"It's been discovered! What should I do?"

After hearing the words, Lu Chen was startled. He didn't expect the other party's senses to be so sensitive. He was discovered by the other party as soon as own Divine Sense approached.

"Who is there, please come out, please? I'm a little afraid of the dark!"

Just when Lu Chen was hesitating whether to show up, the female cultivator's voice sounded in his ears again, the words were quite begging.

However, Lu Chen frowned after hearing the words, not knowing what the other party meant.

One must know that Lu Chen sensed from the fluctuation of the other party's true energy that she is a cultivator of the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen.

Why would you suddenly say that you are afraid of the dark? Could it be that the other party is trying to trick him out? But this kind of trick is too naive!

However, Lu Chen still walked out from behind a boulder.

Now that he has been discovered, Lu Chen has become unscrupulous, Divine Sense directly and quickly extended out to see what the hell the female cultivator was trying to do.

At this time, what Lu Chen Divine Sense saw was a stone pool the size of a footbath with a white halo, and a pool of clear water filled the stone pool.

There is a faint white halo on the surface of the clear water, which is very magical.

But the female cultivator who came in before was curled up beside the stone pool, her expression was a little dazed, as if she was very scared.

"Who are you? I'm so scared, can you take me out of here?"

In the darkness, with the help of the white light emitted by the clear water, the female cultivator could vaguely see Lu Chen's figure walking towards her.

A ray of hope flashed in his eyes, and he smiled excitedly.

But Lu Chen became even more puzzled when he saw this. Under the cover of Divine Sense, he could see every move of that female cultivator.

At this moment, the female cultivator feels very abnormal. She obviously has a mature appearance, demeanor and speech, but she feels like a little girl of eight or nine years old.

"What's going on? Is she a silly girl? Or did something happen to her after she came in?"

Lu Chen thought suspiciously. Divine Sense carefully observes the movements around and maintains a high degree of vigilance in case of accidents.

However, when Lu Chen approached, the female cultivator's actions startled Lu Chen.

I saw the female cultivator, holding Lu Chen's arm very intimately, and said coquettishly:

"Big brother! I'm so scared, can you get me out of here

? "

As a result, Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart when he heard the words. Although this female cultivator was not ugly, her appearance was here.

Just imagine what it would be like for a woman who is nearly forty years old to hold your arm and act coquettishly at you.

"Uh...hehehe...big sister! Do you remember who you are?"

Lu Chen unnaturally broke free his hand and retreated a few steps in a row, keeping a certain safe distance from the female cultivator.

"Big sister? Do you know me? Am I called big sister? Hahaha... I finally have a name."

As a result, the female cultivator's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she jumped up happily like a child.

He even wanted to pounce on Lu Chen again, but was cleverly avoided by Lu Chen, and he couldn't help thinking:

"I lost it! What the hell is going on here?"

Fortunately, the female cultivator seemed to be less afraid when she was with her, she didn't pester Lu Chen anymore, but squatted on the ground, playing with small rocks like a fool.

Seeing this, Lu Chen didn't bother to bother her, so he came to the side of the stone pool,

Because Lu Chen felt that the clear water in the stone pool was a little familiar and a little strange,

I guess in my heart that the change of this female cultivator may be related to the clear water in this pool.

Immediately, Lu Chen dipped the Divine Sense into the clear water, wanting to check it out.

However, just when Lu Chen's Divine Sense came into contact with the clear water in the stone pool, a strong attraction directly sucked his Divine Sense over,

Then Lu Chen felt a pain in his brain, and with a thought, he quickly and desperately took back his own Divine Sense. x.com

But that clear water, like a long whale absorbing water, is constantly devouring Lu Chen's Divine Sense, and it can't be recovered at all.

He was so scared that he quickly forcibly cut off his own Divine Sense. This prevents Divine Sense from being swallowed up.

But at this moment, Lu Chen's Divine Sense was damaged again, and he let out a painful scream.

"Big brother! What's wrong with you?"

The female cultivator heard Lu Chen screaming, and hurried over to ask concerned.

However, Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the female cultivator, but took out a few pills from the storage bag and took them.

After a while, Lu Chen completely repaired the damaged Divine Sense.

However, this familiar scene made Lu Chen's eyes brighten, and then he fixed his eyes on

The pool of clear water in the stone pond seems to have thought of something.

"Big brother! Can you play with me for a while?"

At this time, the female cultivator ran over and smiled innocently, holding a few small stones in her hand.

"I'm playing with your uncle."

Lu Chen said angrily after hearing the words, and then shot out a beam of real energy to knock her unconscious.

Lu Chen was already in a bad mood for the pain caused by the damaged Divine Sense, not to mention that this woman is not a young and beautiful girl,

To actually keep dangling in front of him, isn't this disgusting?

After the female cultivator fell to the ground, Lu Chen didn't bother to take care of her,

Came to the stone pool again, carried the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body, and carefully inserted the index finger of his right hand into the clear water,

He wanted to use the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze what that strange clear water was, so as to confirm the conjecture in his heart.

When Lu Chen's index finger touched the clear water, a mysterious message emerged in his mind.

This is: Wangyou Water, a first-level spiritual fluid, has the effect of sealing off spiritual wisdom, and can be refined into Wangyou Pill to relieve it.

It is known as: once you drink it, you forget your past and present lives, love and hate for a lifetime, gains and losses for a lifetime... Also known as: water of forgetting love.

"Is this Wangqing Water? Wangyou Pill? Now that little girl Wang Jingxuan is saved."

Lu Chen, who got the information, smiled happily,

Immediately, he took out several jade altars the size of rice jars, and packed away all the Wangqing water in the pool.

Since he got the Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow Dew last time, Lu Chen specially prepared a lot of jade altars the size of rice jars for emergencies, which just happened to come in handy. m.x.com

After doing this, Lu Chen looked down at the female cultivator lying on the ground, and guessed in his heart that this woman probably used Divine Sense to check the Wangqing Water, so Divine Sense was injured by the Wangqing Water, which led to such a silly appearance.

"Should I also give her a tonic pill?" Lu Chen thought to himself,

But soon, Lu Chen dismissed this idea again, because if this woman made trouble for him after recovering, wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot.

So Lu Chen decided to leave her alone and talk about it after he found the spiritual pulse.

Next, Lu Chen took out the black stone, and Divine Sense controlled the high-speed rotation of the black stone, forming a simple turning head, turning to the bottom of the cave………………………

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