In the room, Su Ruolan looked at Lu Chen quietly, the two of them chatted without saying a word, with mixed emotions in their hearts.

She is a woman with a relatively independent personality, otherwise she would not run away from home because of the family marriage. Biqu library

What's more, Su Ruolan can also see that Lu Chen doesn't seem to have any feelings for her.

Therefore, even if she had some admiration for Lu Chen in her heart, but Lu Chen didn't take the initiative, Su Ruolan could only bury that affection in her heart.

After a long time, Su Ruolan sighed and asked:

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Let's go early in the morning." Lu Chen turned his head to look out the window, and said firmly.

If it wasn't for the third form of Taichu Nine Swords, Lu Chen felt that he was about to have a breakthrough, and he wanted to leave now.

After that, the two chatted awkwardly for a while, and Su Ruolan left with an excuse.

After Su Ruolan left, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and three storage bags appeared in his hand,

After counting the resources inside, they were collected into the Golden Pearl World.

That's right, in order to help Su Ruolan resolve the issue of choosing a son-in-law in a contest,

At the same time, in order to save himself unnecessary troubles, Lu Chen spent a lot of money to secretly inquire about the details and whereabouts of the third generation of the Leng family.

At first Lu Chen didn't intend to kill them, at best he would make them idiots.

However, following Lu Chen's investigation, it was found that these few leaders of the Leng family, except for their high Cultivation Base Talent, are really too numerous to write down.

Not only raped and plundered secretly, but also committed all kinds of crimes, even a seven or eight-year-old girl,

Therefore, Lu Chen slaughtered them incidentally with the idea of ​​doing justice for the heavens, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Just when Lu Chen was about to continue Insight, the third form of the Nine Knives in the Beginning.

A beautiful figure flashed in again, but it was Su Ruolan who had gone and returned, and she said anxiously:

"Lu Chen, go away! It has been revealed that you killed Leng Xuefei and others. The head of the Leng family and my grandfather are bringing people to arrest you."

"What?" Lu Chen's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he stood up abruptly.

It never occurred to him that he would be exposed after being so secretive.

At this time, another figure flashed in quickly. The person who came was Su Ruolan's father, Su Zhicheng. Seeing that his daughter was there, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he said anxiously:

"My son-in-law! What should you do?

Should know! It's not too late, you come with me quickly, I will find a way to take you out. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen finally realized that something was wrong.

But when the few people just went out, Yujian hadn't had time to take off.

Several Daoist shadows quickly stepped into the air and landed in the yard.

The leaders are the elders of the Su family, Su Galaxy Cluster, Leng Qiuchan, and the boss of the Su family, Su Zhiguo.

And the second child, Su Zhizhou, plus four middle-aged cultivators.

But when Lu Chen saw one of them, a middle-aged cultivator with a blue birthmark on his face, Lu Chen finally understood where the problem was.

"Come and take a look! Is this the person who asked you about Leng Xuefei and others a few days ago?"

A tall, clean-faced, beardless middle-aged cultivator with fierce eyes looked at Lu Chen and asked the cultivator with a birthmark on his face.

The cultivator with the birthmark on his face looked at Lu Chen, and said affirmatively:

"That's right! It's him, the one who gave me some Spirit Stones and asked me about the young masters of the Leng family."

At this time, Lu Chen's ear rang, Su Zhicheng's Divine Sense sound transmission.

He told Lu Chen that the middle-aged cultivator who spoke was Leng Xuefei's father Leng Wuqing, the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul early stage.

And another chubby cultivator is Leng Song's father, Leng Wuyi.

And Leng Tianzong's father, Leng Wuren, both of them are the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul middle stage.

Lu Chen's heart fell to the bottom after hearing the words, but on the surface he was calm and composed.

However, before the members of Leng's family opened their mouths, the boss Su Zhiguo took the lead in shouting:

"Hmph! Damn kid! It's in vain that our Su family treats you well,

It's fine if you don't want to repay, but you actually repay your favor and destroy the relationship between our Su Leng family.

I advise you to catch him without a fight, maybe we can leave you with a whole body, or you will be wiped out today. "

"Dage! What nonsense are you talking to him? I'll just kill him."

The second child, Su Zhizhou, scolded out of righteous indignation, as if he wanted to make a move. Biqu library

"Father! Dage! Second brother! Is there some misunderstanding in this? How can we judge that Lu Chen is the murderer just based on his one-sided words?"

At the critical moment, Su Zhicheng dodged to block the second son Su Zhizhou, preventing him from making a move, and said anxiously.

A long sword also appeared in Su Ruolan's hand, ready to fight side by side with Lu Chen.

"Third brother! Get out of the way, or don't blame me for treating you

You are welcome. "

Su Zhizhou scolded loudly.

Lu Chen didn't expect that Su Ruolan's father could stand up for him in this situation, and he was very moved.

Seeing his son, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster actually spoke to Lu Chen, his face instantly became gloomy.

Leng Qiuchan looked at all this playfully, without expressing his opinion.

"Hmph! Bloody hatred, so I won't bother your Su family."

Seeing this, Leng Wuqing snorted and said displeasedly.

Then his body turned into an afterimage, which appeared in front of Lu Chen like lightning, and he slapped it out with a palm, and the powerful true essence immediately caused a burst of sound.

"Lu Chen be careful!" Su Ruolan exclaimed suddenly.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Chen would be slapped to death with a single palm.

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth were raised slightly, and he shot like lightning, and at the same time secretly cast Buddha Palm.

"Boom..." When Lu Chen's palm met Leng Wuqing's, there was a loud bang,

The powerful energy spread rapidly to the surroundings in an instant, causing everyone present to show unbelievable expressions.

" is it possible?"

Leng Wuqing cried out in horror.

He felt Own's arm snap, and was directly broken by a huge energy, and then his body flew upside down in an instant.

Fortunately, Leng Wuren shot in time, caught Leng Wuqing, and then took out a healing Medicine Pill for him to swallow.

Otherwise, just this one, Leng Wuqing will definitely fall into the mud.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and almost everyone did not realize that this would be the result.

They could never have imagined, a young kid in the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen. Biqu library

To be able to knock Leng Wuqing who possesses Nascent Soul early stage Cultivation Base into the air with a single palm.

Seeing this, Su Zhicheng and Su Ruolan's eyes lit up.

The old man, Su Galaxy Cluster, looked at Lu Chen with complicated eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Leng Qiuchan and the rest of the Leng family looked at Lu Chen with vicious eyes,

Because the strength shown by Lu Chen is enough to prove that he has the conditions to kill Leng Xuefei and others with one move.

So Leng Wuren immediately reprimanded angrily:

"Damn boy, let daddy meet you."

After speaking, he took out a piece of Magic Treasures. Once the Magic Treasures was taken out, it immediately shone with dazzling light, and at the same time exuded a powerful force……………………

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