Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 452 Want To Cry But Have No Tears


When Lu Chen finally saw that someone with knowledge came to his rescue, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, it would be best if he could not expose the world of Jinzhu.

The appearance of the visitor immediately attracted discussions from the surrounding cultivators.

Some cultivators looked at the person seriously, and said with bright eyes:

"Hahaha... I just remembered, that person seems to be Chen Song, the eldest disciple of the weapon god Xuanyuan Zhen, who owns the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture early stage, so it's fun to watch now."

As soon as that cultivator said his words, many cultivators gloated at Lu Chen.

Chen Song glanced at the jade tablet in Lu Chen's hand indifferently, but didn't speak, then turned to look at Leng Wuqing and the others. Biqu library

"Senior! This person dared to pretend to be a disciple of the God of Weapons, and even killed three genius disciples of my Leng family,

His deeds are heinous, and please ask the senior to let me kill this beast, lest he continue to tarnish the reputation of Xuanyuan senior. "

After hearing the identity of the person who came, Leng Wuqing bit the bullet and took a step forward, cupped hands respectfully.

Because he only has a son like Leng Xuefei, who is very precious on weekdays, but now that his son was killed by Lu Chen, he wished he could eat Lu Chen raw,

Therefore, even if he knew that the person coming from Cultivation Base was terrifying, and he was from Xuanyuan Pavilion, he still had to strike first.

However, Leng Qiuchan, the old man of the Leng family, knew that he might not be able to kill Lu Chen today when the visitor appeared, so he regretfully sent a voice transmission to Leng Wuqing Divine Sense:

"Hey... Wu Qing can't be rude, let's get back quickly!"

After Leng Wuqing heard the words, although he was very reluctant, he still followed the old man's words.

The cultivator who was watching all around did not expect that someone would actually come to rescue him, and the person who came happened to be someone from Xuanyuan Pavilion,

So, they all speculated that the jade tablet in Lu Chen's hand was real?

When it comes to identity jade cards, most people are skeptical,

After all, they have never even seen a character like "Qi Shen", so the devil knows what his identity jade card looks like,

This is why, although many people want to get the favor of the "Qi Shen",

But he didn't want to believe what Lu Chen said, so he helped him.

After Lu Chen heard the identity of the visitor, his heart jumped into his throat.

He secretly scolded himself for being unlucky, but he didn't expect that this fake Li Kui would meet the real Li Kui. Lu Chen really felt like crying.

Immediately turning his eyes, the cupped hands smiled and said:

"Hehehe... so it's you, brother! You came in time, the old Master asked me to come out to do something,

I haven't finished here yet, so I'll leave first, go back

In the first place, I will invite my brother to drink again to apologize to my brother. "

After speaking, his figure flashed, Yujian flew away, and in the blink of an eye, he was already more than a thousand meters away.

Before leaving, I did not forget to send a voice transmission to Su Ruolan Divine Sense, telling her that I have to retreat quickly, and come to Tai Bai Cheng to find her again when I have a chance.

Because if you don't leave, you can't do it. I, a fake disciple, can't stand scrutiny at all.

Now, finally, a cheap senior brother has been cheated. If I don't leave now, when will I wait?

Chen Song frowned slightly when he saw Lu Chen running away without a trace.

Immediately with a thought, the body disappeared out of thin air again, as if he had never appeared at all.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the cultivators who were onlookers also dispersed one after another, leaving only the members of the Leng family with ugly faces.

Su Ruolan looked at the direction in which Lu Chen was fleeing, with a look of worry on her face.

Su Zhicheng didn't see Lu Chen's lies, and he was dreaming happily in his heart that he must ask his son-in-law to create a first-class Magic Treasures for him in the future.

At this time, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster Divine Sense sent a voice transmission to Su Zhiguo and others as well as Su Ruolan, probably telling them to go back and hold a family meeting.

Soon, the sky above the Su family returned to its usual state.

