Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 432 Under The Shocking Conspiracy

"Lu Dage!" Seeing Lu Chen staring blankly at the grave, Song Wanting cried out worriedly, her tone full of concern.

Hearing this, Lu Chen glanced at Song Wanting gratefully and said:

"I'm fine, the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain will end soon, I plan to find a random place to consolidate the Cultivation Base, how about you?

Do you continue to search for resources, or come with me. "

"Of course I'm with you, Lu Dage. I don't have much time anyway, and I don't want to take any more risks."

Song Wanting laughed, obviously frightened by the old man before.

After Xia Housheng heard the words, he said some words of gratitude to Lu Chen again, and said that he had something to do and had to leave first, and he would invite Lu Chen to have a drink when he had a chance in the future.

But Lu Chen stopped Xia Housheng in a timely manner and said that he had something important to tell.

In this way, Lu Chen took Xia Housheng and Song Wanting to find a mountain at random, and opened a cave the size of a living room on the mountainside, and the three of them sat in their respective Lotus Positions.

On the surface, Song Wanting was concentrating on cultivation with her eyes closed, but she was actually absent-minded.

After all, I was in the same room with two big men, and I felt a little flustered, and looked at Lu Chen secretly from time to time.

However, seeing the serious expression on Lu Chen's face, she thought that Lu Chen was really cultivating, and she didn't like to disturb him, so she could only watch Lu Chen thinking wildly.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't practice either. He was using Divine Sense to communicate with Xia Housheng in secret.

At first, when asked about the purpose of coming to the Central Plains, Xia Housheng hesitated and made up a good reason.

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he directly broke the matter and said that he had the information he wanted.

Only then did Xia Housheng confess that his real purpose for coming to the Central Plains was basically the same as that of Qiu Elder,

They are all people who are lurking to inquire about news, but Qiu Elder is in charge of information transmission.

So Lu Chen told Xia Housheng all the information he knew.

"Lu Chen! Are you serious? The matter is very important. How did you get the news?"

Xia Housheng was also shocked after listening to Divine Sense and asked.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he briefly talked about Qiu Elder's matter, and handed the information Jade Slip to Xia Housheng.

After watching the contents of Jade Slip, Xia Housheng

Immediately, the indignant Divine Sense voice transmission said:

"Damn Tianyuan Pavilion, damn Central Plains Ten Nine-Star Sect, Lu Chen! Thank you so much for your trust,

You actually handed over such important information to me, so I have to hurry back to Southern Xinjiang and bring the news back without further ado. "

Xia Housheng was about to leave after speaking, but was stopped by Lu Chen.

Only then did Xia Housheng realize that they were still in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

The reason why Xiahou Sheng was in such a hurry was because according to the inquiries of Qiu Elder and others, they discovered a terrifying conspiracy.

And this shocking conspiracy is related to the Wuwanghai Trial sponsored by the ten nine-star Sect of the Central Plains.

Not only does it involve the ten nine-star sects in the Central Plains, but it also involves countless aristocratic families, as well as the Tianyuan Shangge, the number one organization in the underworld.

Before, Yaxing was rampant in southern Xinjiang, but was later wiped out by the seven Sects.

But this does not mean that Yaxing will be wiped out in the Central Plains and Northern Territory.

It's just that because of the incident in southern Xinjiang, Yaxing has learned a lesson from it, and it is no longer as rampant as before.

So what is the relationship between dental work and the trial of the hopeless and forgotten sea?

According to Qiu Elder's Jade Slip, during the trial of the Hopeless Sea, the southern border delegation and the northern border delegation suffered the most casualties.

The reason for this is that Tianyuan Pavilion is behind the scenes, bringing the cultivated cultivator to the sea beast's territory by various means in exchange for huge resources.

As we all know, the Hopeless Sea is not only mysterious and vast, but also a treasure house of natural resources. The deep sea bottom contains Spirit Stones ore veins, Spiritual herbs, rare refining materials and other resources, which are quite rich.

However, human cultivators dare not easily set foot in the Hopeless Sea, because the environment of the Hopeless Sea is not only harsh, but the seabed is full of unknown and terrifying forces. Human cultivators simply cannot reach the seabed, let alone exploit resources.

In addition, there are powerful sea beasts in the sea area, and some of them have even turned into human forms, speaking human language,

It is said that if there are any creatures above the Fractionated Divinity stage in the world, they must exist in the deep sea.

Besides, sea beasts are not vegetarians. In their eyes, human cultivators are also delicacies.

Based on these and other reasons, if human cultivators want to explore the Hopeless Sea and get out of Beichen Continent, they must organize a large number of

It is relatively safer to form a team with more people, which is why there is such a saying as the Hopeless Sea Trial.

But who once thought that the project that originally explored going out of Beichen Continent and benefiting the world as a cultivator would become a means for some people to collect money and obtain huge profits, and Tianyuange Yaxing was the instigator.

These people used the lives of countless cultivators who participated in the Hopeless Sea Trial to make deals with sea beasts in exchange for a large amount of cultivation resources, and then divided the resources among the ten nine-star sects and related families.

Although there is no conclusive evidence for this news, there is no storm without waves. If it is spread, it will definitely cause conflicts among the Central Plains, Southern Border, and Northern Region.

It is even very likely to cause a large-scale war among the three parties, and at that time, people will definitely be devastated.

Lu Chen is not a cynical youth, if not because of Qiu Elder's relationship, he would not bother to take care of these things.

The reason why I told Xia Housheng the news was to help Qiu Elder fulfill his last wish and seek psychological comfort.

Next, Lu Chen's plan is to go to Zhutiancheng. After all, he has collected a lot of shadowless eagle wings, which can be used to improve the level of Flying Sword "Qinghong".

In addition to the mysterious purple knife embryo, if you need to upgrade, you also need to use the method of refining.

However, I don't know how to refine weapons, but Zhutiancheng has gathered world-renowned refiners, and its status in Beichen Province is similar to that of Dancheng.

That's why Lu Chen planned to wait for the end of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm, and by the way, help Elder Sister Su resolve her marriage issues, and then go to Forge Heaven City and learn the art of refining weapons.

At the same time, find a way to inquire about the news of Brahma Pure Land.

Since the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is coming to an end, many cultivators are looking for a hidden place like Lu Chen, waiting to be teleported out, so as not to cause more trouble.

Tianyin Mountain Range, around Longtan Lake, is still full of voices and laughter, very lively,

Among them, many professional personnel sent by the chamber of commerce came here and offered various attractive acquisition conditions.

It is hoped that cultivators from the secret realm can be attracted so that they can sell the obtained resources to the chamber of commerce they belong to.

It also includes some accompanying Elders, elders of various big and small families, and many idle cultivators watching the fun.

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