Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 447: Hundred Flowers Workshop

The departure of Wang Haocang's father and daughter did not attract the attention of the Su family. What they were concerned about was the matter of Su Ruolan's martial arts competition to recruit relatives three days later.

No matter which one of the third generation of the Leng family Su Ruolan finally marries, it will be a great joy for the two families.

In the martial arts arena of the Su Mansion, not only was the arena set up, but it was also redecorated, showing how much the Su family attaches great importance to this matter.

As for the Leng family, except for Leng Ye's parents who turned a deaf ear to this matter because Leng Ye fell into the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, the other four families are all in full swing.

Especially Leng Jiahao, in order to win this competition, put all his energy into practicing assiduously,

Because this is not just a simple competition, but also a good opportunity to make a difference in the family.

Although the other three are also working hard, they know how to relax themselves.

No, when the evening was approaching, Leng Song called Leng Xuefei and Leng Tianzong, and the three of them came to "Baihuafang" together, in the name of looking for breakthrough inspiration.

"Baihuafang" is a famous place for fireworks in Tai Bai Cheng. Many cultivators come here to seek joy in their spare time.

Very early on, a literati cultivator wrote poems praising:

Twenty-eight beauties dress skillfully, and the bridegroom changes every night in the bridal chamber.

A pair of jade arms is a pillow for thousands of people, and a little bit of red lips is tasted by thousands of people.

It is not as good as a half-day bed in the spring night to practice hard in the mountains for thousands of years.

What I said is that blindly cultivating is always boring, and cultivators are also human beings, and they also need to vent their depression.

So at night, "Hundred Flowers Square" is brightly lit and lively.

As soon as the three of them walked into the "Hundred Flowers Square", they heard a burst of cheers and applause.

Then I saw all kinds of heavy make-up, Yingying Yanyan, beautiful cultivators in simple clothes, surrounding the bodies of different male cultivators, their movements are very intimate.

The entire "Hundred Flowers Square" is filled with a restless atmosphere.

"Hey! Isn't this our Mr. Leng? You haven't come to our Baihua visit for some time,

You don't know! Our Miss Xi'er, but I miss you, this person has lost a lot of weight, looking at it really makes people feel distressed,

Today, I can be counted as looking forward to you, come, come, come... Please hurry up, gentlemen. "

As soon as the three of Leng Xuefei arrived at the lobby on the first floor, a mature and beautiful female cultivator walked quickly and cheered enthusiastically.

"'s Mama Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time, but Mama Feng is still there.

The old one is huge. "

Leng Xuefei stared at the female cultivator's high protruding chest, and smiled with bright eyes.

At the same time, he took out a high-grade piece and embedded it in the gap, but was put into the storage bag without leaving any trace by the quick-witted mother Feng.

Then, he greeted the three of them more enthusiastically and went upstairs to the private room to welcome them.

Leng Tianzong and Leng Song followed closely behind, chatting and laughing.

Soon, the three of them came to the private room on the top floor to take a seat, and served the food and wine. Mother Feng retreated in time to arrange a good girl for them.

At this moment, Leng Tianzong raised his wine glass and said with a smile:

"The third brother will still enjoy Life, come on! Let's toast the third brother together."

Leng Tianzong's father is the oldest in the Leng family, followed by Leng Song and Leng Xuefei's fathers, hence the name.

Hearing this, Leng Song also picked up his wine glass and said with a smile:

"Come... third brother! You've been charged again today, and we won't go home until we're drunk tonight."

"Hehehe... the two big brothers are being polite. I'm not thinking that in a few days the Su family will compete, and our brothers may meet each other with fists and fists.

Today I specially prepared a glass of wine, hoping that no matter whether we win or lose, it will not affect the relationship between us brothers. "

Leng Xuefei raised his glasses with both hands, and then he did it first as a respect.

Seeing this, Leng Tianzong and Leng Song drank it all in one gulp.

"Third brother was joking. Although Su Ruolan was born beautiful and moving, but I haven't seen her for a few years. God knows if her film is still there.

I heard that when she came back this time, she also brought back a male cultivator, and the relationship between the two was even more unclear.

I liked her before, but now, it's just to cater to grandpa, so how can it affect the relationship between us brothers? "

Leng Tian put down his wine glass and smiled.

"Yes! Brothers are siblings, women are like clothes. If the third brother has a heart, if I meet you at that time, we can pretend to compete. It doesn't matter if I let you win the game."

Leng Song raised his wine glass again and smiled, Leng Tianzong also echoed, expressing that he was also willing to let Leng Xuefei win the game.

Leng Xuefei was very happy when he heard the words, he invited the two big brothers to have fun today, just to discuss their tone.

After getting the result he wanted, Leng Xuefei was even more happy, raised his glass and said with a smile:

"Then thanks to the kindness of the two big brothers, I have prepared two cubs for the two big brothers tonight,

After drinking this glass of wine, I will call them up to serve the two big brothers, hahaha..."

cold and cold

When Song heard the words, his face was naturally full of joy, and then each of them drank the spiritual wine in their cups in one gulp.

However, at the moment when the three of them raised their heads to drink.

A ghostly figure turned into an afterimage and flew in from the window.

"Who!" The three of them noticed the strangeness, and they shouted at the same time, and their respective Magic Treasures appeared in their hands instantly.

However, a gorgeous purple light and shadow appeared in the eyes of the three of them immediately, just like the sunset glow in summer, very beautiful. At this moment, the three of them were stunned.

Purple light flashed, the pupils of the three shrank, a bloodstain appeared on their necks, and then bright red blood gushed out quickly.


The Magic Treasures in the hands of the three fell to the floor, making a "bang-dang" sound.

Immediately, the consciousness of the three of them fell into endless darkness. The three of them never thought that they would be instantly killed by the other party until their death.

After the figure confirmed that several people were dead, he took away their storage bags. The figure flashed and left the window again, quickly disappearing into the night.

After a while,

Mother Feng estimated the time, and brought two young female cultivators with good looks and figures to the top floor.

The two young female cultivators looked a little reserved, and followed behind Mother Feng with their heads buried.

Maybe because they knew their next fate, the eyes of the two were full of helplessness.

"Mr. Leng! According to your order, I have brought him here, and we are coming in now."

Mother Feng was politely at the door and raised her voice. Then he pushed the door open.

However, after the door opened, Mother Feng's originally smiling expression suddenly changed.

The two female cultivators behind them even screamed "Ah..." when they saw this.

I saw three young cultivators in the room, everyone's eyes were wide open, the clothes on their chests were stained red with blood,

Blood was still slowly gushing out of the neck, and the few people were obviously dying.

"Shut up! Hurry up and ask the person in charge to come." After all, Feng's mother is a veteran of Rivers and Lakes, she quickly calmed down, and shouted loudly.

Hearing the words, the two cultivators quickly covered their mouths, not daring to speak out.

"Why are you still standing in a daze! Go and ask the steward to come!"

Seeing that the two were still standing here, Mother Feng scolded loudly again.

When the two of them heard the words, they just said "hmm", then turned and left...

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