Lu Chen, who was flying with a sword, turned around and saw that no one was chasing him. He was so happy in his heart. He didn't expect it to be so easy, so he was fooled by himself.

However, just when Lu Chen was complacent.

He who was flying with Yujian suddenly staggered, and then screamed "ah".

Immediately, there was a blur in front of my eyes, and then the flickering black and white alternated rapidly, and I couldn't see the scene clearly.

At the same time, his shoulders seemed to be clamped by pliers, no matter how hard he tried to resist, he couldn't break free.

After a few breaths, Lu Chen felt himself thrown out by a huge force.

The body rolled continuously on the ground, and it didn't stop until it fell into the mud.

But his reaction was not slow, and he stood up with a "bass".

At the same time, the knife embryo appeared in his hand with a "swipe", exuding a powerful force.

However, the scene in front of him stunned Lu Chen.

"Boom..." A scorching breath hit.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding..."

There were bursts of crisp iron strikes and crackling sounds from burning flames.

Looking around, in a huge yard, surrounded by high walls on all sides, the entire yard is almost the size of a football field.

There are more than a dozen hearths set up in the yard, and more than thirty naked muscular men,

He was waving the sledgehammer in his hand, hitting the red-burned embryos on the stone platform alternately from left to right.

then burn red

The broken embryo was clamped with large iron tongs and plunged into the water. It immediately made a "sizzling" sound, and then a thick white smoke floated up.

When Lu Chen came, those people just glanced at Lu Chen lightly, and then they were busy with the things in their hands.

"This... where is this place?" Lu Chen looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, and murmured in his heart. Biqu library

At this time, Lu Chen caught a glimpse of a majestic, tall, upright man, with red phoenix eyes, crouching silkworm eyebrows, a face like heavy jujubes, lips like grease, and a dignified appearance.

My heart skipped a beat, because this person was the one who came forward to save own cheap brother Chen Song just now.

It's no wonder that I just felt that the flickering black and white alternated rapidly in front of me just now. It turned out that it was caused by Senior Brother Chen leading me to teleport continuously.

But why is he catching himself? Does he want to trouble own?

So, Lu Chen pretended to be confused with understanding, and said with an awkward smile:

"Hahaha... so it's Senior Brother Chen! What did you bring me here for? If I have something else to do, I won't disturb you Senior Brother. Goodbye!"

After speaking, he was ready to fly away again with Yujian.

After Senior Brother Chen heard this, he looked at Lu Chen expressionlessly the whole time,

Immediately when he raised his hand, a golden brilliance flew out instantly, so fast that it almost reached Lu Chen's feet in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen was startled when he saw this, but he didn't even have a chance to react and dodge, and a voice came from his ear:

"Click" sound.

Immediately, the golden brilliance disappeared, and Lu Chen found a pair of dark anklets on own's ankles.

Seeing that the other party didn't mean to hurt himself, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at that Senior Brother Chen very puzzled, not knowing what he meant.

But Senior Brother Chen still had a zombie face, he couldn't see any clues, and then said lightly:

"Before sunset, beat this into a sword embryo, otherwise there will be no food."

After speaking, he threw out a piece of black ore the size of a millstone, and then teleported away.

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked at the disappeared Senior Brother Chen, and then at the busy cultivators around, and after making sure that no one paid attention to him,

He said disdainfully in his heart: "I'll hit your sister! It's not until sunset, otherwise I won't be given food. Young master, I've already completed my Gold Core period. Do I still need to eat? You are an idiot."

Speaking of which, Lu Chen was about to fly away with his sword, but the moment Lu Chen soared into the air, the ankle cuffs suddenly flashed brightly,

Lu Chen felt as if his feet were bearing a heavy weight, and then his body fell sharply.

"Fuck..." a sound.

Lu Chen fell face down and fell hard on the ground, a huge pit in the shape of a human appeared on the ground...

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