Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 440 Zi Ling'er Is In Difficulty

In the golden bead world, Lu Chen sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

Can't help cursing in my heart:

"Fucking scared daddy to death, luckily I ran fast,

Unexpectedly, Lei Aotian, an old guy who treats him so cruelly, has the courage to blow up his Nascent Soul,

It's a pity, otherwise his Nascent Soul would be devoured by the little earthworm, and it would definitely improve the little earthworm a lot.

It's broken...Little earthworm...Little earthworm is still inside that old guy. "

Just now, when Lu Chen felt the danger, he only cared about running away, so that he only remembered about the little earth now.

Immediately, Lu Chen stood up with an ugly face, and when he was about to dodge out, his body paused again.

So he sat down with complicated eyes, and after estimating the effort of a cigarette in his heart, he left the world of Jinzhu anxiously.


When Lu Chen appeared above Longtan Lake again, there was a heavy rain in the sky. With a thought, Lu Chen channeled his protective energy to block the rain two meters away.

Right now, the originally calm and clear water of the lake has become cloudy and turbulent.

The Tianyin Mountains with a radius of more than 2,000 meters have been razed to the ground, showing the look of dilapidation and depression.

Such a scene made Lu Chen feel a sense of awe.


At this time, a small bug that was invisible to the naked eye flew towards Lu Chen quickly, passed through the protective energy, and then landed on Lu Chen's shoulder, with small eyes rolling straight away, as if he was very wronged.

When Lu Chen saw that it was Pixiu, an ancient mythical beast, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The ancient mythical beast that I obtained with great difficulty has not had time to raise it. If it is just blown to death, it will be a real loss.

After sending the little earthworm into the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen directly drove the flying boat towards Tianyin City.

On the way, Lu Chen released Su Ruolan from the Sky Tower.

"Lu Chen... Lu Chen..."

On the flying boat, Su Ruolan's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the image of herself being hit by a powerful energy and falling into the lake appeared in her mind, and then she sat up suddenly, and shouted in panic.

"Hehehe... Sister Su is fine, we are safe."

Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan and smiled.

Hearing that she was still thinking about herself in her sleep, she was very moved.

Su Ruolan, who came back to her senses, looked at the rapidly receding clouds around her, and then looked at

After looking at Lu Chen, he was convinced that he was really not dead.

Then Su Ruolan flew towards Lu Chen and hugged him, causing Lu Chen to stagger and almost fell off the flying boat.

At this time, Su Ruolan's voice came from beside her ear:

"Lu Chen... I... I thought I would never see you again... woo woo woo..."

Su Ruolan, who survived the catastrophe, felt as if her emotions were suddenly released at this moment, and snuggled into Lu Chen's arms desperately.

"Uh...hehehe... aren't we doing well?"

Feeling the beauty's softness and refreshing fragrance, Lu Chen patted Su Ruolan's back to comfort her.

After a long time, Su Ruolan calmed down, and then glanced at Lu Chen resentfully, sitting on the flying boat in the lotus position of self-care, wondering what she was thinking.

Although Su Ruolan didn't make it clear about her feelings for Own, how could Lu Chen not see it. It stands to reason that at this time, Lu Chen should do something that men and women should do.

But Lu Chen cared about Ye Rushuang and the others, so he directly shut out Su Ruolan's feelings.

When the two of them drove the flying boat and landed in Tianyin City, Zi Ling'er's small courtyard.

Lu Chen's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

I saw that the dilapidated small courtyard had turned into ruins at this moment, and the formation I had arranged was also destroyed.

Under Divine Sense's inspection, there is no trace of Zi Ling'er. I am afraid that this newly accepted disciple has long since disappeared.

Immediately, murderous intent appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and the first thing he thought of was the few tenants he had let go before.

Guessing in my heart, it must be that they came back to trouble Zi Linger while they were away.

"Lu Chen, don't worry, Zi Ling'er is auspicious, she has her own appearance, without Zi Ling'er's figure, maybe her life is not in danger? Let's go around and find out before we talk about it!"

Su Ruolan saw Lu Chen's anger, and reminded him.

When Lu Chen heard this, although he also hoped that things would go as Su Ruolan said, he obviously didn't have much hope.

So the two of them came to the street, diagonally opposite Zilinger's small courtyard, there happened to be a few small vendors setting up street stalls.

"Passing by, don't miss it, Phantom Grass, Purple Cloud Branch, Seven Star Grass... Cheap and good for children and old people...

Senior, would you like to take a look, my Seven Star Grass is just picked, and its medicinal effect is very good. "

As soon as Lu Chen and Su Ruolan approached, they heard the shouts of small vendors.

Seeing a business visit, a young cultivator in his twenties quickly stood up and greeted him enthusiastically.

Having been around for many years, he can tell at a glance that Lu Chen and Su Ruolan are not ordinary cultivators,

Especially Su Ruolan's beauty made the little merchant's heart skip a beat, he couldn't help but take a few more glances, but retracted his gaze wisely.

Several other vendors also secretly looked at Su Ruolan's beauty, but they could only think about it in their hearts.

"This fellow daoist! May I ask if you know what happened on the other side, and I hope you can enlighten me."

Lu Chen smiled politely with cupped hands.

When the peddler heard the words, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he still smiled and said:

"I'm sorry senior, we do business here every day, so we don't have the time to care about other things."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt like a mirror in his heart. If this guy didn't know, he could refuse directly, but he said that he set up a stall here every day, obviously because he wanted to get some benefits.

So Lu Chen asked the question again, but this time he had an extra middle-grade Spirit Stones in his hand.

With the Spirit Stones opening the way, the small vendor smiled enthusiastically again:

"Yesterday... there were three cultivators..."

About a cup of tea, when Lu Chen listened to the peddler's narration, an excited smile appeared on his face, and immediately took out a few middle-grade Spirit Stones and threw them to the peddler.

After Lu Chen and Su Ruolan left, the small vendor still stared blankly at the Spirit Stones in his hand, feeling unreal. Biqu library

"Why do you seem to be very happy?" Seeing that Lu Chen was so excited beyond words, Su Ruolan asked suspiciously,

Although the small peddler said that three cultivators suddenly broke through the defensive formation of the small yard yesterday, which aroused the attention of many people,

And at the critical moment when Zi Linger's life was in danger, two female cultivators suddenly rescued Zi Linger and took her away from Tianyin City.

However, as a woman's intuition, Su Ruolan always felt that Lu Chen was a little too happy.

"'s nothing, isn't the news that Zi Ling'er is fine, isn't it worth my joy?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen tried his best to control the emotions in his heart, and smiled.

But he was very happy in his heart, because from the mouth of the small trader, Lu Chen got a piece of good news he had dreamed of......

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