Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 421 Weird Five Elements Mountain

In the eighth floor of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, after Lu Chen obtained the spiritual pulse and the water of Wangqing, he directly drove the flying boat to the entrance of the ninth floor.

Along the way, he also slaughtered a few sneak attacking own shadowless eagles, and then came to the stone staircase leading to the ninth floor without any hindrance.

"How could it be you? You are only the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, how could you come to this eighth-layer space?"

As soon as Lu Chen landed the flying boat and was about to board the ninth floor, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

Then two figures flew over with the sword at a high speed, and when they saw Lu Chen's appearance clearly, they all showed surprised expressions.

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

Following the prestige, I saw a well-proportioned young cultivator with well-proportioned facial features, a pair of eyes like a Galaxy Cluster, and a handsome but luxurious young cultivator in a lavender robe under the sword eyebrows that are neither thick nor light, looking at me with disdain.

Lu Chen, who also recognized the person at a glance, also gave the other person a look of disdain.

This person was Lu Chen who had just arrived in Tai Bai Cheng, who appeared in the teleportation hall with Su Ruolan's parents, and who was the third generation of the Leng family Leng Ye who made a big splash in the Su family.

Another cultivator traveling with him, Lu Chen, was also deeply impressed.

That person was Xia Housheng, a genius disciple of the Tianyan Sect, who launched the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" to summon many cultivators in the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley.

The reason why he was so impressed was that after he robbed many Gold Core stage cultivators in the medicine garden space,

Xia Housheng actually took the initiative to throw an olive branch to himself, saying that as long as he agreed to join Tianyanzong, he would come forward to settle all his problems for him.

Although he rejected him at the beginning, Lu Chen still has a good impression of Xia Housheng.

Lu Chen ignored Leng Ye who was speaking, but smiled at Xia Housheng's cupped hands:

"Hehehe... so it's Xia senior, I haven't seen you for a long time, but Xia senior is fine."

"Uh... dare not dare, Brother Lu, you have outstanding talent. I didn't expect you to break through to the Gold Core stage so soon. From now on, we can be equals."

Hearing this, Xia Housheng also quickly returned the gift with cupped hands, smiling.

In front of Lu Chen, he didn't dare to procrastinate. He knew Lu Chen's details, and he dared to challenge the cultivator in the Gold Core stage during the fusion stage.

It is not something ordinary people can do to live well under the wanted order of Tianyuan Pavilion's high reward.

"Hmph! Brother Xia, let's hurry up! After all, there are urgent matters. It is said that there are already many cultivators on their way, so we need to hurry up."

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't face him, Leng Ye snorted coldly, then smiled at Xia Housheng again.

Xiahou Shengyou

A treasure can withstand the mysterious resistance on the stone ladder, so when Leng Ye saw it, he immediately took out all his belongings, hoping that Xia Housheng could take him to the ninth floor space.

He also revealed to Xia Housheng that there was news of Shouyuan Fruit in the ninth floor space, so the two hit it off.

After hearing this, Xia Housheng bid farewell to Lu Chen with cupped hands again, and then took out a mirror Magic Treasures from the storage bag.

When the Magic Treasures of the mirror were infused with Xiahou Sheng's true essence, they immediately shone with golden brilliance, and then emitted a beam of light like a flashlight.

Then Leng Ye followed Xia Housheng, and the two of them rushed to the top of the stone ladder without any resistance, which was very mysterious.

"Huh? There is such a treasure? It seems that every cultivator in the world should not be underestimated."

Seeing this, Lu Chen thought in shock.

When they disappeared at the end of the stone ladder, with a thought, Lu Chen stepped on the Xuantian Nine Steps, running the Chaos Body Refining Technique in his body, and at the same time slashed out the Divine Sense sword.

Although they were not as relaxed as Xia Housheng and Leng Ye, they managed to ascend to the ninth floor.

