Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 419: Beauty From Heaven

In other words, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei, after crossing the Beichen River, rushed directly to the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, looking for the Chinese mercenary group, and prepared to seek refuge with Lu Chen.

After many inquiries, several people finally came to the South District of Banyue City, and saw the majestic tower of the Chinese Mercenary Corps. Biqu library

This aroused great hope in Gu Feng's heart, and the reason was very simple. Lu Chen got along well, and with the relationship between several people, he borrowed some Spirit Stones from him to buy Nirvana Pill to restore Tong Wei's Cultivation Base. It's not very big either.

But when the three of them came to visit, Yang Yuqin, who was in charge of receiving them, told them that Lu Chen was not in the regiment at all, but went to Tai Bai Cheng in Zhongzhou.

And the head of the regiment and other members also went to Yangzhou to participate in the preliminary round of the "Soldier King Cup" Mercenary Regiment Competition hosted by the Mercenary Regiment Federation of Trade Unions, and they couldn't come back for a while.

This news undoubtedly poured cold water on the heads of the three of them, especially on Gu Feng's face, the look of disappointment couldn't have been more obvious.

There was no other way, the three of them had no choice but to leave first, walking aimlessly on the streets of Banyue City.

"Gu Feng! In fact... In fact, even if I can't cultivate in this life, as long as I have you by my side, I am already content."

Seeing that Gu Feng's face was a bit ugly, Tong Wei took his arm affectionately and smiled.

Gu Feng heard that he looked at the beautiful woman beside him with complicated eyes, and blamed himself:

"I'm sorry Tong Wei, it's all my fault that I don't have the ability to earn enough Spirit Stones to buy Ni Mie Dan for you, but don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, I will be with you forever."

"Hey... I really can't stand the boring energy of the two of you, isn't it Spirit Stones? If you can't make money if you can't find a way, why do you have to be so worried.

In the worst case, let’s go back to the old business and continue to sell Talisman Records. Am I afraid that I won’t be able to earn Spirit Stones with my skills? "

Zhong Tao, who was walking side by side with the two of them, said with a big grin when he heard this.

"That's a good idea. Let's stay in Banyue City first. We can start a small business and wait for Lu Chen to come back. We can also go to the Banyue Mountains to hunt Demonic Beasts. This will add another source of income."

Gu Feng said with bright eyes when he heard the words, he quite recognized Zhong Fatty's talisman-making skills.

If it wasn't for someone finding fault in Suining City, their business would still be good, and they wouldn't have killed people and fled here.

So the three of them did what they said, and they had the experience of setting up street stalls in Suining City, so they were very familiar with handling things.

First, I found a relatively remote and cheap small yard in Xicheng District, and bought the yard directly for ten middle-grade Spirit Stones.

With the plan to settle down for a long time, the few people settled down temporarily.

During the day, Zhong Tao is still in charge of refining various talisman records, Gu Feng is in charge of setting up street stalls for sale, and Tong Wei is helping Gu Feng.

At night, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng will practice and improve their Cultivation Base in their respective rooms, and their lives will stabilize.

But in the last few days, when Zhong Tao was practicing, something seemed to go wrong, but he was ashamed to tell Gu Feng about this kind of thing, and he was very conflicted.

Especially tonight, when he was sitting in Lotus Position again, running the Cultivation Technique of "Happiness and Freedom".

silently in my heart:

My life is up to me, but if the sky destroys me, I will destroy the sky,

My life is up to me, I am free and happy,

My fate is up to me, and I have been cultivating to become a fairy for hundreds of millions of years......

With the continuous operation of the Cultivation Technique, the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones in the hand is quickly sucked into the body, and then wanders into the Eight Extraordinary Meridians,

Form a large universe, and then import it into Dantian, and change the state of the true element in Dantian bit by bit.

But recently, when Zhong Tao was practicing, he always felt inexplicable restlessness in his body, as if there was something in his heart, which he could almost feel very uncomfortable.

Especially tonight, when he practiced for almost half an hour.

A reddish halo flashed on the surface of Zhong Tao's body, and as soon as Dou Da's sweat came out, wisps of white smoke rose, showing how high the temperature of the body's surface was.

At this moment, Zhong Tao suddenly opened his eyes, which were bloodshot with terror, as if Qi Deviation.

Zhong Tao, who still had a little consciousness, quickly stopped the operation of the Cultivation Technique, and then cast a water polo technique directly on the top of own's head.


With the formation of the seal, a stream of cool water flowed down from the top of Zhong Tao's head out of nowhere, making a "sizzling" sound.

Immediately, Zhong Tao felt the demonic obstacle in his heart, and it eased down a little.

However, at this moment, Zhong Tao was sitting slumped on the bed and panting heavily, as if he had just experienced a big battle, his face was full of exhaustion.

Looking down at the messy head of the bed, he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart:

"Fuck! It seems that I have to find a dao companion quickly, otherwise the Cultivation Base will not only fail to improve, but may also turn myself into a demon controlled by desire."

In fact, he already knew where the problem was, but recently he was exhausted and didn't meet a woman he liked, so he kept procrastinating like this.

The reason is because of the Cultivation Technique of "Happy and Unfettered Skills". After practicing for a period of time, Zhong Tao found that this Cultivation Technique is not only powerful, but also a Cultivation Technique that starts with dual cultivation.

means want to be fast

To break through the bottleneck quickly, one must rely on the power of Yuanyin in the woman's body, and the two of them can achieve the Supreme Dao through dual cultivation together.

However, facing the Cultivation World full of handsome men and beautiful women, Zhong Tao knew that his obese appearance definitely had no advantage.

But the heavens fooled people, even if he drank water, he would gain weight, and he couldn't lose weight at all.

He also tried to lose weight, but he couldn't hold on to the pain for a long time and gave up.


Zhong Tao, who was slumped on the bed, let out a long sigh, and just lay on the wet bed with his legs up, not bothering to think about anything, just staring at the roof.



Just as Zhong Tao was lying on the bed staring at the roof, almost falling asleep.

A big hole suddenly broke through the thatched roof, and then a figure fell from the sky together with grass clippings. Biqu library

I saw that the figure was uneven, and the black outfit outlined the Miaoman's figure, the exquisite facial features were beautiful, the eyes were swaying, and the corners of the mouth were smiling, it was simply too beautiful.

Zhong Tao was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to dodge, seeing that beauty was about to fall on Own.

Zhong Tao subconsciously used Divine Sense to support the beauty's rapidly falling body, making it slowly fall into own's arms.

Immediately, a refreshing fragrance hit, feeling the softness of the beauty's body, Zhong Tao was even more imaginative.


At this time, Gu Feng from the next room rushed over, thinking that Zhong Tao was being attacked, kicked open the door without thinking, and rushed in murderously.

However, when he saw a woman lying on Zhong Tao's body, and that Zhong Fatty put his hands on her waist, looking very intimate.

Gu Feng suddenly showed a look of astonishment, because he felt very familiar with this scene.

"Get lost..." Zhong Tao, who came back to his senses, immediately yelled at Gu Feng in a low voice.

Gu Feng heard that there was a smile on his face that men could understand, and he said embarrassingly:

" go on, you go on."

After finishing speaking, he walked away, not forgetting to close the door when he left.

After Gu Feng left, Zhong Tao who came back to his senses frowned.

Because the beauty on her body seemed to be Qi Deviated, it was obvious that she had been poisoned by some kind of obscenity, and her body was out of control.

And I still can't see the opponent's Cultivation Base, which means that the opponent has at least a Cultivation Base that integrates late stage or above.

Then the question arises, should I go up? Or not?


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