Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 426 Sky Fire Talisman

"Roar..." A low roar of Demonic Beasts sounded.

The Chiyan iron-backed Scorpion King, whose body size is comparable to that of a large airliner, almost flew out at the moment when Lu Chen and others flew out with the sword.

The two huge eyes flashed faintly, and the eight thick and thin steps like bridge piers bent slightly downward at the same time, and then exerted force at the same time.

Immediately there was a "boom", like a rocket launching, kicking up a cloud of dust, and its huge body flew up with claws and claws.

And the speed is very fast, almost flying to the top of Lu Chen and others in the blink of an eye,

Lu Chen and the others who were flying with the sword felt suddenly enveloped by a huge shadow. When they looked up, they saw that it was the giant scorpion.

At this time, there was a sound of "嗖...", a long thorn, like a spear, stabbed downward with a sharp cold light, and suddenly there was a sound of piercing through the air.

Among the remaining two female cultivators, one of them was unlucky. She happened to be relatively close to the Scorpion King.

It's not that the flying speed of the female cultivator is not fast enough, but that the speed of the Scorpion King is faster.

Flying with the sword, she was pierced through the body by the scorpion king's pincers.

"Ah... help me... save me... woohoo..." the female cultivator, whose body was pierced, begged hoarsely with a frightened expression on her face.

She wanted to get rid of the thorns passing through her chest, but the pain made her unable to move.

Then the tentacle-like pincers sent the female cultivator's body into the bloody mouth like eating meatballs.

This scene was clearly seen by Lu Chen and others' Divine Sense, and several people felt their scalps go numb, but now that it is important to escape, who will care about the lives of others.


Seeing Lu Chen and the others scattered and running away, the Scorpion King suddenly let out a strange cry.

With the sound of strange screams, countless figures of Demonic Beasts suddenly appeared in the sky, surrounding the few people who were running away.

I saw that the Demonic Beasts were two meters long at each head, and were silver-white in color. They looked like owls, but they were slightly different. They just stood in the air like a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, ready to go.


Lu Chen, who was flying away from Yujian, suddenly saw so many shadowless eagles appearing in front of him, and slammed on the brakes in the air, scaring him so much that he almost hid in the world of golden beads.

"Lu Chen! What should I do?"

Xia Housheng looked around and saw that Li Changlong and several other cultivators were also surrounded

, asked anxiously.

"Let's take a look first. If it doesn't work, we can only find a way to delay the time. When the time is up, everyone will be sent out."

Lu Chen heard the words and said lightly,

If it wasn't because he was worried about hiding in the world of the golden beads, if the time was up and he couldn't be teleported out, Lu Chen would have thought of hiding in the world of the golden beads long ago.

Xia Housheng smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "However, there are still two days before the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain will end. I'm afraid we won't be able to last until then."


At this moment, the Scorpion King let out a low growl, as if calling for a charge.

Immediately, all the shadowless eagles that had revealed their true bodies disappeared again, and then countless "咻咻咻咻..." burst through the air suddenly.

Countless vigor, like ten thousand arrows, shot towards Lu Chen and the others.

Several people in the air hurriedly used their own housekeeping skills, while blocking the energy of Wuying Eagle's attack, while moving closer to each other, so as to have a support.

And the remaining female cultivator was even more frightened by this scene, her face paled with fright, and she hurriedly approached Li Changlong desperately.

But who once thought that at this time, the Chiyan Iron-backed Scorpion King just happened to wave his big pincers and flew towards Li Changlong quickly.

At the same time, the sharp thorns were like flexible tentacles again, stabbing at Li Changlong violently.

Seeing this, the female cultivator had no choice but to change the direction of her flight, and flew towards the other two middle-aged cultivators.

At the moment of crisis, Li Changlong's eyes froze, and then his mind moved, his body turned into a few afterimages, and after quickly avoiding the attack of the stinger,

A palm-sized golden talisman appeared in his hand, and he quickly sealed it with one hand,

Once the dharma seal was completed, the talisman in his hand instantly radiated golden light, and then turned into a stream of light and shot towards the Scorpion King at high speed.


When the golden brilliance flew to the side of the Scorpion King, it exploded instantly with a "boom", and then a sea of ​​red flames appeared out of thin air.


The huge Scorpion King was instantly enveloped in red flames. Accompanied by the crackling sound, it was so painful that it kept rolling and circling in the air, but the flame did not go out, which showed the power of the flame.

At the same time, the entire sky was suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and the terrifying scorching aura quickly spread to the surroundings.

"That's the Sky Fire Talisman! Now we're saved."

After Xia Housheng felt the terrifying aura emanating from the flame, he exclaimed happily


Seeing that the Scorpion King was burned by the flames, the others began to fall rapidly to the ground, and then kept rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

But the sky fire sealed by the sky fire talisman, even if it is not as powerful as the real sky fire, is enough for it to drink a pot.

Seeing this, Lu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't expect this big guy to be afraid of sky fire, if he knew that he would directly burn it with the Wulian Heart Fire, it would be over.

Li Changlong also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he succeeded in one blow.

Immediately, Yujian flew directly to the distance, and at the same time kept waving the long sword in his hand.

Every time it is swung, a crescent-like red Sword Ray will be born out of thin air, flying into the air like a 3D special effect, and then Yu Jianfei will follow.

This is equivalent to using an attack to open the way. Even if there is a shadowless eagle in front, it is estimated that it will retreat in fear of the attack. After all, the shadowless eagle is only good at sneak attacks, not good at frontal combat.

After repeated attacks like this, Li Changlong forced a bloody path.

After seeing Li Changlong's actions, the other cultivators' eyes lit up.

Instantly understood the intention, followed by Calabash's drawing, attacking randomly to open the way.

Lu Chen also chose a different direction from the others, Yu Jian flew away, but the way he opened the way was the Divine Sense sword.

In this way, he obtained a lot of shadowless vulture bodies.

Soon a few people rushed out of the encirclement safely, but fortunately, Wuyingdiao seemed to be leaderless after the fall of the Scorpion King, and did not continue to pursue Lu Chen and others.

On the flying boat, Lu Chen drove Xia Housheng to the entrance of the ninth floor. He wanted to take advantage of two days to go to the eighth floor to search for some other resources.

During this period, Xia Housheng offered to buy a longevity fruit from Lu Chen.

He also said that when Li Changlong described the appearance of the young man who dug up the Shouyuan fruit tree, he already guessed that it was Lu Chen who did it.

Combined with the fact that Lu Chen later appeared on the Five Elements Mountain, the conjecture in my heart was even more confirmed.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he didn't hide it either. The two fought side by side, experienced life and death, and their relationship has naturally improved a lot.

In addition, Lu Chen felt that Xia Housheng was not bad, so he directly gave him a longevity fruit, which made Xia Housheng even more grateful to Lu Chen.

Afterwards, the two flew towards the entrance together, preparing to return to the eighth floor space...

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