Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 418 Xiaojin's Transformation

Lu Chen subconsciously exclaimed when he found out that the own attack was actually being evaded by the gold-eating toad.

You must know that you are now a Cultivation Base in the Gold Core stage. Although this kick did not use all its strength, it is obviously not something that the Gold-eating Toad can dodge, which shows its speed.

It was too late, but soon, Lu Chen Divine Sense stretched out quickly, and found that the gold-eating toad had appeared a hundred meters away.

With a thought, his body reappeared beside the Gold-devouring Toad and continued to attack it.


The Gold-eating Toad yelled twice, and its body turned into several afterimages again, avoiding Lu Chen's attack with ease.

"Huh? This guy's strength has actually improved? Could it be because of the spiritual fluid?"

After dozens of moves in a row, the Gold-eating Toad cleverly avoided them. Lu Chen finally confirmed that its strength had indeed improved a lot.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't use his full strength here, but just showed the strength range that the Gold-eating Toad can bear,

But even so, Lu Chen was still very happy.

Before that, Lu Chen once believed that the level of the Gold Devouring Toad and the Heavenly Knife Mantis is very low, even if the strength is improved, it is very limited, and it is impossible to compare with the ancient beast Pixiu or the little flame bird.

In addition, with the improvement of one's own Cultivation Base Realm, there are fewer and fewer places where they can help own.

If it wasn't because Lu Chen is a person who is more fond of old feelings, if he were replaced by other cultivators, he probably would have given up on them long ago.

But I didn't expect that after absorbing spiritual fluid, this guy would transform again, and his current combat effectiveness is at least comparable to that of a cultivator integrated with an early stage.

You must know that before this, the Gold-eating Toad ate a lot of his Demonic Beasts alchemy and other good things, but his strength still remained at the Foundation Establishment stage.

At the same time, Lu Chen also thought that it seemed that the speed of Tiandao Mantis had increased a lot just now, but he was affected by anger at that time, so he didn't pay attention.


The gold-devouring toad has developed a sense of wisdom. Seeing that he can easily avoid the attack of his master, he yelled twice in a very humane way.

Contempt appeared in Wan Da's eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Chen smiled angrily and said:

"You guy, if you really give you some color, you will open a dyeing workshop, right?"

Then there was a "touch", and the body of the gold-eating toad, the size of a millstone, drew an arc in the air like a football


Then there was another "plop", and it just fell into the spiritual fluid pool.

"Since the spiritual fluid is helpful to you, then you can stay in it for me!"

Lu Chen smiled towards the direction where the Gold-eating Toad fell, and then with a thought, his body disappeared into the world of golden beads.

As soon as he appeared again, he returned to the underground passage, and then he took nine steps on Xuantian and left quickly.

Passing by the stone pool where the water of Wangqing had been filled before, Lu Chen took away the female cultivator lying on the ground.

After leaving the formation with the help of the jade Ruyi Scepter in the female cultivator storage bag, Lu Chen reappeared near the hillside.

In order to thank that female cultivator for letting me get the spiritual pulse,

Lu Chen randomly found a relatively secluded bush and hid her away.

Before leaving, he gave her a few pills of nourishing spirit, and then drove the flying boat towards the entrance of the ninth floor in the northwest.

Less than half an hour after Lu Chen left, Jingxian woke up leisurely, and when she found herself lying in a pile of grass,

Jingxian sat up suddenly, and then seemed to realize something.

He quickly checked his own clothes in a panic, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he had not been frivolous.

But when she saw the surrounding scene, Jingxian's face showed a look of panic again.

Because she thought, how could she appear outside the formation since she had already entered the old site of Wangqing Sect?

This shows that someone must have brought himself out of it.

"Damn spirit veins!"

Jing Xian, who came back to her senses, suddenly let out a scream, her face full of anxiety.

Hurry up and fly to the front of the hillside, take out the jade Ruyi Scepter the size of a cucumber to open the formation, and then fly into the formation again.

Because this time she came to participate in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, the main purpose was to get back the spirit veins belonging to the Wangqing sect.

With this spiritual vein, it is undoubtedly a huge fortune for the current Wangqing Sect.

Since the Great War thousands of years ago, after the Ruthless Peak disappeared, the remaining disciples of the Wangqing Sect withdrew from Helan State under the leadership of the headmaster.

Since then, there has been no trace of the Wangqing Sect in Cultivation World, but the disciples of the Wangqing Sect have not forgotten the important task of revitalizing the Wangqing Sect.

But the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. Times have changed. From now on, only Daoist Miexin is left in the Wangqing Sect, and there are only a few disciples.

Over the years, Wangqingzong's hair

The exhibition is not satisfactory.

During the period, some people also speculated that the former site of Wangqing Sect might exist in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

So almost every hundred years, the Wangqing Sect will send cultivators of the Gold Core stage to look for it.

However, due to various reasons, it was not until hundreds of years ago that there were any signs of it.

The most recent time was a hundred years ago, when Master Miexin combined the information summarized by his predecessors, he found the former site of Wangqing Sect on the eighth floor.

And successfully used the Ruyi Scepter, a jade handed down from Sect from generation to generation, to enter the mountain guard formation at the former site of the Wangqing Sect.

But it's a pity that she was sent out of the secret realm because of the end of time before she had time to dig out the spirit vein.

There is no way, this matter can only wait for a hundred years later, when the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain starts again.

However, in the past hundred years, Miexin Daoist's Cultivation Base has broken through to the Nascent Soul stage again,

Today's Wangqing sect is only Jingxian who is the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core stage, and meets the conditions for entering the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

Therefore, the heavy responsibility of digging out the spiritual veins naturally fell on Jingxian's shoulders.

In order for Jing Xian to be able to successfully overcome the mysterious resistance of each stone staircase, Mie Xin Daoist also gave her another treasure in the sect before Jing Xian set off.

That treasure is the treasure that the predecessors tried to create specially to cheat that mysterious power.

However, what Jingxian never dreamed of was that when she entered the underground cave at the old site, she used Divine Sense to check the clear water in the stone pool out of curiosity, and then lost consciousness. Biqu library

When she woke up, she found that she was already in the grass, how could this not make her panic.

"Damn it! How dare you steal the spiritual veins of our Forgiveness Sect, regardless of Tianya Haijiao, my Forgiveness Sect will definitely tear you to pieces."

Not long after, Jing Xian withdrew from the formation with a dark face, thinking angrily in her heart.

Because after her confirmation, the spirit vein in the Sect was indeed stolen by the young cultivator.

Lu Chen probably never dreamed that Jing Xian's damaged Divine Sense could be restored because of Own's temporary act of kindness.

After recovering from Divine Sense, Jingxian clearly remembered everything that happened in the cave.

And with the help of the faint halo of Wangqingshui, Jingxian still remembers Lu Chen's appearance.

Immediately, murderous intent appeared in Jing Xian's eyes, and Yu Jianfei was going to find the kid in his memory to regain his spirit veins...

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