Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 422 Digging The Shouyuan Fruit Tree

The reason why Lu Chen turned around and flew in the opposite direction of Five Elements Mountain was because he suddenly thought of a possibility, that is a mirage.

I remember that when he was using Douyin in his previous life, he saw a video explaining the principle of mirage formation.

When the sun heats up the temperature of the ground, a temperature gradient is formed,

Due to the difference in air density, the refraction of light at the boundary of the temperature gradient.

Simply put, a mirage is an optical phenomenon, a true reflection of another dimension.

That is to say, the Five Elements mountain in front of you is not the real Five Elements mountain, but a scene formed by a mirage. The real Five Elements mountain should be somewhere in the opposite direction.

After figuring out the key points, Lu Chen immediately became excited and couldn't wait.

He must find the Five Elements Mountain before anyone else discovers the secret.

But if you want to come to this Cultivation World, no one should understand the principle of mirage.

Lu Chen was annoyed before that the dozen or so cultivators in front of him should have reached Five Elements Mountain before him.

Then it is possible that when he arrives, he may not even be able to catch a leaf.

But who once thought that the Five Elements Mountain was an illusion, now Feng Shui takes turns,

If I wait for myself to find the Five Elements Mountain and see the Shouyuan fruit tree, I will not leave a leaf for them.

"Wow ha ha..." Just thinking about it makes people happy.

Just like that, Lu Chen flew desperately with the sword in the opposite direction, about two hours later.

In the distant sky, five connected rocky mountains gradually appeared. The whole body of the mountains was composed of dark brown rocks, and the entire mountain was barren of grass.

Only on the rocky mountain in the middle, there is a little green glow faintly flashing.

As Lu Chen approached quickly, the five stone mountains also quickly shortened the distance.

"Hahaha... can't be wrong this time, this is the real Five Elements mountain."

Lu Chen was very excited when he saw this, and flew directly towards the rocky mountain in the middle.

Because the green glow on the top of the mountain should be the place where the Shouyuan fruit tree grows.

When Lu Chen landed on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help being shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw that the mountain was originally composed of brown rocks, but there was an open space the size of a football field on the mountain.

The open space is covered with lush green lawns, and the rich Spiritual Qi surrounds the entire mountaintop like a white mist, but it does not overflow to the top of the mountain, which is very mysterious.

In the middle of the top of the mountain is a big tree about ten meters high. The trunk is as thick as an electric pole, the whole body is white jade, and the palm-sized emerald green leaves are crystal clear.

The whole big tree is flashing with a faint green glow,

At first glance, it is not ordinary. There are beige fruits as big as Sydney hanging on the branches at a certain distance, and the shape is similar to Sydney.

There is a faint white halo flashing on the surface of the fruit, and it exudes a faint fragrance.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help taking a deep breath, and suddenly felt full of life, as if he had returned to the feeling of 15 or 16 years old all of a sudden, which was amazing.

" this the Shouyuan Fruit? No wonder you can refine the Longevity Pill, which increases the lifespan of the cultivator by two Jiazi,

Just smelling the breath makes people feel full of vitality. What kind of experience would it be if they ate one? "

After Lu Chen saw the Shouyuan fruit on the Shouyuan fruit tree, he laughed excitedly.

Immediately, I used Divine Sense to cover the Shouyuan fruit tree, and found that there were 108 Shouyuan fruits on the whole tree, and I was even happier.

Next, Lu Chen directly took out the purple knife embryo, and after a few flashes of purple light, Lu Chen cut several long cuts in the Shouyuan Fruit with a radius of more than 20 meters.

Then Divine Sense enveloped the Shouyuan fruit tree, and prepared to send it, together with a piece of land under the tree, into the Golden Pearl World.


At this moment, an anxious scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen followed the prestige, and saw a cultivator flying fast with a sword,

He was taken aback immediately, he didn't expect the cultivator to arrive so soon.