When he felt that the soles of his feet were solid, a stronger and purer Spiritual Qi came oncoming, and Lu Chen couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Seeing that Xia Housheng and the others were not found around, Lu Chen stopped thinking about them.

Instead, he took out the map Jade Slip given by Qiu Elder, confirmed the direction of Five Elements Mountain, and stepped on the Flying Sword "Qinghong" to fly into the sky.

An hour later, when the green mountains and green waters under his feet gradually receded and turned into a scene of the Gobi Desert, with exposed rocks everywhere, Lu Chen showed joy.

This shows that there is nothing wrong with Qiu Elder's own map, because according to the map, Five Elements Mountain actually exists in a Gobi desert.

After lamenting in his heart the extraordinary means of the seven sects of southern border, Lu Chen continued to fly with the sword.

But not long after, Lu Chen frowned, because as he continued to go deeper into the Gobi Desert, he found that the surrounding Spiritual Qi gradually became thinner.

The sun in the sky seemed to be under a spell, and the temperature was frighteningly high. Even though he possessed the Cultivation Base of the King Body Realm, whose defense was comparable to that of the Gold Core Dzogchen, his skin still felt burning pain.

If it is a cultivator with a slightly weaker Cultivation Base, it is estimated that it will be dried directly by such a high temperature.


Just as Lu Chen Yujian was standing in the air and checking the surrounding environment, several Daoist Shadow Yujians were flying, turning into several streamers of light across the distant sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Lu Chen hurriedly chased after it, because the direction of those cultivators flying happened to be the direction of Five Elements Mountain.

In the case of the flying technique of Chaos Yujian running to the extreme

Biqu library

, Lu Chen was like a fighter jet, dragging a long cyan streamer, and soon saw a dozen black shadows.

This means that there are at least a dozen cultivators with the same purpose as own.

After a while, five connected rocky mountains gradually appeared in the distant sky. The whole body of the mountains was composed of dark brown rocks, and the entire mountain was barren of grass.

Only on the rocky mountain in the middle, there is a little green glow faintly flashing.

"It's Five Elements Mountain!"

Lu Chen, who was flying at a very high speed, also saw the five high mountains, and said happily with his eyes brightened.

Immediately, he flew with Yujian desperately. He didn't want to wait for him to arrive, let alone Shouyuan Fruit.

It is estimated that the dozen or so guys will not even leave a leaf for themselves.

After about another cup of tea, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly narrowed into a line,

His eyes fixed on the Five Elements mountain in the distance, and then he frowned slightly.

Because he found that he had flown at least tens of kilometers from just now to now.

But the five high mountains in the distant sky still stand in the distant sky, and I don't feel the feeling of being close to them at all, which is very strange.

"What's going on? Could it be that the Five Elements Mountain is also retreating at an extremely fast speed, or why does it feel like Wangshan is running to death?"

Lu Chen thought suspiciously while flying with his sword.

Then he looked down and confirmed that the Gobi Desert under his feet was moving rapidly behind him. In just this moment, he flew a few thousand meters away.

But when I looked up at the Five Elements Mountain, the Five Elements Mountain was still standing in the sky, and there was no sign of approaching it at all.

At this time, Lu Chen simply slowed down the flying speed, because he felt that the five mountains in the distance were very strange.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problem with Qiu Elder's own map, and he did see Five Elements Mountain, but why did such a weird thing happen?

At this time, Lu Chen also noticed that several figures in the distant sky also stopped flying. Obviously, among the dozen or so cultivators, some cultivators also discovered the same problem.

"Where did the problem arise?"

Lu Chen looked around, but what he saw was the boundless Gobi Desert, and the air in the distance seemed to be flowing due to the high temperature.

"High temperature? Air? Could it be...hahaha...I am a genius...hahaha..."

At this time, Lu Chen seemed to think of something, and laughed with bright eyes,

Immediately, he turned the direction, and the flying technique of the Chaos Sword, once again operated to the extreme, his body turned into an afterimage, and soon disappeared into the sky...

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