Humans have three souls and seven souls, and there are three souls, one is the heavenly soul, the second is the earthly soul, and the third is the fateful soul.

There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is strength, the fifth is the center, the sixth is essence, and the seventh is heroism.

Among the seven souls, the second soul is spiritual wisdom, which dominates people's memory, just like the memory of a computer, all memories will be stored in the spiritual wisdom in the form of pictures.

Back then, after Lu Chen entered Wang Jingxuan's sea of ​​consciousness, he found that Wang Jingxuan's spiritual wisdom was wrapped in a transparent liquid.

And that transparent liquid has a powerful devouring effect on the cultivator's Divine Sense.

Later, Su Ruolan's father, Su Zhicheng, told a secret anecdote thousands of years ago. Lu Chen combined the contents and deduced that the substance that encapsulated Wang Jingxuan's spiritual wisdom might be Wang Jingxuan Water.

That's why Lu Chen went to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain to find the old site of the Wangqing Sect in order to obtain the Wangqing Water.

Things are just as Lu Chen guessed, after he got Wangqing Water, under the powerful analysis function of Chaos Daoshengjue,

Finally, I was able to confirm the function and solution of Wangqingshui.

At this moment, Wang Jingxuan was still lying unconscious on the bed in the guest room of the Su Mansion, and Wang Haocang was walking back and forth in front of the bed, looking a little anxious.

From time to time, he still looked towards the next room, but apart from a formation light curtain with a faint halo, he couldn't see the situation inside clearly at all.

Because Lu Chen is refining the "Wangyou Pill" in the room at the moment, saying that this pill can cure it, and the Wangqing Water seals the effect of wisdom.

However, more than two hours had passed since Lu Chen refined the Medicine Pill, and he hadn't come out yet, so Wang Haocang, who was waiting, got a little anxious and angry.

He also tried to use Divine Sense to check the situation in the formation, but Wang Haocang was puzzled that, with his Nascent Soul Dzogchen Cultivation Base, Divine Sense was unable to check the formation arranged by Lu Chen. Biqu library

It wasn't until it was time for another cup of tea that Lu Chen finally walked out of the room.

"Brother Lu Chen! How's it going?" Wang Haocang asked excitedly as soon as he saw Lu Chen coming out.

"Uncle! It's a good luck!" Lu Chen smiled.

Then he walked to the bed, took out a dark green Medicine Pill the size of a glass marble from the storage bag, helped Wang Jingxuan swallow it, and shot a beam of true energy into Wang Jingxuan's body to help her refine the Medicine Pill.

When Wang Haocang saw his daughter's face gradually turning rosy, he knew that the Medicine Pill had worked, and his hanging heart finally fell, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, okay... Lu Chen! You not only saved me twice, but also my daughter. I really don't know how to repay you."

Just answer you.

Hey...Jingxuan's life is hard for this child, she has not been taken care of by her mother since she was a child, and as a father, I don't know how to take good care of her, and I almost missed her life..."

Lu Chen listened to Wang Haocang's narration while injecting real energy into Wang Jingxuan.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, I really feel sorry for the parents of the world.

However, what Wang Haocang said next made Lu Chen extremely anxious.

He said in his heart: "You are not repaying a favor, are you repaying your favor? Do you feel that you owe your daughter and want to blame me for not taking good care of her?"

Of course, Lu Chen didn't say these words, but just thought about them in his heart.

The reason is that after Wang Haocang made a big circle, he said with a smile:

"Brother Lu Chen! After several encounters, I think your character is pretty good.

In order to repay your life-saving grace, how about I decide to betroth Xuan'er to you as a companion? "

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't answer him, Wang Haocang thought that he was concentrating on treating his daughter.

So he continued to talk about the interesting things that happened to Wang Jingxuan when he was a child, so that Lu Chen could better understand his own daughter.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In his previous life, he couldn’t even find a girlfriend, and he went around licking dogs.

I never thought that after traveling to this Cultivation World, I would become a favorite.

With the absorption of the medicine, the layer of transparent liquid outside Wang Jingxuan's Consciousness Sea Linghui continued to dissipate until it disappeared completely.

The memories that originally belonged to Wang Jingxuan flashed through his mind like a movie.

His consciousness gradually became clear, and his father's familiar voice was heard next to his ears.

Thinking of how she ran away from home, suffered a lot later, was almost killed by gangsters, and was taken to Wangqing Valley by Miexin Daoist, and even became her disciple.

Later, when he saw his father turning into a maniac, Wang Jingxuan felt a pain in his heart...

At this time, Wang Jingxuan seemed to break free from some kind of shackles, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up with his body.

After seeing two familiar figures, Wang Jingxuan choked up and shouted:

"Father! Lu Chen..."

The sound of dad made Wang Haocang, who was still talking, stunned, and immediately looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes, and said in the same choked up voice:

"Xuan''s my father's fault. My father shouldn't force you to do things you don't like,"

Both father and daughter were crying because they reunited after a long absence, and Lu Chen also left in a timely manner. At this time, they should leave some space alone for the father and daughter.

After Lu Chen returned to his own room, he sat in the Lotus Position and began to consolidate his

own Cultivation Base.

Now that I have broken through to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen, I am one step closer to returning to southern Xinjiang for revenge.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, the door of Lu Chen's room was forcibly pushed open.

Then, a man wearing a fiery red dress outlined Miaoman's figure with a tall figure.

Especially the long beautiful legs of the dual cultivation are even more imaginative. With a small almond face, big eyes, and a ponytail, the young and capable beauty cultivator rushed in.

Lu Chen, who was sitting in the Lotus Position, saw Wang Jingxuan's outfit, and knew that she had returned to normal. The corners of her mouth slightly raised and joked:

"Has anyone ever told you that getting into someone's room requires... um... tricks?"

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Wang Jingxuan threw himself into Lu Chen's arms and hugged him tightly.

So much so that Lu Chen's last words sounded like mosquitoes.

Immediately, Lu Chen felt hot and humid in his chest, which was soaked by Wang Jingxuan's tears. At this time, he heard:

"I thought I would never see you again, in my most painful and helpless time, my mind was full of you,

The second before I lost my memory, I felt a heart-piercing pain,

I didn't understand before, but later I realized that it's because I like you..."

"Hey..." Lu Chen also had mixed feelings in his heart when he heard the words. He felt the sincerity of the beautiful woman in his arms.

But he already had Ye Rushuang and the others, so how could he hurt Wang Jingxuan again?

Therefore, Lu Chen gently pushed Wang Jingxuan away, and after looking at each other for a long time, he said apologetically:

"Actually...actually I already have a"

Just when Lu Chen opened his mouth to reject Wang Jingxuan, who would have thought that after a look of disappointment flashed in Wang Xiaoniu's eyes,

They actually kissed her directly. Although the movements were very jerky, the passion was very surging, which made Lu Chen extremely uncomfortable. Biqu library

Lu Chen is not a good man or a believer. After feeling Wang Xiaoniu's heat, his body rubbed against each other, as if full of vitality, and he had no choice but to shoot.

A soundproof formation was arranged casually, plus a defensive formation.

Taking advantage of the last glimmer of clarity, I sighed in my heart: "Hey... I'm sorry, wives, I was forced to do nothing."

Then, with dry firewood and fire, the water will come naturally, this day and night, the door of Lu Chen's room is closed, and a defensive formation is set up.

So much so that Su Ruolan has been here many times, but there is no sign of Lu Chen opening the door. She thought that Lu Chen was practicing at the Closed Door Training, so she turned and left without thinking much...

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