Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 450 The Devouring Knife

Lu Chen suddenly felt locked by a powerful opportunity.

I saw that the Magic Treasures were sickle-shaped, golden yellow all over, as if made of pure gold, with a sharp cold light flashing on the blade, and at the same time exuding a terrifying aura that captured people's hearts and souls.

"Lu Chen! It's not easy for me to take action against the Leng family, but don't worry, if my second brother Dage does, I will definitely protect you with all my might.

Leng Wuren's spiritual treasure is a soul-eating sickle refined from an alien planet, you have to be careful, and don't let our Ruolan down! "

At this moment, Su Zhicheng secretly told Lu Chen via voice transmission from Divine Sense.

Lu Chen heard that he had no time to respond to Su Zhicheng, because Leng Wuren had already sacrificed the soul-eating sickle,

The Soul-devouring sickle was spinning at high speed like a top, and it was attacking like lightning.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and with a thought, "Qinghong" Flying Sword brought Lu Chen's figure, and rushed to the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Where are you running, kid!" Seeing Lu Chen running away, Leng Wuren shouted loudly, his body soared into the air in an instant, and flew towards the sky.

Seeing this, the others followed Ta Kong and chased after him, as if they were afraid that Lu Chen would run away.

"Hehehe...Brother Su! What else do you have to say now, isn't Su Zhicheng's attitude enough to prove your Su family's attitude?"

After the others left, only Su Galaxy Cluster and Leng Qiuchan were left in the yard,

At this time, Leng Qiuchan, the Patriarch of the Leng family, questioned with a smile on his face.

Leng Wuqing's wife before, when the Leng family said that the murderer behind the scenes might be the Su family,

Even though Lengqiu Chan heard the words, he also felt that it was impossible, but he just took it as an angry remark.

However, when the steward of "Hundred Flowers" brought the cultivator with the birthmark on his face to Leng's house.

And after providing a piece of information about their investigation Jade Slip, Leng Qiuchan also had to suspect that this matter was related to the Su family.

Today, Lu Chen's performance and Su Zhicheng's attitude can be said to be solid evidence.

After the old man Su Galaxy Cluster heard the words, he naturally understood what Lengqiu Chan meant. What he wanted was an explanation from the Su family.

Su Galaxy Cluster glanced at the sky without leaving a trace, only to see that kid Lu Chen,

Actually, the Cultivation Base with the Gold Core stage Dzogchen, and Leng Wuren with the Nascent Soul middle stage Cultivation Base fought for more than a hundred rounds, but they were defeated without dying.

This talent and combat power have to be admired,

If that kid becomes his own grandson-in-law, it will naturally be beneficial to the Su family when he grows up in the future.

However, the Leng family and the Su family have been friends for generations after all, if it is because of a Lu Chen who has not yet grown up, it is obviously not worth the pressure of the entire Su family on him.

These ideas, in Su Galaxy Cluster

In my mind, it's just a few breaths.

I saw that the old man Su Galaxy Cluster stroked his beard with a smile and said:

"Brother Leng! Our two families have been friends for generations. I really don't want this friendship to be ruined in the hands of our generation.

But, as you can see, that Lu Chen is just a friend of my granddaughter, and what he did, our Su family doesn't know.

Moreover, Su Zhicheng's attitude does not represent the attitude of our Su family, and I hope you don't misunderstand, Brother Leng.

If the Leng family wants to do something to Lu Chen, my Su family naturally has no objection."

After Leng Qiuchan heard the words, he scolded Su Galaxy Cluster as an old fox in his heart, and dumped the blame completely in a few words.

This made his original plan to take advantage of the problem and get involved in the Su family's Maoershan idea, but it failed.

However, when the Su family found out that there are a large number of Spirit Stones veins in Mao'er Mountain, and there may even be spirit stones, they didn't tell themselves.

In Leng Qiuchan's heart, he had already forgotten about the friendship between Su and Leng for generations.

I was thinking about how to implement this matter, because that big man was pressing hard,

If one is not done well, his Leng family is likely to face annihilation.

