On the bank of the Yalong River, Shen Elder and Pei Elder exchanged a few words, then Shen Elder cleared his throat and looked at the crowd with a smile:

"I believe everyone already knows the specific tasks. I won't talk nonsense about the others. I will just say a little bit.

This task is a win-win cooperation between the two of us, regardless of your relationship, m.x.com

I hope you can cooperate with each other and help each other, don't have opinions from different sects, let's go! "

"Follow the decree of the law!" After hearing the words, ten disciples from each sect said respectfully in unison with cupped hands.

After speaking, everyone jumped up one after another, and jumped into the Yalong River one after another, making a "plop plop" sound of entering the water.

Qi Yutang glanced at Sun Lifang, a female disciple of Yinshenzong, and saw that her face was still cold, and she didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

Of course, Qi Yutang was also included, and then he jumped into the Yalong River without hesitation.

"Let's go! Don't look at it, maybe people have forgotten you a long time ago."

Yang Yunfei hugged Qi Yutang's shoulders in a timely manner, comforted him softly, and then several of them jumped into the Yalong River one after another.

Every disciple in the water has activated their own body protection qi, isolating the river water at a distance of one meter away from them, which is very mysterious.

After about a cup of tea, twenty figures arrived at the bottom of the river with their swords one after another.

However, Zhao Chengzhi frowned slightly during the dive, because he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The closer to the bottom of the river, the stronger the feeling of danger.

For the sake of safety, Zhao Chengzhi quickly extended Divine Sense.

Divine Sense saw that many disciples seemed to pass through an invisible formation light curtain when they approached the bottom of the river.

But that formation light curtain gave Zhao Chengzhi a very dangerous feeling.

So much so that he controlled the speed of the dive very slowly, and soon became the last person in the team.

At the same time, as he continued to dive, Zhao Chengzhi also felt an invisible force emanating from the formation light curtain, as if to push Zhao Chengzhi away.

After a while, Yang Yunfei found that Zhao Chengzhi was far behind, and he was very puzzled.

But when he saw that some disciples had passed through the formation light curtain and disappeared one after another, Yang Yunfei planned to reach the bottom of the river first and then wait for Zhao Chengzhi.

However, what Yang Yunfei didn't know was that Zhao Chengzhi was already sweating profusely and suffering unspeakably.

Because the closer to the formation light curtain, the stronger the mysterious power.

So much so that Zhao Chengzhi felt his own body, as if he was about to be crushed, which was very uncomfortable.

But he saw that everyone else was fine, and it was obviously impossible to return to the surface at this time, otherwise, if Shen Elder found out

What, wouldn't I be dead then?

So Zhao Chengzhi could only bite the bullet and continue to approach down.


When Zhao Chengzhi was more than ten meters away from the formation light curtain,

A more powerful mysterious force struck fiercely, causing Zhao Chengzhi to spurt out a mouthful of blood immediately, and terrifying fine lines appeared on his face.

Zhao Chengzhi knew that if he continued to forcefully dive, Own's body might explode.

But it was also at this time that a strange light suddenly flashed in Zhao Chengzhi's eyes.

Immediately, the corners of Zhao Chengzhi's mouth rose slightly, and the Immemorial Star Absorption Art in his body was running, directly removing the True Qi body protector.

Then he opened his arms, allowing the river water and that mysterious force to envelop him.

With the operation of the Taikoo Star Absorbing Art, that mysterious power was miraculously sucked into Zhao Chengzhi's body.

If there were other people present at this time, they would definitely find that Zhao Chengzhi's body was surrounded by a faint black smoke.

It was at this time that Zhao Chengzhi felt that mysterious power suddenly disappear.

"Brother Yunfei, what do you think this is? By the way! Where did Zhao Chengzhi go? Did you see him?" m.x.com

Jiangdi Qi Yutang ran over with a white spar the size of an egg and smiled.

The mission of their group this time is to find this special spar at the bottom of the river.

To say that the bottom of the river is really magical, after passing through the formation light curtain, there is no longer water, and a long and narrow space appears inside.

The entire formation light curtain is like a transparent tunnel, isolating the river water from the formation light curtain.

Looking up, you can see the turbulent river flowing non-stop, a bit like visiting Ocean Park.

Hearing this, Yang Yunfei raised his head and glanced at the formation light curtain above his head,

At this time, I happened to see Zhao Chengzhi, who was all wet, passing through the formation light curtain, and then landed in front of Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang.

"Chengzhi, what are you?" Qi Yutang asked suspiciously when he saw that Zhao Chengzhi was covered in water.

Zhao Chengzhi fixed his eyes on the spar in Qi Yutang's hand, and a bright look flashed in his eyes. After hearing the words, he restrained his mind and said with a smile:

"It's nothing, it's just a whim, and I came down after swimming for a while, let's go! Let's go to the task quickly!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Do you think Zhao Chengzhi is a little weird recently?"

Yang Yunfei looked at Zhao Chengzhi's back and said to Qi Yutang.

"No! It's quite normal, maybe you're overthinking it, let's search for this kind of spar quickly!

but say

It's strange, I clearly feel that the spar contains terrifying energy, but I can't absorb it, what a pity. "

Qi Yutang looked at the spar in his hand and smiled regretfully.

Immediately, the two followed the others to search for that special spar.

This kind of spar, as if thrown on the ground at random, will appear one or several pieces at almost every distance.

Some are embedded in the river sand, only revealing a shiny corner, some are completely exposed, and some are incomplete.

Zhao Chengzhi was also lucky. After finding a spar the size of an egg, he carefully found a corner and hid behind a big rock.

Then he looked at the spar in his hand excitedly, because he also felt a terrifying energy from the spar,

And he feels that own "Prime Ancient Star Attraction Art" can absorb the energy inside to increase own Cultivation Base.

So, with a thought in Zhao Chengzhi's mind, the "Prime Ancient Star Attraction Art" was running in his body, and a wisp of black smoke enveloped the spar in his hand.

Then a terrifying energy surged into Zhao Chengzhi's body through his fingertips.

"Pfft..." The powerful energy made Zhao Chengzhi spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped the operation of "Prime Ancient Star Absorbing Art".

Then he said with lingering fear:

"What is this thing? It actually contains such terrifying energy, but it's not Spiritual Qi? I almost fell for it, but fortunately, I reacted quickly.

Otherwise, all this will fall short, no! The old man had to absorb a person's Blood Essence, otherwise it would be difficult for the wounds in his body to heal quickly. "

At this moment, Zhao Chengzhi has become pale due to the backlash, and the Meridians in his body have been damaged in many places, and he looks very weak.


At this time, Zhao Chengzhi heard a strange sound, but when he listened carefully, the sound suddenly disappeared again.

"Yutang! Did you hear any strange noises?"

Yang Yunfei asked strangely.

Then, I looked around and found that other disciples were busy digging pits to find crystals, as if they didn't notice anything unusual.

"Sosuosuo... Sosuosuo..." At this time, the strange voice sounded again, and the sound was getting closer.


A female cultivator let out a horrified scream, as if seeing something terrifying, and then desperately used Movement Technique to escape backwards.

Yang Yunfei and the other disciples followed the prestige suspiciously, but immediately everyone's face changed drastically, and they felt their scalps go numb, and they quickly moved closer to the middle...

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