Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 429 Draw Blood To Refine Medicine

It is said that since the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain was opened, Song Wanting, her cousin Mei Ye Qing and Hua Weiyang were teleported to the first layer of space together.

Mei Yeqing and Hua Weiyang left under the pretext of healing, but in fact they were doing the messy thing, and the key was to let Song Wanting give them a guard.

After the incident was broken by Song Wanting, she immediately left angrily.

After leaving, Song Wanting started her own adventure journey, and gained a lot of resources along the way, and killed a lot of Demonic Beasts at the same time.

Just broke through to the Realm of the Gold Core early stage, and also got a good experience, so the little girl is very happy.

Relying on his own strength and comprehension ability, he resisted the mysterious resistance of the stone ladder from the first floor space and reached the fifth floor space.

However, when Song Wanting finally killed an adult fifth-order Demonic Beasts Iron Sword Tiger and was about to put it into the storage bag.

There was a sudden gust of wind, the trees swayed, and then an old man with a stooped figure, wrinkled face, and graying hair and beard quickly appeared.

When he saw the Iron Sword Tiger lying on the ground, he put it in his pocket without saying a word.

Seeing this, Song Wanting was very angry, but when she realized that she couldn't see through the Cultivation Base of the visitor, Song Wanting left immediately.

But the old man sniffed his nose, as if he smelled something, he directly chased after Song Wanting in the direction where Song Wanting was fleeing, and soon blocked Song Wanting's way.

"senior! I have already given up Tie Jianhu to senior, and please let me go. I am from the Song family in Zhutian City. My grandfather is Song Weizong. I hope senior can give my grandfather some favors. Junior is grateful." do."

Song Wanting said neither humble nor overbearing but very respectful.

Her Song family can be regarded as a first-class family in Zhutian City, and her grandfather Song Weizong even studied under the "God of Artifacts" Xuanyuan Zhen, and is also a famous artisan.

But after the old man heard the words, he looked straight at the wound on Song Wanting's arm, sniffed again, his eyes lit up and said excitedly:

"Little girl! Tell this old man quickly! Have you ever taken Wannian Stone Marrow Dew? Otherwise, how could there be the breath of Ten Thousand Year Stone Marrow Dew in your blood?"

Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Dew is a ninth-level god-level fetish. After ten thousand years, it is formed by the condensation of the essence of heaven and earth, and it contains the law of the great way.

like this

There are not many gods in the Cultivation World with the law of the great way, and this alone is enough to drive countless cultivators crazy.

Therefore, when the old man felt the breath of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew from Song Wanting's blood, he immediately stopped her.

But Song Wanting explained with a puzzled face after hearing the words:

"Senior! Have you misunderstood, I have never taken Wannian Stone Marrow Lotion, let alone my Song family, I am afraid that the entire Central Plains family has never had such a fetish.

Besides, who would be willing to give me the Wannian Stone Marrow Lotion? "

"Hahaha... No mistake, no mistake, the old man's nose is very sensitive, it doesn't matter if you don't know,

After the old man drains your blood, he will naturally have a way to extract some Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow Dew. "

After the old man heard the words, regardless of whether Song Wanting said it was true or not, the key facts were right in front of him, and he said with a ghostly smile on his face.

When Song Wanting heard that the old guy was going to drain his own blood, she immediately turned pale with fright, turned around and desperately used Movement Technique to escape.

But the gap between the cultivation bases of the two lies here after all, Song Wanting was soon knocked down to the ground, and at the same time, the true essence in her body was also sealed by the other party.

Song Wanting, who collapsed on the ground, saw that she couldn't move, and the old guy actually took out a jade bottle the size of a water tank,

And bluntly told Song Wanting that it was used to contain her blood.

"Help! Help! Please don't draw my blood, I really haven't taken Wannian Stone Marrow Lotion, woohoo..."

Seeing this, Song Wanting desperately shouted for help, but when she saw the old man walking towards her, she begged for mercy again. Tears flowed out.

"Hehehe...don't worry girl, I've sealed your sensory nerves, you won't feel any pain."

The old man looked at Song Wanting and smiled, then took out a dagger from the storage bag, then squatted down, and grabbed Song Wanting's wrist.

"Ah... no... don't... I don't want to be drained of blood, help me! Lu Chen big brother, help me... Woooo..."

The cold light on the dagger immediately made Song Wanting scream in horror, except that saving lives was her inner voice, she didn't even know what she was screaming for.

Just as the old man cut the dagger at Song Wanting's wrist,

Song Wanting, who couldn't move, felt ashamed in her heart, like

A little girl was forcibly transfused, her whole body became stiff, and she dared not open her eyes to look directly.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Seeing that sharp dagger was about to cut through that delicate skin.

Suddenly, a green brilliance, with a terrifying aura, struck like lightning, piercing the old man's wrist almost in the blink of an eye, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground in an instant.


The old man immediately screamed, and then quickly ran away.

Because he had already felt the terrifying aura of that green brilliance,

However, when he just reacted, a dagger-sized sub-blade had already pierced his wrist, which shows how high the Cultivation Base of the visitor is.

So the old man didn't even think about it, he just ignored the pain and chose to run away.

However, a figure stood in front of the old man lately.

Then there was a "hum..." sound.

I saw a golden palm print the size of a door panel made of condensed true essence, with a destructive momentum, slapped the old man like lightning.

There was a sound of "touch".


The old man seemed to be hit by a speeding truck, and his body flew backwards instantly, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Then it fell to the ground and stopped after a burst of dust.

"senior...senior spare me...poof..."

The old man felt like his own bones were about to fall apart, he staggered up, and spewed out a mouthful of blood again, speaking with difficulty, looking very embarrassed.

Although the person who came was young and frightening, he couldn't even handle the opponent's move, so the old guy could only give in, hoping to get a chance,

As long as the person who comes is a righteous person passing by, after saving the little girl, he will let himself go.

Song Wanting, who originally thought she was bound to die, knew that someone with good intentions was coming to rescue her after hearing the movement, so she subconsciously opened her eyes.

Just in time to see the old guy before, has been knocked down to the ground.

Then, a young cultivator with a delicate figure, well-defined facial features, handsome appearance, and a cynical smile on his mouth was looking at him with a smirk.

After Song Wanting saw the person coming, she closed her eyes subconsciously, then opened them suddenly, and said in disbelief:

"You are Lu Chen? Aren't you already dead? Don't scare me!"

Lu Chen's face darkened instantly when he heard this...

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