Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 417 Harvesting A Spirit Vein

Lingmai is a combination of Spirit Stones formed by countless pieces of Spirit Stones connected like pomegranates.

According to records, spiritual veins are generally divided into low-grade spiritual veins, middle-grade spiritual veins, high-grade spiritual veins and top-grade spiritual veins.

The reason for this division is determined by the Spirit Stones that make up the spirit veins.

For example, a spirit vein composed of low-grade Spirit Stones is a low-grade spirit vein, and so on. Like the best spiritual vein, it must be composed of the best Spirit Stones.

So since they are all ores containing Spiritual Qi, what is the difference between Spirit Stones and Spiritual Veins?

Is it possible to form a spirit vein by putting a large number of Spirit Stones together?

Although Spirit Stones contain Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which can be cultivated by cultivators, Lingmai is indeed composed of countless pieces of Spirit Stones, which also contain Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.

But it is not.

Because there is another very important factor in the formation of spiritual veins, and that is the power of the law of heaven and earth.

In other words, the spiritual vein not only contains the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, but also contains a certain power of the law of heaven and earth,

If the cultivator absorbs the Spiritual Qi in the spiritual vein, it can help the cultivator understand the laws of heaven and earth.

You know, the cultivator has cultivated to the late stage, and the Cultivation Base Realm can't be improved just by absorbing Spiritual Qi.

One must comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and master a certain amount of power of laws, in order to gain insight into the true meaning of cultivating immortals, and thus breakthrough to a higher Realm.

Take the cultivators of the Expanding Aperture period as an example, basically they have mastered certain spatial laws in order to successfully display teleportation supernatural powers.

From this point of view, even if you put Spirit Stones together for thousands of years, you may not be able to produce the power of law, and the difference is obvious.

So for high rank cultivator, if it were you, how would you choose Lingmai?

It was also because of this that after learning of the news that there was a spiritual vein under the Wuqing Peak, Lu Chen was so proactive, and he never tired of working.

At this moment, the sound of breaking rocks resounded from the bottom of the cave, which was very ear-piercing.

Lu Chen is using the hardness of the black stone, and Divine Sense controls the high-speed rotation of the black stone, turning to the bottom of the cave.

He followed closely behind, packing the soil and stone chips into the storage bag.

After repeated operations like this, a diagonally downward passage with a diameter of about two meters was formed at the bottom of the cave.

When he felt a little bit of Spiritual Qi leaking from the ground, Lu Chen's heart became even more impatient, and his hands kept moving.

About half an hour later,

There are already a few Spirit Stones, scattered with the stone chips, although they are only low-grade Spirit Stones, it makes Lu Chen more convinced that there may really be spiritual veins underground.

So Lu Chen continued to dig even harder,

At the same time, quickly extend the Divine Sense,

At this time, Lu Chen was immediately excited by the sight seen by Divine Sense.

I saw inlaid in the rock layer, a Spirit Stones vein at least a thousand meters long,

As if a giant dragon is dormant in the ground, the crystal clear luster and the increasingly rich Spiritual Qi can't help but make Lu Chen scream in his heart:

"Get rich, get rich! Wahahaha..."

When Lu Chen dug all the way to the Spirit Stones on the outer layer of the spirit vein with trembling hands with excitement,

A few rays of light appeared in the dark ground, and then Lu Chen retracted the black stone, and the passage in front of him was instantly shrouded in a white halo.

On the stone wall, there are all goose egg-sized Spirit Stones, gathered together regularly like pomegranates, crystal clear and dazzling.

At this time, Lu Chen directly broke off a piece of Spirit Stones the size of a goose egg, and was stunned for a moment.

"This... this... this is actually top-grade Spirit Stones... My god, someone come and save me, my heart can't take it anymore...

It's actually a top-grade Spirit Stones, that doesn't mean that this vein is actually a top-grade one... oh my god... hahaha. "

After feeling that the Spiritual Qi contained in the Spirit Stones in his hand was more vigorous and pure than the Spiritual Qi contained in the middle-grade Spirit Stones, Lu Chen immediately made a judgment, and then laughed excitedly.

