Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 428 The Strange Stone Stairway

After Lu Chen and Xia Housheng escaped from the dead, because there are still two days before the end of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, Biquku

So Lu Chen decided to go to the eighth floor to continue searching for resources.

When the two came to the stone stairs on the ninth floor, they walked down the stone stairs easily, and the mysterious resistance seemed to disappear, which was very miraculous.

Only then did Lu Chen understand that as long as the cultivator goes up, it doesn't need to pass the test when it comes down again.

Just when Lu Chen looked back at the stone ladder and smiled.

Xia Housheng beside him said with a surprised smile:

"Hahaha... Lu Chen! Why are you here? It's such a coincidence that I didn't expect to meet you here,

Ever since I left the secret realm of Yinfenggu, I heard that you were hunted down by the Tianyuan Pavilion with a reward. I have been worried about your safety. Seeing that you are fine now, I am at ease.

How about it? Do you want to consider joining our Tianyan Sect now? Huh? You broke through to the Gold Core stage so quickly? "

Lu Chen looked at Xia Housheng in shock when he heard this, not knowing which song he sang.

The two of them had just come down from the ninth floor together, so why did he seem to not remember it? With such an expression, it seemed like he had just seen himself after a long time.

"Hehehe... Brother Xia! Are you kidding me? Didn't we just come down from the ninth floor? Why are you pretending to have amnesia for me? This joke is not funny!"

Lu Chen looked at Xia Housheng and smiled.

"Hehehe... Lu Chen! I think you are joking with me! I just came from there and am about to go to the ninth floor.

I just came to say hello to you when I saw you. Why do you still say that I just came down from the ninth floor with you?

I haven't been there yet, so how could I meet you on the ninth floor? "

Xia Housheng smiled in the same doubt, with a little displeasure on his face.

As he spoke, he took out a mirror Magic Treasures from the storage bag, and showed Lu Chen that he was going to use that mirror Magic Treasures to resist the mysterious resistance on the stone ladder.

But I haven't taken out my Magic Treasures yet, so how could I have been to the ninth floor?

Lu Chen frowned when he heard the words, and looking at Xia Housheng's demeanor, he didn't seem to be lying.

Because everyone has already talked about this, and there is no point in joking.

Then it is very likely that there was a problem with the stone ladder, which caused Xia Housheng to really lose the memory of the ninth floor.

But the question is, why

Don't you have such a phenomenon yourself? Lu Chen thought suspiciously.

Seeing the displeasure on Xia Housheng's face, Lu Chen knew that he thought he was making fun of him.

In order to prove what he said was true, Lu Chen told Xia Housheng about the passage of the two of them on the ninth floor, and mentioned that he also gave Xia Housheng a longevity fruit.

Seeing that Lu Chen had a serious expression, and he didn't seem to be joking about himself, Xia Housheng became very puzzled, and then Divine Sense checked his own storage bag.

After checking, it was true that a longevity fruit was found in the own storage bag.

But in own memory, there is no related memory about this longevity fruit, so where did this longevity fruit come from?

Could it be that as Lu Chen said just now, I met him on the ninth floor, but why can't I remember it at all?

"Lu Chen! What the hell is going on here?"

Xia Housheng looked at the Shouyuan Fruit in his hand in shock, and said in doubt.

"I don't know, but one thing is certain, you really lost your memory, but I guess it has something to do with this stone staircase, let's go! Let's go to the seventh floor to have a look."

Lu Chen pinched Own's chin with his left hand, and said after a moment of thought.

After hearing this, Xia Housheng also realized that the problem probably still lies with own.

So he put the longevity fruit into the storage bag, and followed Lu Chen to the stone staircase leading to the seventh floor.

Lu Chen has been using Divine Sense to envelop Xia Housheng, hoping to find out some clues.

However, there was nothing unusual on the stone ladder until the two came to the seventh floor space again.

Xia Housheng seemed to have lost his memory again, and greeted Lu Chen again in surprise, and then Lu Chen had to spend a lot of time to explain the matter clearly.

No way, in order to find out the truth of the matter, Lu Chen brought Xia Housheng to the sixth floor again.

The result was still the same, Xia Housheng still forgot what happened at the entrance to the seventh floor and when the two met.

No way, Lu Chen had no choice but to continue to bring Xia Housheng to the fifth floor.

The two had just stepped out of the last step of the stone ladder, but Xia Housheng greeted Lu Chen in shock, as if he had just met him.

But Lu Chen looked at Xia Housheng with contempt and said:

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really bad at acting,"

It turns out that Lu Chen has been carefully observing Xia Housheng's changes, and he can tell at a glance that Xia Housheng is pretending this time, which means he remembers

Things in the sixth layer of space.

In other words, Xia Housheng's loss of memory should be related to the stone ladder leading to the seventh floor. Biqu library

"Hahaha... Just kidding, don't be angry, but I should have guessed the reason why I lost my memory."

Seeing that he was seen through, Xia Housheng smiled embarrassingly.

"Oh? What did you find?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

Then Xia Housheng expressed his own conjecture,

Because according to historical records, the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is a realm of its own, with a total of nine floors, which is equivalent to nine spaces.

According to current records, only a small number of people have entered the ninth floor during the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core period.

Among them, the most representative ones are Yan Feiyu, the number one master in the world, Kuangdao Xiaotian, the second master in the world, Qingxu Zhenren, etc., but the number is definitely not many.

Most of the other cultivators have only reached the seventh floor at most, and some have not even been to the second floor.

As for whether other cultivators have entered the ninth floor, or if they have entered and denied it after they came out, it is unknown.

But it is said that many large Sects have thought of many ways to solve the mysterious resistance on each stone ladder during the millennium.

Just like the mirror Magic Treasures in Xia Housheng's hand, it is specially used to resist that mysterious resistance.

But after the test just now, Xia Housheng discovered that he lost his memory after coming down from the seventh floor.

And Xia Housheng also used that mirror Magic Treasures when he climbed the seventh stone ladder, but it didn't work before.

From this, it can be concluded that if the cultivator climbs the stone ladder by its own strength, it will be fine when it comes down.

If he climbed the stone ladder by cheating, it is estimated that no matter whether he came down or was sent out, he would lose the corresponding memory.

This is also the reason why many cultivators have clearly entered a higher space, but no one remembers it.

After hearing this, Lu Chen also sighed, thinking:

"It seems that the ancients really put a lot of effort into setting up the secret realm space."

Just when Lu Chen was filled with emotion, a faint cry for help suddenly sounded,

With Lu Chen and Xia Housheng's Cultivation Base, they naturally heard the cry for help, but the two of them looked at each other and did not move, obviously not minding their own business.

"Help! Lu Chen big brother, help! Huh..."


After Lu Chen heard the words, his brows frowned slightly, and his body disappeared into place......

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