The sudden appearance of the old man shocked everyone present.

Because they can all see that this old man has teleported here, which means that the other party must have the Power of Cultivation Base above the Expanding Aperture period.

Seeing this, Liu Galaxy Cluster frowned, but he didn't dare to make a mistake.

But Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, and Shangguan Aoxue breathed a sigh of relief, praying in their hearts that the old man could help him.

However, as soon as the old man raised his hand, a mysterious force controlled the chessboard in Gu Feng's hand and flew into his hand automatically.

"Ex...senior..." Seeing this, Gu Feng's face changed, and he was concerned about his own treasures, so he summoned up his courage and shouted,

But he suddenly realized the horror of the person who came from Cultivation Base, and stopped his own words in time.

I saw the old man, after looking back and forth at the chessboard in his hand, took another look at Gu Feng, and then showed a little smile on his face and said:

"Hehehe... Don't be nervous, my friend. I don't mean any malice. I wonder if I can tell you, where did this Xingyuan Chessboard boy come from?"

Hearing that the old man said that there was no malice, Gu Feng's hanging heart finally fell down.

But facing the old man's question, Gu Feng looked around at the people watching, then at Liu Galaxy Cluster and Wei Santong, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and he doesn't want to tell them in public.

The old man also seemed to see Gu Feng's thoughts, and saw him glance at the cultivator with a smile on his face.

In the next second, everyone hurriedly flew away with Yujian, and soon the sky above the small courtyard was empty.

Seeing this, Liu Galaxy Cluster cast a vicious glance at Zhong Tao, and then fled away, followed closely by his younger brother Wei Santong.

Because the two of them also received the old man's Divine Sense voice transmission, the content was very simple, "Just wait for three breaths and leave quickly, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

The words were full of unquestionable taste, so I didn't dare to disobey the old man's meaning.

Seeing this, Gu Feng was very surprised by the old man's methods, and at the same time smiled bitterly to himself, the strength in this world really speaks for itself.

Immediately, he told in detail what he, Zhong Tao, and Tong Wei had experienced in the Immortal Cave where Li Xiaoyao senior sat down.

After the old man heard the words, he glanced at the Tianzhu pen in Zhong Tao's hand again, and Zhong Tao was frightened.

Quickly hide the Tianzhu pen behind his back.

But with an embarrassed smile, he took out the Tianzhu Pen and showed it to the old man for him to check.

Fortunately, the old man just glanced at it and didn't intend to take it away.

Just when several people couldn't figure out the old man's intention, the old man threw a Jade Slip to Gu Feng, and at the same time returned the Xingyuan Chessboard to Gu Feng.

Then he teleported away, walking very resolutely, seeing Gu Feng and the others confused.

"Ancient style! Let's see what's in Jade Slip?"

Zhong Tao, who came back to his senses, asked in doubt, and stretched out his hand to snatch the Jade Slip from Gu Feng's hand.

But Gu Feng avoided it in time, and said seriously:

"It's not too late to show you later, now that we have offended someone again, in my opinion, Banyue City may not be able to stay here again.

Let's leave quickly, or your rival will come back again, and I won't be able to bear it. "

Zhong Tao lost interest in watching Jade Slip when he heard the words, and felt very awkward in his heart.

So she stubbornly pulled Shangguan Aoxue to complete the final couple's worship, which was regarded as a ceremony.

The appearance of Liu Galaxy Cluster made Zhong Tao feel very humiliated and aggrieved in his heart. Although he didn't say anything, he had already made Liu Galaxy Cluster the one who must be killed in his heart.

Next, the few people simply packed their bags and left Banyue City together.

On the way, Shangguan Aoxue saw Zhong Tao's thoughts, and took the initiative to find an opportunity to tell about herself and Liu Galaxy Cluster.

After Zhong Fatty heard the words, he also marveled at what happened to Shangguan Aoxue, and the barrier in his heart disappeared.

At the same time, a strange sense of pride rose in my heart, after all, I was the one who fired the first shot.

From this point of view, I am the ultimate winner...

As soon as Zhongzhou Tai Bai Cheng, Lu Chen and Su Ruolan returned to the Su residence, they were called to their other courtyard by Su Zhicheng and his wife.

He also told about the fact that the head of the Leng family came to the door in person to urge Su Ruolan to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives.

At the same time, they tried their best to express their attitude to Lu Chen. In fact, they had long regarded Lu Chen as their son-in-law.

However, he dared not disobey the old man's wishes.

Therefore, I hope that Lu Chen can win the first place in the competition to recruit relatives, so that the elders of the two families will have nothing to say.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he naturally agreed, saying that he would do his best.


But there was another thing on his mind,

I remember that when I left Tai Bai Cheng, I and Su Ruolan were robbed and killed.

In the end, Lu Chen beheaded the opponent with one against three and searched for his soul.

After a soul search, I found out that those cultivators were all Tai Bai Cheng, people from the City Lord's Mansion.

Moreover, Leng's family seems to have a closer relationship with the City Lord's Mansion recently, and the cultivator who was beheaded by him and searched for his soul happened to be the son of the head of the City Lord's Mansion.

According to his memory, the Su family discovered a Spirit Stones mine in Mao'er Mountain. The reserves of Spirit Stones are very huge, and there may be spirit veins.

And Mao'er Mountain belongs to the Su family's private territory, but this news was leaked to the Leng family by Su Zhiguo's wife, Leng Yue'e.

The Leng family wanted to use the influence of the City Lord's Mansion to obtain the Spirit Stones mine in a grandiose manner.

But at the moment they don't dare to blatantly grab it, after all, Bai Cheng's relationship is complicated,

If the matter were exposed, it would be detrimental to the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion, so they thought of a way to steal it.

And now, at this time, the head of the Leng family proposed a contest to recruit relatives.

Lu Chen couldn't help but think that this martial arts competition might not be so peaceful.

Helping Su Ruolan to obstruct the contest and recruiting relatives will definitely affect the plan of the Leng family.

So this seemingly simple help, I'm afraid it's not that simple, and maybe I will be involved in the conflict of interests between the two families.

The point is that it is impossible for me to marry Su Ruolan,

Then if he won the first place in the end, Su Zhicheng forced himself to marry Su Ruolan, what should he do?

Thinking about this, Lu Chen felt a pain in his brain, and he couldn't help but regret that he was nosy.

"My son-in-law! My son-in-law!" Seeing that Lu Chen's eyes were blurred and his hair was lowered in a daze, Su Zhicheng called out one after another.

"Uh...uncle! Don't worry, I will try my best to win the competition."

Lu Chen, who came back to his senses, blurted out.

But he was distracted thinking about the question just now, and didn't hear what Su Zhicheng was saying at all.

This made Su Zhicheng very embarrassed, and in the end it was Su's mother who smiled and helped Lu Chen smooth things over in time, which eased the awkward atmosphere.

After talking with Su Ruolan's parents, Lu Chen returned to the guest room, ready to wake up Wang Jingxuan...

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