At a critical moment, with a thought, Divine Sense sent the Shouyuan fruit tree and a piece of land under the tree directly into the Golden Pearl World, leaving a big hole in place.

And plant the Shouyuan fruit tree in the restricted area that you have delineated. There are many powerful formations outside the restricted area, so you don’t have to worry about a few Demonic Beasts stealing the Shouyuan fruit.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Lu Chen had just finished doing this, and within three breaths, a figure flew with a sword and landed on the top of the mountain, which shows its speed.

Looking at the big pit in front of him and the fruit tree that disappeared just now, the young cultivator immediately looked at Lu Chen angrily, and asked eagerly:

"Did you take away the Shouyuan fruit tree just now?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen didn't answer the young cultivator's words, the knife embryo in his hand flashed a faint purple halo under the infusion of his true energy, and looked at the coming man vigilantly.

I saw that the man was tall and handsome, with sword-shaped eyebrows, eyes like torches, wearing Jinglun on his head, and looked twenty-four or five-year-old.

He was dressed in a plain white robe, but it couldn't conceal his unique aura of dragon and phoenix.

This person is none other than Nine Stars Sect of Central Plains, the direct disciple of Jiang Zhengchun, head of the Spirit Beast Palace, a peerless genius with ninth-level fire attributes full of Spiritual Roots, and so is Li Changlong.

"I don't know

What are you talking about, if the fellow daoist has nothing to do, please forgive me and leave first. "

Lu Chen saw that the other party was imposing, his whole body was like a rainbow, he was obviously a master,

He didn't intend to get entangled with him in his heart, since he had already rushed over, maybe more cultivators would arrive soon, and Lu Chen still understood the reason why he was outnumbered.

Then he took out the Flying Sword and prepared to leave with the sword.

But with a sound of "Keng...",

A red Sword Ray with a fiery aura suddenly attacked Lu Chen, so fast that it arrived almost in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was immediately annoyed, feeling the fierceness of the opponent's attack, Lu Chen did not dare to be careless,

In the midst of this flash, the purple knife embryo in his hand was instantly raised upwards, and a gorgeous purple knife shadow instantly collided with the red Sword Ray, sending out

There was a loud sound of "clang...".

Then Lu Chen stepped on Xuantian Nine Steps, his body turned into a few afterimages like A Ke's zoom-in move, and quickly backed away,

Then directly stepped on the Flying Sword "Qinghong" to prepare to escape with the sword, although it was only the first confrontation,

But Lu Chen felt the opponent's strength from the fluctuation of the opponent's true energy,

At the same time, I also feel that the other party has a ninth-level fire attribute full of Spiritual Roots, such a cultivation qualification, if I want to kill him, I will definitely have to spend a lot of effort.

However, what I lack most now is time, if I delay it any longer, and wait for other cultivators to arrive, won't I become the target of public criticism?

However, what Lu Chen didn't expect was that the opponent was the first to block Own.

"What exactly do you want?"

Seeing that he was blocked by the other party, Lu Chen immediately said with a displeased face.

"I don't make it difficult for you either. I want 50% of the longevity fruit, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Li Changlong said lightly, with an undoubted taste in his tone.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but I hope you will keep your promise and let me leave safely, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Lu Chen was terrified when he heard the words, and raised his true energy and said loudly, as if he was threatened, and he had no choice but to do it.

Then Divine Sense controls the storage bag, a big tree about ten meters high, the trunk is as thick as a pole, the whole body is white jade, and the palm-sized emerald green leaves are crystal clear.

The whole big tree was shining with a faint green glow, it was the Shouyuan fruit tree flying towards Li Changlong.

"Shouyuan fruit tree!"

When Li Changlong saw the Shouyuan fruit tree, he couldn't help shouting.

Even at this moment, it doesn't matter if the boy's figure is far away from him.

But then, Li Changlong's expression suddenly changed...

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