Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 433 Dead Tree And Mummy

At midnight, in the dead of night, Anqing Prefecture in the Central Plains, in the area of ​​the Anma Mountains, there is a blessed land of fairy mountains, the Spiritual Qi on the mountain is as dense as white mist,

There is a large maple forest at the foot of the mountain. The trunk of this kind of maple tree is silvery white, and the leaves are fiery red all the year round. The continuous area is both beautiful and spectacular.

Especially in the dark of midnight, the maple forests exude a faint halo, which is even more beautiful and enchanting against the backdrop of fiery red leaves.

This place is the forbidden area behind the Yellow Maple Valley, the forest of white jade and yellow maple trees.

All the disciples of Huangfeng Valley can come here to absorb Spiritual Qi for one day every month as a benefit of Sect.

At this moment, with the help of the night, a figure carefully used the Movement Technique to reach the white jade and yellow maple forest.


Greedily taking a deep breath of the rich Spiritual Qi around him, the corner of the figure's mouth slightly raised.

Immediately, I sat in the Lotus Position, running the Cultivation Technique "Prime Ancient Attracting Stars" in my body, and the content of the Cultivation Technique immediately appeared in my mind:

The way of heaven is to damage more than enough and make up for what is not enough, so the emptiness wins the real, and the insufficiency wins the more...

Its meaning is broad, its rationale is deep, its interest is deep, the image of heaven and earth is divided, Yin & Yang are listed, and the change is from the table...

It is to take the merits of others, the way to accept oneself, the sea is tolerant to all rivers, tolerance is great......

With the operation of "Imperial Star Absorbing Art", the surrounding Spiritual Qi quickly gathered into Zhao Chengzhi's body like a long whale absorbing water.

The original jelly-like primordial essence in Dantian is rapidly hardening, and the Cultivation Base Realm is also advancing from the fusion stage to the Gold Core early stage.

This is the horror of "Prime Ancient Star Attraction Jue", the biggest core of this method is to absorb, after absorbing, it can be used by me.

Seeing that the true energy in Zhao Chengzhi's body is constantly hardening, and is about to reach the critical point, he can successfully break through to the Gold Core stage and achieve one party's Power.

"Who's there?" A shout suddenly sounded.

The person who spoke was Uncle Chen, the steward in charge of guarding the forbidden area. He looked about sixty years old and had a Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base.

When he noticed something strange happened in Spiritual Qi above the forbidden area, Yu Jian immediately flew over to check.

As a result, I saw a masked man in black secretly absorbing Spiritual Qi, which is okay, breaking into the forbidden area without permission is a felony.

Immediately scolded, and then Divine Sense quickly locked that person, seeing that the other person was just a cultivator of Dzogchen fusion period,

Guessing in my heart that it must be a certain disciple in Sect, who is greedy for profit and steals

Stealing to absorb Spiritual Qi, such things have happened before, but those people were brought to justice by him.

A look of contempt flashed in Uncle Chen's eyes, and then his body turned into an afterimage. The next second, he was in front of that cultivator.

Then he formed a palm with one hand and patted the black-clothed cultivator directly.


Zhao Chengzhi, who was sitting in the Lotus Position, sighed softly when he felt the attack coming, because he was just a little bit short of breaking through to the Gold Core period, but was interrupted halfway.

At this time, Zhao Chengzhi, who was masked and closed, opened his eyes suddenly, and a sharp cold light flashed across them.

Then he made a lightning strike, the palm of his left hand became a tiger's claw, and with one move, he quickly grabbed Chen Bo's attacking right palm, making him unable to extricate himself.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing how fast and fierce the opponent's counterattack was, Chen Bo immediately showed surprise on his face,

You must know that you are a cultivator at the Gold Core stage, and the other party is only a Cultivation Base at the Dzogchen stage, how can you resist the own attack.

But he couldn't allow him to think too much, in the midst of this flash, Zhao Chengzhi's right hand slapped out, and hit Chen Bo's chest directly like lightning.

With a muffled sound of "Bump...", Uncle Chen's body was flying upside down.

But because his arm was caught by Zhao Chengzhi's left hand, he couldn't fly out.

At the same time, Zhao Chengzhi pulled Chen Bo's body back with his left hand, and then pressed it against a white jade and yellow maple tree next to him.

All this happened almost only during breathing, Chen Bo didn't even react to the fierceness of the enemy, he only felt a blur in front of his eyes and a heart-piercing pain in his chest.

Just when Uncle Chen burst into a powerful momentum and was about to fight desperately,

I saw Uncle Chen's pupils shrinking suddenly, feeling like his own blood was draining rapidly, and then his body shriveled rapidly.

Without even a chance to scream, he lost consciousness.

At this time, Zhao Chengzhi withdrew his right palm, and at the same time, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, showing a satisfied smile.

Because just now Zhao Chengzhi used the "Imperial Star Absorbing Art" on Chen Bo, directly absorbing all the Blood Essence in Chen Bo's body and the true energy in Dantian for my use.

In this short period of time, the Realm that didn't breakthrough just now breakthrough directly to the Gold Core early stage.

After admiring Chen Bo's shriveled corpse and the withered white jade and yellow maple tree behind him.

Zhao Chengzhi's figure flashed, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in place.

There is a dull white jade yellow maple tree, which is still in place, which looks very abrupt.

Nothing to say all night.


In the early morning of the next day, three loud bells rang suddenly,

All of a sudden, the Elder who heard the bell, flew towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony as if facing an enemy.

Because the three long ringing bells represent that the head of the Sect is urgently calling all the Elders in the door for a meeting.

"Have you heard?" a Fatty disciple wearing Huangfenggu costume whispered.

"What did you hear?"

Another tall disciple in the same attire asked suspiciously.

"You don't know this. The whole Sect is talking about it now. Didn't you hear the three alarm bells in the morning? Let me tell you that something big happened in Sect."

Disciple Fatty showed off.

"What's the matter? You two are mysterious, what are you talking about?"

Qi Yutang saw the two disciples discussing in a low voice furtively, so he also leaned over and asked curiously.

"I'm telling's like's like this..."

That Fatty disciple was no stranger to Qi Yutang, so he told him everything he knew.

"What? That's okay! You talk first, I have to go back and tell my brothers."

Qi Yutang was surprised when he heard the words, and then hurried to the small courtyard where he lived.

Whispering like this also happened in other places, and soon the inner Outer Sect disciples knew about it, and they were all shocked by the cruelty of the murderer's methods.

At the same time, everyone speculated that this incident was probably done by a Devil Dao cultivator, and the other party's Cultivation Base should be above the Gold Core middle stage.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill Uncle Chen who possessed the Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base quietly, and also drain Uncle Chen's Blood Essence.

Yang Yunfei and the others were also shocked when they heard the words. They didn't expect that there would be a Devil Dao cultivator in Huangfeng Valley who would dare to do evil.

After Zhao Chengzhi heard the words, he also looked heartbroken, and regretted that he might not be able to go to the forbidden place in his heart. It seemed that he had to be careful in the future.

Inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the main peak of Huangfeng Valley.

More than a hundred Elders gathered together, and everyone whispered about Uncle Chen.

It made the whole Great Hall noisy and lively.

It wasn't until a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in the Great Hall that everyone fell silent and shouted respectfully in unison with cupped hands:

"I'll wait to see the master!"


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