Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 454 Envious Of Others

And these cultivators basically come to learn from their masters in the name of the "God of Equipment" Xuanyuan Zhen.

However, the way of refining weapons is basically: three years into the industry, three years of knowledge, and another three years may not be able to become a master of weapon refining.

Most of these people have been here for a few years, and apart from practicing, they basically spend their time here every day, oh no! It is a forging material.

How broad and profound is the way of refining, and its complexity is no less than that of pill refining.

And to learn the way of refining, one must experience the changes of various materials during the forging process in the early stage.

For example, if the same material is knocked 10,000 times and 10,000 times, the final result will be different.

And some materials can't withstand 10,000 times of knocking. For beginners,

When faced with tens of thousands of refining materials, it would be a headache just to think about the optimal refining times for each material.

What's more, the early stage usually seals the cultivator's real essence, so that the cultivator can better comprehend how the material feels during the forging process.

If you can't use real yuan, you can only hit it with a hammer like a mortal, so each of these cultivators will be muscular like a bodybuilder.

What's more, this is still only the early stage stage. If you want to refine higher-level Magic Treasures, you have to learn the corresponding formation.

As we all know, formation and refining are fundamentally inseparable.

Often the more powerful Magic Treasures, the more profound the formation contained in its internal space.

So in Cultivation World, there may be many people who know how to refine weapons, but there are not many who can truly become masters of weapons refining like Xuanyuan Zhen.

"What are you two talking about? Why don't you hurry up and get to work!"

Just as Lu Chen and Ouyang Zan were having a lively chat, a voice of scolding suddenly sounded, interrupting their conversation.

After Ouyang Zan heard the words, he quickly left, because he had already gone through the stage of sealing the true essence, so now he can use the true essence to learn the content of the next stage.

Lu Chen learned a lot after hearing the words. At first, he planned to go to Zhutian City to learn the way of refining weapons.

Never would I have thought that I would be arrested and forced to learn how to refine weapons, it is really unpredictable.

However, what surprised Lu Chen was that it is reasonable to say that Zhutian City is known as the Capital of Artifact Refining, and even established an Artifact Refiner's Association.

Then why, Xuanyuan Zhen, who is the "god of equipment", set up Xuanyuan Pavilion in Tai Bai Cheng, which is a bit strange.

It's incredible.

However, Lu Chen didn't think too much about it, so let's solve the current problem first.

Since forging this piece of black ore is good for him, Lu Chen will do as he says.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, he picked up the Magic Treasures pliers next to him, and clamped the red-burned ore on the stone platform to the forging platform next to him.

Then he chose a sledgehammer, and said in a low voice: "Eighty..."


The moment Lu Chen held up the sledgehammer and slammed it down, a huge bang resounded through the entire courtyard, the sound was deafening, and the ground trembled.

It immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding cultivators, all showing shocked expressions.

followed by a series of huge

"Dang...dang...dang..." sounded.

I saw Lu Chen swinging it quickly as if tirelessly. It was also a Lingbao-level sledgehammer,

The movement of the hand almost turned into an afterimage, constantly beating, forging the ore on the platform.

"Then... isn't the newcomer's true essence sealed?"

Among the disciples watching sideways, one disciple said in surprise.

"Impossible! I watched the elder brother put the ground lock ring on him personally, and didn't you notice it?

There was no real energy fluctuation around that kid. If I expected correctly, that kid should be a cultivator with a high level. "

After thinking about it, another disciple said in the same shock.

Even Duan Peng, who was in charge of guarding them, showed an unbelievable expression. Biqu library

While Lu Chen was knocking on the ore, there were two figures standing in front of the window on the top floor of a nine-story tower not far from the yard.

It can be said to have a panoramic view of everything that happened in the yard.

I saw that one of them was born with a majestic figure, a straight and strong man, with red phoenix eyes, crouching silkworm eyebrows, a face like heavy jujubes, lips like grease, and a majestic appearance. It's not Chen Song, the big disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion, who else could it be?

At this moment, Chen Song was standing respectfully in front of an old man.

The old man had a kind face and an extraordinary appearance. He was looking at Lu Chen in the yard with a smile on his face.

Chen Song has already reported the matter about Lu Chen to the Master. At first, when he heard someone shout out, claiming to be the Master's direct disciple,

So he went to check, although he was puzzled, but when he saw the identity jade card in Lu Chen's hand, he brought Lu Chen back.

Because the Master often goes out, he is not sure

True or false.

But Lu Chen made him feel a little slippery, not like a good person, so as a senior brother, he planned to give Lu Chen a badass.

"Hehehe... let's go! I haven't seen him for some time."

Xuanyuan Zhen laughed.

Immediately, the figures of the two flashed and disappeared into the room.

At this moment, Lu Chen had already taken off his robe, revealing a well-proportioned figure, even though he was sweating profusely,

Under the blessing of the Chaotic Body Refining Technique, he never tires. Biqu library

Soon, the piece of ore was beaten into the shape of a long sword.

Lu Chen was very pleased to see own's works that had been typed tens of thousands of times.

At this time, two figures teleported over, and one of the old men smiled and said:

"Hehehe... I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to achieve such a fast speed in cultivating the Tao. I'm really happy to congratulate you!"

The one who spoke was Xuanyuan Zhen, the "God of Artifacts". Back in Zhongba City, the two met in the "Qiankun Stone Workshop".

Xuanyuan Zhen saw that Lu Chen repeatedly opened up rough stones that had greatly increased, and was curious, so he gave him a status jade badge. You must know that Lu Chen was just a Cultivation Base in the Foundation Establishment period.

It has only been a few years, and he was also shocked to see that Lu Chen has grown to the Cultivation Base of Gold Core stage Dzogchen, even Xuanyuan Zhen's Realm.

Lu Chen followed the prestige, and after seeing the appearance of the person, he immediately said with joy:


But when he saw Chen Song, Lu Chen thought about the fact that he was pretending to be his direct disciple, and he showed an embarrassing expression again, feeling embarrassed.

The master came in person, accompanied by the elder brother, and it was for a new disciple. This scene immediately surprised all the disciples.

They discussed in low voices, guessing about Lu Chen's identity.

Especially Ouyang Zan, he didn't expect his random actions to make friends with such a powerful person.

Xuanyuan Zhen seemed to see Lu Chen's embarrassment, so he raised his hand and shot a beam of true essence towards Lu Chen's feet.

At this time, Xuanyuan Zhen took back the ground lock ring tied to Lu Chen's feet after a flash of brilliance.

Feeling the recovery of the true energy in his body, Lu Chen feels like he has been reborn.

Looking at Xuanyuan Zhen's hand, which had turned into a handcuff-sized ground lock ring, Lu Chen's eyes lit up,

Then he said something that made everyone's teeth itch with anger,

I can't wait to slap Lu Chen to death on the spot...

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