After carefully looking at Zhao Chengzhi for a while, he found nothing unusual.

Then he shook his head mockingly, and followed Qi Yutang to prepare the ingredients...

The eighth floor space in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

According to the map Jade Slip provided by Qiu Xueming Elder, Lu Chen drove the flying boat and quickly landed in a mountain more than 500 kilometers southeast from the entrance.

But Lu Chen searched for a long time but couldn't find the so-called Heartless Peak.

Because most of the mountains in front of me are hillsides, which have nothing to do with the word "mountain peak". No matter how you look at them, they look like ordinary hillsides.

"Did I find the wrong place? But judging from the location and distance marked on the map, it seems to be here!"

Lu Chen stood on the flying boat, looked at the hillside under his feet, and murmured suspiciously.

Immediately, the Divine Sense stretched out overwhelmingly, and the scene with a radius of more than ten kilometers was unobstructed, but still no abnormalities were found.

Just when Lu Chen was about to take back the Divine Sense, he found a figure flying towards him with the sword flying fast.

Lu Chen frowned when he saw this, quickly retracted the Divine Sense, and then waved his hand, a dozen purple array flags turned into a dozen purple brilliance, and quickly disappeared into the air.

Then a transparent formation light curtain,

Almost instantly enveloped Lu Chen's figure.

From the outside, Lu Chen seems to have disappeared in place, very mysterious and magical.

However, Lu Chen can clearly see the scene outside the formation.


At this time, that figure also quickly flew to the hillside with the sword.

The man was wearing a gray Taoist robe, his skin was as smooth as jade, and his age could not be seen from his appearance.

But it also gives people the feeling of a glamorous and generous, mature young woman, with her hair combed into a bun and holding a Duster in her hand, which has the feeling of a Great Master.

If Wang Jingxuan was here, he would definitely recognize this person at a glance, because this person is her Uncle Jingxian.

"This nun's clothes are very similar to the old nun Miejue Shitai. It seems that the two of them should be together. I didn't find the wrong place, but I didn't see the phantom formation, but it really didn't take much effort. "

Lu Chen who was hiding in the formation light curtain thought happily.

At this time, Yu Jianfei stopped in the air and Jingxian looked around furtively, but found nothing unusual.

Take out a Jade Ruyi Scepter that is as long as a cucumber from the storage bag, and pour the real essence into the Jade Ruyi Scepter.

I saw the jade Ruyi Scepter flashing a light blue halo under the infusion of true energy, and then Jingxian pointed the jade Ruyi Scepter in her hand at a certain hillside,

Immediately, a cyan light beam shot out from the jade Ruyi Scepter, and soon shot into the hillside and disappeared instantly.


Then a slight buzz sounded.

Then, on the originally ordinary hillside, the surface space magically opened to both sides, forming a long opening like a curtain.

And through that opening, you can clearly see the scene inside, which is another world.

"It's actually a phantom formation, and it's a very high-level phantom formation. No wonder I didn't even notice it,"

Seeing this, Lu Chen, who was hiding in the formation light curtain, thought in surprise.

Seeing that the formation had been opened, Jingxian's figure flashed, and Yu Jianfei flew into the formation opening quickly.

After Jing Xian's figure disappeared, the formation opening that was cut like a sharp knife closed miraculously and quickly.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Seeing that the formation light curtain was about to close, a figure rushed in like lightning,

At this time, the formation hole just closed completely, and then the scene outside returned to the usual hillside scene, which was extremely mysterious…………………………………

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