It wasn't until a while later that Lu Chen calmed down his excitement.

Then Divine Sense stretched out quickly, and didn't stop until it enveloped the entire spiritual vein.

Then I thought about it.


The entire spiritual vein, which was more than a thousand meters long and more than fifty meters high, was directly drawn away, and there was a low-pitched booming sound immediately.

The moment the spirit vein was drawn away, a huge and empty cave appeared underground, and the surrounding area was once again plunged into darkness.

At the same time, the entire cave seemed to be shaken by an earthquake. The ground shook and the mountains shook, and countless stones fell down, causing a wave of dust to fly.

However, Lu Chen has already followed the spirit vein and entered the world of Jinzhu together.

When the huge spiritual vein was placed by Lu Chen in an open space in the world of Jinzhu, the moment it landed, there was also a huge bang.

Then a strong Spiritual Qi quickly spread around.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

After the little flame phantom bird felt the abnormal movement here, it flapped its wings and flew towards it at a high speed.

When a crystal-clear mountain exuding rich Spiritual Qi appeared in his eyes, he immediately flew up to the Spiritual Qi cheerfully, and then crawled on it, enjoying himself very much.

Lu Chen knew that the power of the laws of heaven and earth contained in the spiritual veins was of great benefit to the practice of Demonic Beasts, so he was not surprised.

Just when Lu Chen was proud of obtaining the spiritual pulse, he suddenly felt that something was missing.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that I hadn't seen the Gold Devouring Toad, the Heavenly Sword Mantis, or the ancient mythical beast Pixiu.

It stands to reason that if he made such a big commotion, those three guys should come to check it out, but Lu Chen didn't get used to it when he suddenly didn't see them.

Immediately, with a thought, he checked what the three guys were doing.

The Golden Bead World had already been integrated with Lu Chen, so under Lu Chen's intentional inspection, the image of those three guys immediately appeared in his mind.

I saw the Gold-eating Toad was floating on a milky white liquid with its legs stretched out, as if it was asleep.

The Heavenly Dao mantis is leaning against the edge of the pool, its body soaked in the milky white liquid, as if enjoying the hot spring.

Pixiu, an ancient mythical beast, is lying on the shoulder of the Sky Knife Mantis, and seems to be sleeping.

But when Lu Chen saw all this clearly, his complexion suddenly darkened.

After the sound of "Fuck", the body disappeared in place in an instant.

Once again, it came to a stone pool.

Looking at the spiritual fluid that I risked my life to get, I didn't have time to use it to improve the Cultivation Base, but was ruined by these guys.

Especially the light brown saliva floating in the corner of the Gold Devouring Toad's mouth, but it doesn't merge with the spiritual fluid, isn't it just its saliva?

Lu Chen's face became even more gloomy and uncertain.

At the moment when Lu Chen appeared, Tiandao Mantis slowly opened his watermelon-sized eyes,

When he saw Lu Chen's appearance clearly, his eyes suddenly showed horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

With a "whoosh", he ran away without a trace, and the spiritual fluid in the stone pool rolled violently. Seeing this, Lu Chen was stunned.

However, when the Gold-eating Toad opened its bowl-sized eyes and saw clearly that it was Lu Chen, he just cast a casual glance,

Then he continued to close his eyes, ignoring Lu Chen's existence directly.

"Hehehe..." Lu Chen laughed angrily at the Gold Devouring Toad's attitude.

The body suddenly exploded, and it directly flew into the air and kicked viciously at the gold-eating toad floating on the surface of the spiritual fluid.


There was a burst of piercing sound in the air, which showed that Lu Chen was really angry.

However, the Gold-eating Toad remained unmoved, showing no sign of dodging.

Seeing that Lu Chen's toes were about to kick the Gold Devouring Toad's body the size of a millstone.

I saw that Lu Chen's toes directly brushed against the Gold-eating Toad's body, and then the Gold-eating Toad's body turned into nothingness.

"Damn it! It's actually an afterimage!"………………

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