Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 427 Marriage Is Destined

In Banyue City, Yidu Prefecture, at dawn.

Zhong Tao had actually woken up a long time ago, but this guy has been reminiscing about the wonderful scenes of last night, with a faint smile on his lips.

He never dreamed that such a stunning beauty would fall from the roof,

What made her even more unexpected was that she could still achieve good things with such a peerless beauty. If it was changed, he would not have even dared to think about it before.

Even though he sensed that stunning beauty had got up and put on his clothes, Zhong Tao was still pretending to be asleep, but Divine Sense was quietly sizing up that beauty.

It was also the first time for him, he was very uneasy, like a child who made a mistake, he didn't know how to face that woman,

After all, that barrier made Zhong Tao cherish the person in front of him even more.

I secretly thought about what I should say and how to explain it, so as to leave a good impression on the beautiful woman.

However, when Zhong Tao fantasized happily, Divine Sense saw that beautiful woman drew her sword and was about to commit suicide.

Zhong Fatty's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he jumped up from the bed, just when the long sword was less than a finger away from the beautiful woman's neck.

A big fat hand grabbed the long sword tightly, preventing it from getting an inch in, and a smear of blood immediately flowed down the long sword.

Shangguan Aoxue, who closed her eyes and only wanted to die, wanted to die, but she never thought of killing her with the long sword in her hand.

After opening his eyes, he saw a face full of bitterness and worry, and the blood flowing on the long sword, which touched Shangguan Aoxue's heart for a moment.

"Why? Why don't you let me die?" Shangguan Aoxue choked with tears.

When Zhong Tao heard this, a Dao heart pain flashed in his eyes, and he said softly:

"I don't know, I only know that if you die like this, my heart will be very painful, I will be very sad, I don't want to lose you, I want to protect you forever, after all... After all, you are already my woman ,"

"You are already my woman! You are already my woman!"

Shangguan Aoxue looked at Fatty in front of her with complicated eyes, and the words "You are already my woman" kept echoing in her mind.

"Do not……"

Shangguan Aoxue burst into tears, frantically wanting to withdraw the long sword from Zhong Tao's hand.


The long sword twitched again, and Zhong Tao gasped in pain, but he used it fiercely

With force, he grabbed the long sword tightly, and the blood on the palm of his hand immediately flowed even more with this force.

Shangguan Aoxue saw that she couldn't take the sword back, so she pushed it directly,

He took out a short knife from the storage bag again, and stabbed at his own Dantian fiercely.

Zhong Tao was startled when he saw this, and subconsciously shot like lightning, directly snatching the dagger from the woman's hand.

Then he looked at the woman in front of him solemnly, and directly stabbed the short knife into Own's chest without saying a word.

The short knife broke into the body in an instant, blood spurted out,


Seeing this, Shangguan Aoxue screamed in surprise, like an unknown girl, she covered her mouth, but the tears still flowed out uncontrollably.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. If this mistake must be borne by someone else, I don't want it to be you, but me..."

Zhong Tao covered his injured chest with his right hand, looked at the crying beauty with complicated eyes, and blamed himself.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Zhong Tao continued:

"I also beg you, please don't seek death, if death can free you, I am willing to die for you."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Tao pulled out the dagger again, and stabbed it resolutely.

"Uh..." Zhong Fatty let out a deep pained sound, his face turned pale instantly due to excessive blood loss, and his appearance was very miserable.

"No...don't do this, you are innocent," Shangguan Aoxue said a little at a loss when he saw this.

Zhong Tao saw that the eyes of the beautiful woman in front of him were a little confused, no longer as determined as before, and knew that his two blows were not in vain.

At the same time, it can be seen that this woman should be a girl who has not been deeply involved in the customs, and belongs to the kind of girl with a kind heart. Otherwise, based on the other party's Cultivation Base,

Huh? I can actually see through her Cultivation Base? Zhong Tao thought in shock.

It was only then that I noticed that the woman in front of me was a cultivator of Dzogchen in the fusion stage, and I also went from the Cultivation Base of the fusion middle stage, breakthrough to Dzogchen in the fusion stage.

I couldn't help but lament the power of the free and unrestrained skill, but it's not suitable to be happy right now, I have to take this girl down first.

After these thoughts flashed through Zhong Tao's mind quickly, his face still showed pain, as if he was dying of injury.

Then weakly said:

"It's not what you think, before you became my woman, maybe I was innocent,

but we

Now that we have the reality of husband and wife, then everything about you is mine and everything about me is also yours, so how can you say you are innocent?

Although there may be some misunderstandings between us, since God has arranged this way,

That means that this marriage is destined, you can rest assured that I will take responsibility for you with my own life. "

"Husband and wife? God?" Shangguan Aoxue murmured.

These two words seemed to touch the depths of her heart, and she couldn't help falling into deep thought.

Once upon a time, she only wanted to be an ordinary wife, to have a lovely baby with the person she loves, and to live an ordinary life where you fish and I woodcutter.

But the person whom I once planned to entrust for life, but because of fame and fortune, deceived me cruelly, abandoned me, and even wanted to play with me.

In the end, she became someone else's wife. Is this God's deliberate arrangement?

Some people are willing to do things for me that he is unwilling to do. Is this also God's compensation for me?

Then why should I choose someone who doesn't love own...

Shangguan Aoxue seemed to have figured everything out and let go of everything, looking at Fatty in front of her, she didn't seem to be so displeased.

He also took the initiative to take out a healing Medicine Pill from the storage bag and gave it to Zhong Tao, and helped him treat the wound.

Simple women are like this, once they figure it out, they will no longer be entangled, but will accept the reality calmly.

"You... what's your name?"

Shangguan Aoxue said softly after helping Zhong Tao treat the wound.

" name is Zhong about you?" Zhong Tao asked cautiously.

Then the two briefly introduced themselves to each other, and they got to know each other.

Shangguan Aoxue, who had no grudges in her heart, seemed to accept her fate, and began to ask about Zhong Tao's situation.

Zhong Tao was also very calm, and basically explained everything about own.

There is a saying that goes well, if you want to enter a woman's heart, you must first enter her body.

In this way, Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue came together. Zhong Tao proposed to give Shangguan Aoxue a complete family in three days, and asked Shangguan Aoxue to marry him.

Under Zhong Tao's sincere eyes, Shangguan Aoxue finally agreed.

However, what Zhong Fatty didn't know was that he thought he had picked up a big deal, but in fact his nightmare had just begun...

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