Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 439 Exploding Nascent Soul

Above the huge Longtan Lake, Lei Aotian stood in the sky.

The huge mallet in his hand suddenly flashed a strong lightning arc under the infusion of his true energy, making a "sizzling" sound.


At this time, the sky suddenly changed, black clouds overwhelmed the top, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and a heavy and oppressive atmosphere permeated the entire Longtan Lake sky, as if the end of the world was approaching.

Seeing how bluffing the scene was, Lu Chen couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Immediately, Yu Jianfei rushed out directly, even if Thunderbolt could not kill Lei Aotian, then he definitely couldn't beat him, so Lu Chen decisively chose to run away.


However, the moment Lu Chen rushed out, countless thunder arcs as thick as arms appeared out of thin air, striking at Lu Chen like lightning.

Lu Chen, who was flying with the sword, only felt that countless lightning arcs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then his brain went blank, and after a scream, he passed out directly.

Seeing this, Lei Aotian showed a disdainful smile on his face, it was because he deliberately kept his hand, he just wanted to teach Lu Chen a lesson, otherwise he would have been slaughtered long ago.

Just as Lei Aotian stepped close to the fainted Lu Chen, ready to search his memory in order to obtain his inheritance.

It was too late to say it, it was so fast at that time, the fainted Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, then suddenly turned over and rushed towards Lei Aotian, wanting to hug him.

Lei Aotian was startled when he saw this, he never thought that Lu Chen who was struck by lightning was actually pretending to be dead.

So he instinctively dodged to dodge, but he did the mental calculation without intention, and the incident happened suddenly, so Lu Chen still grabbed his calf.

It was at this time that Lei Aotian's eyes suddenly froze.

He saw a blue flame suddenly emerge from Lu Chen's body, attacking him in an instant, which shocked Lei Aotian.

Immediately, he slapped Lu Chen with a devastating palm, only to find that the boy had disappeared out of thin air. Biqu library

All of this was actually calculated by Lu Chen in advance. After he was sure that he could not beat Lei Aotian, Lu Chen thought about how to get close to Lei Aotian.

In order to use the Wulian Heart Fire to burn him, the Wulian Heart Fire is the thirteenth strange kind of fire among the 21 kinds of heavenly fires. It can burn everything, and its temperature is extremely terrifying.

The disadvantage is that it cannot attack remotely, and it is easy for the opponent to see through and avoid it.

So after Lu Chen was hit by the lightning arc, he pretended to pass out, you know, Lei Aotian didn't know what was happening in Lu Chen's body.

Possesses thunder beads, which can absorb thunder elements without being hurt.

Facts have proved that Lei Aotian really followed Lu Chen's way under his carelessness.

And the moment Lei Aotian made a move, Lu Chen hid in the world of Jinzhu,

Anyway, Lei Aotian already knew the secret of own, and there is no one else here, this is also the escape method pre-designed by Lu Chen.

Seeing that Lu Chen disappeared, Lei Aotian didn't care about other things, he quickly used his true energy to extinguish the flames on his body.

However, immediately Lei Aotian was horrified to find that his lower body and his legs had turned into nothingness.

" damned brat, you actually used Skyfire to plot against this old man. This old man really regrets not beheading you directly. Come out quickly."

Only Lei Aotian, who was above the waist, roared crazily, continuously attacking all around.

The water surface of Longtan Lake exploded again and again, but there was still no sign of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen reckoned the time to come out of the Golden Bead World, just in time to see Lei Aotian who was left with only the lower body, Yin & Yang immediately taunted in a strange way:

"Hehehe... Old guy, I didn't expect you to be so stubborn, even the fire of the sky can't kill you, but you look like this, if you put a broken bowl on the street, I believe you should be able to beg for a lot of Spirit Stones."

After hearing the sound, Lei Aotian saw Lu Chen appearing, without saying a word,

He directly flew the huge sword into the air with a very angry expression, and quickly formed a magic seal in his hand.

After the huge sword was thrown into the air, it almost instantly turned into countless phantoms of huge long swords. There was a crackling lightning arc flashing on the long swords, and then flew towards Lu Chen like lightning.

Seeing the sword shadows all over the sky, like 3D special effects, attacking him with a terrifying aura, Lu Chen suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

time of crisis.

While Lu Chen was communicating with the world of the Golden Bead with Divine Sense, ready to run away at any time, he controlled the ancient beast Pixiu to sneak attack Lei Aotian's Nascent Soul.

"Little Earthworm", who has cooperated many times, naturally enjoys this kind of thing,

Because cultivator's Nascent Soul is also a delicacy for it, and it is also a great tonic.

I saw Pixiu, an ancient mythical beast, turned into a small spot of light invisible to the naked eye, and flew towards Lei Aotian at a very fast speed.

All this happens almost at the snap of a finger.

Just a second before Wan Jian was ready to go, Lei Aotian's expression suddenly changed,

Immediately, the ghostly shadows of long swords all over the sky collapsed in an instant, leaving only one of the main body


Because he felt that an unknown bug suddenly appeared among the own Meridians, and then quickly rushed towards the own Dantian.

Lei Aotian, who has rich combat experience, immediately realized the danger of that little bug.

Hurry up and mobilize the true essence to wrap the little bug up so that it can't get an inch in.

However at this moment, a gorgeous purple light and shadow suddenly appeared in Lei Aotian's eyes,

Looking sideways, I couldn't help but curse in my heart, and then quickly dodged to avoid it.

Lu Chen, who was waiting for an opportunity, was holding up the purple knife embryo with both hands, and the knife embryo was infused with its true essence,

A huge purple knife shadow with a length of 100 meters was condensed, with the aura of one man guarding the gate, ten thousand men can't open it, going up to the sky and entering the earth, and I am the only one, and slashed down fiercely.

But the old guy Lei Aotian, even with only his upper body, still erupted with tenacious fighting power.

While wrapping the small bugs in the body with the real yuan, he split the real yuan to fight with Lu Chen.

The two opened and closed, their figures flickered, and they fought for no less than two hundred rounds in a short period of time.

However, after all, Lei Aotian's physical strength has been greatly reduced, and Lu Chen's own strength is strong, so Lei Aotian soon fell into a disadvantage.

In the battle between masters, it is often the slightest loss, the difference is thousands of miles.

After repeated battles, Lei Aotian was already at the end of his battle,

Knowing that there is no chance today, Lei Aotian who beheaded Lu Chen, felt grief and indignation in his heart,

I didn't expect that I would be pushed into such a desperate situation by such an inconspicuous person like Lu Chen.

Heartbroken, he immediately cursed angrily:

"Little bastard! Even if the old man dies today, I will hold you back."

As soon as the words fell, Lei Aotian, who only had his upper body, suddenly burst out with a strong aura, and the aura continued to rise rapidly.

"Fuck, he's going to blow himself up!" Lu Chen, who had experienced it before, immediately saw Lei Aotian's intention, and his expression changed immediately.

You know, during the Nascent Soul period, the cultivator blew up the Nascent Soul in his body, that's not a joke.

Its power is not weaker than that of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Chen dodged and hid in the world of Jinzhu.

With a sound of "Boom...", Lei Aotian's body suddenly exploded in the midst of the lightning.

Immediately powerful energy, with the aura of destroying the world, spread rapidly to the surroundings, setting off a huge mushroom cloud on the spot......

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