The battle between Lu Chen and Leng Wuren immediately attracted many cultivators to watch.

In particular, Lu Chen, as a cultivator in the Gold Core stage, was able to fight Power in the Nascent Soul stage for so long without dying.

This combat power is comparable to those super genius disciples of nine-star Sect.

But soon people discovered the clues. They found that the cultivator in the Gold Core period would fly back soon after being shot down every time.

Moreover, the real essence is extremely thick, and it doesn't look like it has been injured at all.

Everyone was not stupid, and they all guessed that there must be some holy medicine for healing on that kid.

Some sharp-eyed cultivators even recognized Lu Chen as the young cultivator who performed equally prominently in the Alchemy Tower square.

Leng Wuren was also shocked in his heart at the moment, the kid who thought he could solve it easily,

But now he was still alive and kicking, which undoubtedly slapped him hard on the face.

In fact, Lu Chen wouldn't feel good at all, if it wasn't for the body refining technique, plus the real energy comparable to the Nascent Soul early stage, and the Divine Sense of the Nascent Soul middle stage.

In order to barely withstand Leng Wuren's attack, he still took a lot of Wannian Stone Essence Vitality Pill, otherwise Lu Chen would have been cold.

Especially the broken scythe on the other side, every time Lu Chen got close to it, Lu Chen felt a pain in his heart.

"Boy! I have to admit that you are really a freak, but do you think that you will be able to get out of this Tai Bai Cheng alive? You give

I'm going to die! "

Leng Wuren saw that he had not been able to kill Lu Chen for so long,

While continuously attacking, he shouted loudly, and then shot again with all his strength.

Under the infusion of its true essence, the Soul-devouring Sickle flew towards Lu Chen again like a curved crescent moon, with a breathtaking aura.

But this time Lu Chen didn't dodge blindly like before.

I saw him holding up the knife embryo in his hand, and the knife embryo suddenly shone with a strong purple brilliance under the perfusion of its true essence.

A black stone the size of a mountain suddenly appeared out of thin air, just in time to block the opponent's Soul Devouring Scythe.

Suddenly there was a huge bang.

"It's now!" Lu Chen shouted inwardly.

The body quickly flew with the sword, bypassing the black stone the size of a mountain.

Then he slammed towards Leng Wuren, and suddenly a huge purple knife shadow with a length of 100 meters, with terrifying devouring power and strong will, fell down violently like mountains and seas.

"That's it?" Leng Wuren suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and then his mind went blank, and he was stunned for a while.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see Leng Wuren standing in the air blankly,

A huge purple knife shadow slashed down fiercely as if it was real. If this knife is carried out, Leng Wuren will be split in two.

"Dage be careful!" Leng Wuyi saw that own Dage Leng Wuren, he didn't know why he was suddenly stunned, and hurriedly shouted desperately.

At the same time, the body turned into an afterimage, and rushed out like lightning. In the midst of the flash, the latecomers blocked Leng Wuren's front.

Raising his hand at the same time, a powerful beam of true essence shot out, collided with the huge purple knife shadow, and another huge bang sounded.

At this time, Leng Wuren's eyes lit up, and then he said with a look of horror:

"That' scary sword art,"

"Ah... what a pity!" Seeing that he failed to kill Leng Wuren, Lu Chen sighed inwardly.

From Leng Wuren's soul-devouring sickle just now, he comprehended the third form of "swallowing" in the nine knives of the early days.

As soon as the sword is released, it can carry a strong sword intent, and the powerful devouring power can be emitted from the sword intent.

When the knife falls, the knife will break through Wanfa, and the power of devouring will take the heart and soul, which can make people fall into a blank mind for a short time.

Before that, Lu Chen was stuck, not knowing how to perform the third form of the Taichu Nine Swords, the Devouring Sword.

It wasn't until the battle with Leng Wuren that his Soul Eater Scythe contained the soul-stirring effect, which gave Lu Chen great inspiration.

It's a pity that I still couldn't kill that old guy......

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