Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 448 Don't Talk Nonsense

In the private room on the top floor of "Baihuafang".

Mother Feng's expression was ugly. Looking at the corpses in front of her, a bad premonition emerged in her heart.

Because Mama Feng recognizes all these people, if this matter is not handled properly, it will bring a lot of trouble to Baihuafang.

At this time, a middle-aged cultivator quickly came forward, and when he saw the scene in the room, he frowned slightly.

"My lord, the steward!" Mother Feng nodded respectfully after seeing the person coming.

"Don't be too polite, do you know the identities and backgrounds of these people?"

The middle-aged cultivator stroked his beard and asked.

"We all know that one of them is our regular customer, but he hasn't come for a while. I didn't expect such a thing to happen today."

Mother Feng replied after hearing the words, and then told all the information she knew.

When he heard that these people were all from Leng's family, the middle-aged cultivator's face changed obviously, as if it was very troublesome.

"Judging from the wounds, several of them were killed with a single knife, and the murderer's knife tactics are very domineering,

Not only does it contain the sword intent, but the sword intent has eroded the souls of these people,

I guess the murderer should, at least, have a Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul stage or above, otherwise, with their three Gold Core late stage Cultivation Bases, it is impossible to be defenseless. Biqu library

How about this! You first send someone to notify Leng's family and ask them to claim the body, and I will come back as soon as I go. "

The middle-aged cultivator analyzed, and then walked away directly after speaking.

After hearing this, Mother Feng also left the room to make corresponding arrangements...

This night is destined to be a restless night.

When the Leng family received the news that Leng Xuefei, Leng Tianzong, and Leng Song had all died in the "Hundred Flowers Square", there was an uproar in the Leng family immediately.

You know, there are only five adult and outstanding third generations of the Leng family.

Leng Ye didn't come out from the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, and the Leng family had already suffered a lot.

That's good, three more died at once, which is undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue to the Leng family.

After the old man Leng Qiuchan heard the news, he immediately became furious and vowed to catch the murderer and avenge his grandchildren.

For a moment, the entire Leng family fell into a wail.

Grandpa Su, Su Galaxy Cluster, when he heard the news, rushed to Leng’s house overnight


But the result was not satisfactory, because a heartbroken woman was very resistant to the arrival of Su Galaxy Cluster.

And in the crying statement, he said a reason that made everyone amazed.

She said, could it be that the Su family deliberately killed her son Leng Xuefei because they didn't want the martial arts competition to be held as scheduled the day after tomorrow.

As soon as this was said, it immediately caused an uproar in the Su family.

Although the old man Leng Qiuchan immediately scolded Leng Xuefei's mother.

But the terrible thing is, she said this in front of Su Galaxy Cluster, how do you think the old man Su Galaxy Cluster would think.

The key is that this reason seems to be justified, otherwise how could things be so coincidental.

So, Su left angrily and left a message, Mo Yan will not mention the matter of choosing a son-in-law after the competition.

When this incident happened to Leng's family, almost everyone from top to bottom fell into endless pain.

Of course, there is someone in the Leng family who is secretly happy, and that is Leng Jiahao's room.

Now Leng Jiahao's status in Leng's family can be said to be many times higher.

From the fact that the old man sent a Nascent Soul late stage cultivator to protect Leng Jiahao, it can be seen how much the Leng family attaches great importance to him.

Thinking that two days later, he would defeat the enemy without a fight and win the beauty back, Leng Jiahao felt extremely refreshed.

However, what Leng Jiahao didn't expect was that the old man suddenly sent a message that the martial arts contest to recruit relatives was cancelled.

This made Leng Jiahao so angry that he directly smashed everything in the room.

the next morning,

"Bang bang bang... bang bang..." There was a series of knocks on the door.

"Don't knock, don't's so noisy! It's so early in the morning, it's still keeping people from sleeping."

An impatient voice came from the room, and then a brilliance flashed in the door, and then the door opened automatically.

At this time, the beautiful figure at the door eagerly rushed through the door and came to the bedroom.

Meimou stared straight at the young cultivator who was putting on clothes in the room, but didn't speak.

"'s Sister Su! You don't go to practice so early, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that Su Ruolan was staring at him without speaking, Lu Chen smiled embarrassingly.

Su Ruolan looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see anything unusual on Lu Chen's face, so she asked suspiciously:

"Where did you go last night? Did you leave

Su Mansion? "

"Hehehe... You asked this, where else could I go, didn't I just keep practicing in this room?

After the day after tomorrow, I will help you solve the matter of martial arts and recruiting relatives. I will go to Zhutian City. For this reason, I have been making preparations for the past few days. "

Lu Chen smiled.

After putting on his clothes, he sat in front of the desk and chair in the bedroom with his legs crossed, looking very casual.

"No need! The competition to recruit relatives has been cancelled. If you want to leave, you can leave today."

After Su Ruolan heard that Lu Chen was about to leave, her face changed obviously, and her tone was a little displeased.

"Cancelled? What happened? Did your old man change his mind?"

Lu Chen said with a surprised expression upon hearing this.

"Then actually is not, because three of the third generation of Leng's family died in succession last night, plus Leng Ye fell in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain,

Among the five people who proposed marriage, only Leng Jiahao was left. The Leng family is currently busy tracking down the murderer, so this matter has been canceled for the time being.

Do you think you did this thing? "

Su Ruolan said lightly.

When she heard her grandfather say this, the first thing she thought of was Lu Chen.

Of course, what Su Ruolan didn't know was that the old man didn't tell what happened to him at Leng's house last night.

"What? Sister Su, we can eat indiscriminately, but we can't talk indiscriminately.

Besides, those three guys from the Leng family should also be Gold Core cultivators!

Do you think I have the strength to kill them silently? You think highly of me too! "

After hearing the words, Lu Chen immediately jumped up and retorted like being stepped on a cat's tail.

As a result, Su Ruolan looked at Lu Chen, and immediately remembered the scene where Lu Chen fought three against one, then the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and said softly:

"You have! But I won't tell others, and others won't suspect you,

I think, if it was really you who did it, it's fine, I should also thank you. "

"Okay! Sister Su, anyway, since the matter has been resolved, I have to leave tomorrow, because there are still many important things waiting for me to do."

Lu Chen said with a serious expression.

To be honest, after getting along for this period of time, when it was time to leave, Lu Chen was really reluctant...

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