Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 453 Trapped In Xuanyuan Pavilion

The huge bang immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding cultivators. Seeing that Lu Chen hadn't gotten up for a long time, they all looked at the whispered discussions here.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up and work for me,"

At this time, one of the muscular strong men shouted loudly.

After everyone heard the words, they hurriedly continued to work, and the sound of "ding ding ding ding" sounded again in the yard.

The burly man glanced at Lu Chen's direction, then flashed to Lu Chen's side,

Then he lifted Lu Chen up from the pit like a chicken, and asked in a bad tone:

"Can you still catch your breath? If you can still catch your breath, hurry over to work,

Eldest brother specifically told me to take good care of you, if you dare to be lazy, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Lu Chen, who was thrown to the ground, was not injured, but his face and body were covered with mud, and he looked very embarrassed.

After hearing the words, he was even more angry, and he didn't speak, and directly mobilized his true energy angrily, trying to tear off the ankle cuffs.

But Lu Chen suddenly found out in horror that his own genital energy could not be used.

But Lu Chen still didn't give up, and tried hard to break off the pair of handcuffs, but found that the chain stripes in the middle of the handcuffs hadn't moved at all.

At this time, the sneer of the big man cultivator came again:

"Huh... boy! I think you should not waste your efforts. This is the acquired Lingbao Earth Locking Ring. It can not only seal the true essence, but also be indestructible.

Just by you? If you want to break it open with your bare hands, that's just a dream.

I see you! It's better to obediently complete the task assigned by the elder brother, otherwise you will really have nothing to eat before sunset. "

After many attempts to no avail, Lu Chen finally gave up, but when he was asked to strike naked like the others, Lu Chen's face suddenly turned black.

Stubbornly looking away, making a silent resistance, thinking in his heart: "If daddy doesn't go, what can you do to me?"


At this time, there was a cracking sound of a whip whipping through the air, and then it slammed down on Lu Chen. Lu Chen was startled and quickly rolled over to the side.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen immediately roared angrily.

Looking at the long whip marks on the ground with lingering fear, because the whip just now almost

Slap on own.

"Hehehe... If you don't go to work anymore, the next whip will hit you not on the ground, but on your body."

The big man looked at Lu Chen with contempt and said.

Facing the threat, Lu Chen glanced unconvinced. This big man was half a head taller than himself, with broad shoulders and a broad body. His whole body was muscular and full of explosive power.

In line with the principle that a good man does not suffer immediate losses, Lu Chen resolutely walked towards the black ore that was as black as a millstone and the size of a millstone.

Then he squatted down and prepared to pick it up with both hands, but who ever thought that the inconspicuous ore in front of him didn't move at all under Lu Chen's all-out efforts to move it. Biqu library

Due to the excessive force, Lu Chen's face flushed, but he still couldn't shake the black ore.

After many attempts to no avail, Lu Chen was so angry that he slumped on the ground and cursed:

"What the hell is this thing? Why is it so heavy? Who can move it without real yuan? Isn't this embarrassing me?"

At this time, the muscular man next to him couldn't bear to look at him, he raised the long whip in his hand and slapped it directly on Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen dodged subconsciously, but the long whip still lashed Lu Chen's back abruptly.

"Huh? How did I forget this, hahaha...there is no limit to the road."

Lu Chen secretly laughed in his heart.

Because of a moment of anger, he forgot that he was still a body cultivator, until the whip hit his body, Lu Chen could not feel the slightest pain,

He just remembered that he is a cultivator in the Body Refining King Body Realm, possessing the body of Magic Treasures that are invulnerable to Vajra and invulnerable to fire and water.

Now that he can't use his true essence, he can try the body refining technique.

As a result, Lu Chen secretly performed the Chaos Body Refining Technique, and immediately felt his whole body was full of strength. You must know that the strength of the King of Body Refining Body Realm is comparable to that of a cultivator at the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen.

"This kid, could it be that there is something wrong with his head! After being beaten, he is still there foolishly."

Seeing that Lu Chen was whipped by himself, the muscular man not only didn't get angry, but sat on the ground and giggled, thinking suspiciously.

However, it didn't take long before a look of surprise appeared on the muscular man's face.

After Lu Chen smirked, he came to the side of the black ore again,


Afterwards, like hugging a foam box, he hugged the earth steel that weighed seven or eight hundred catties very easily.

If it weren't for the fact that every time Lu Chen took a step, there would be a clear footprint on the ground, the muscular man would have thought that the ground lock ring had failed.

With the operation of the Chaotic Body Refining Technique, Lu Chen sensed the real yuan fluctuations of other cultivators in the yard,

It is found that most people's Cultivation Base is in the fusion stage, but there are not many cultivators in the Gold Core stage.

In this way, Lu Chen easily moved the ore to one of the stone platforms that resembled a hearth.

There is a fire pit in the middle of the stone platform, and a hot flame is burning in the fire pit, and the ore is calcined with the help of the high temperature in the fire pit.

From Lu Chen's perspective, it is natural to see that the reason why flames continuously emerge from the fire pit is because the entire interior of the stone platform has a mysterious formation.

"Hello! Are you a new student? My name is Ouyang Zan. How about you? What's your name?"

At this time, a muscular young cultivator who was about the same age as Lu Chen approached Lu Chen's stone platform and asked with a smile.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he glanced at the other party, and then at the big man who snorted. Seeing that he didn't pay attention to him any more, he hurriedly asked in a low voice:

"Brother Ouyang! My name is Lu Chen, can you tell me what the hell is this place? Who are they?"

"What? You don't know where this is? Then how did you come here?"

As a result, the young cultivator who called himself Ouyang Zan didn't answer Lu Chen's question after hearing the words, but looked at Lu Chen in surprise and asked.

"Hey... This is a long story, brother, you should tell me what this place is first!"

Lu Chen asked again in a low voice.

Ouyang Zan looked at Lu Chen for a while, seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, so he whispered: "This is Xuanyuan Pavilion..."

After a simple exchange, plus Lu Chen's insinuations, the boy said with a proud face, but Lu Chen heard his face full of bitterness.

It turned out that I was captured and brought to Xuanyuan Pavilion, Xuanyuan Zhen's lair, and the cultivators here are all disciples of Xuanyuan Pavilion.

And the muscular man who whipped himself just now is their senior brother named Duan Peng, the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul early stage………………………

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