Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 430 Lu Chen Who Regrets And Blames Himself

A cry of "Lu Chen big brother help," made Lu Chen, who didn't want to be nosy, fly directly to the rescue.

After seeing that it was Song Wanting, Lu Chen was also shocked. He didn't expect her Cultivation Base to improve so quickly.

This girl Song Wanting was met by Lu Chen outside the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley, and walked together for a while in the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley.

how to say? This girl gave Lu Chen the feeling that she was as silly as the little Little Sister next door. She was innocent and cute, and it made people unable to get angry at all.

But who once thought, just after Lu Chen rescued her, this girl actually asked if she was dead, and you said that she was angry.

However, Lu Chen didn't bother to argue with her, and directly shot out a beam of real energy to remove the seal in Song Wanting's body.

But he said with a smile on his mouth: "As expected, you still display your kindness and revenge to the extreme, and you are very outstanding in showing off the grind and killing the donkey."

After feeling that the seal in her body had been lifted, Song Wanting immediately smiled happily and said:

"Lu Chen! It's really you! That's really great, before you boarded the teleportation stone platform together...

But after my cousin came out, she said that you had fallen into the medicine garden space. At that time, people were sad for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to save me again.

But luckily you came in time, otherwise this old guy would have drained his own blood to refine Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, do you think I should thank you? "


When Lu Chen heard the words, he didn't expect such a thing to happen, and guessed in his heart that it must be her cousin Mei Ye Qing, who hated himself for blackmailing her and wanted revenge.

But Song Wanting blinked at her with a strange expression, and she knew that she probably guessed that she had something to do with Wannian Stone Marrow Dew.

Fortunately, this girl is also smart. Seeing Xia Housheng was present, she didn't reveal the matter.

After Xia Housheng heard that the old man was so cruel, he immediately sent Divine Sense to Lu Chen, asking him what to do with the old man, and clamored to kill him directly.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he nodded slightly to Xia Housheng, and then led Song Wanting to leave first.

"Lu Dage! Thank you so much, you gave me all the precious things."

After leaving a certain distance, the two walked together on a grassy plain, waiting for Xia Housheng while walking.

Song Wanting put away her mischievous expression at the right time, looked at Lu Chen seriously and said gratefully.

she never knew

, Why did I improve my Cultivation Base so quickly, when my parents asked her why, they also hesitated and couldn't tell why.

Until one time, her parents asked her if she had any adventures in the secret realm, Song Wanting had a flash of inspiration and thought that she had been bitten by the Yin & Yang Hundred Flower Snake and was rescued by Lu Chen.

From this, she guessed that what Lu Chen gave herself should be some kind of incredible Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, but Song Wanting never told anyone about these things.

After meeting this old man today, Song Wanting finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that in order to save himself, Lu Chen actually gave himself a god like Wannian Stone Marrow Dew.

It is also because of this that when I was most afraid, I subconsciously shouted the words of Lu Chen big brother for help.

"Why do you mention it after it's all over? It was a critical situation at the time, and you were lucky. I just got a few drops, and you used them in the end."

Lu Chen smiled indifferently. No further entanglement on this issue.

"Hee hee hee... I knew Lu Dage was the best for me, or I'll marry you in the future, how about your dao companion?"

Song Wanting herself didn't know what kind of madness she was having, so she suddenly said with a smile.


Just when Lu Chen was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer, a huge bang suddenly came from behind a hill in front of him.

Then a golden beam shot directly into the sky.

"Wait here for me, I'll go back as soon as I go."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he flew directly with the sword as if he was running away, and rushed out.

It seems that she is very afraid of facing Song Wanting's question,

In fact, Lu Chen thought that he already had Zhou Hongfu, Ye Rushuang, Ling Manyu, and Yu Qian, and that was enough.

I don't want to increase the emotional debt, which will only hurt more people.

In my heart, I just treat Song Wanting as the Little Sister next door.

"Hmph..." Seeing this, Song Wanting pouted, snorted coquettishly, stomped her feet, and then felt her face burning hot, and then followed Yu Jianfei.

When Lu Chen Yujian flew over the hill, he saw two cultivators fighting.

One of the cultivators was obviously lost to the opponent, the clothes on his body were already torn, blood was flowing all over his body, and his true energy was insufficient to succeed him. Obviously, his true energy was exhausted, and he was just doing the final dying struggle.

Lu Chen didn't intend to meddle in his own business,

The reason why he flew away with Yujian was just to avoid Song Wanting.

However, the moment the injured cultivator was pierced through Dantian by the opponent's sword and fell to the ground.

Just when Lu Chen caught a glimpse of the cultivator's face, he suddenly cursed, "Fuck! What is this called!"

Then he rushed out angrily, exuding a strong murderous intent all over his body, and he was in front of the two of them almost in the blink of an eye.


After another cultivator sensed the strong murderous intent of the visitor,

I was wondering if this cultivator was still watching the excitement just now, and obviously didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so why did he rush over suddenly.

When preparing to ask questions.

A brilliant purple brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt the scene in front of him separate to both sides, and then his eyes went dark, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

In fact, it was cut in half by an angry Lu Chen.

After finishing these, Lu Chen knelt on the ground like crazy, without thinking, he took out a ten thousand year stone marrow vitality, and swallowed it for the fallen cultivator.

But after taking the Medicine Pill, the man didn't respond. After checking, Lu Chen burst into tears, and his heart was full of self-blame and regret.

Because the man was lifeless, Lu Chen immediately cried out sadly:

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Qiu Elder... It's all my fault... It's all my fault for being late... Whoa whoa..."

"Lu Dage!" Song Wanting, who came from Yujian Feifei, called softly for some reason.

Seeing Lu Chen hugging a lifeless cultivator, crying so heartbreakingly, tears welled up in an instant.

I guessed in my heart that this cultivator should be Lu Dage's close relative, otherwise why would he cry so sadly, so he silently stood by Lu Chen's side.

What Song Wanting didn't know was that Qiu Elder was Lu Chen's great benefactor Qiu Xueming.

Back then in Xuantian Sect, after Lu Chen's Master died, Qiu Xueming wanted to accept Lu Chen as his personal disciple in order to give him some protection.

After being rejected, he also indirectly helped Lu Chen obtain the Heavenly Fire Wulian Heart Fire. He is upright and worthy of Lu Chen's respect.

But who once thought that Lu Chen didn't use Divine Sense to check the battle between the two just now because he didn't care about his own business.

Otherwise, it would not be possible, until the moment Qiu Xueming fell to the ground to see his appearance clearly.

Otherwise, if Lu Chen rescued him in time, Qiu Elder wouldn't have died like this......

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