Tai Bai Cheng, the top floor of Xuanyuan Pavilion,

Because Lu Chen hadn't checked the energy in the spar with Divine Sense beforehand, so he took that spar as two ordinary Spirit Stones.

Who would have thought that even a little bit of energy in the spar would be so powerful that even Lu Chen couldn't bear it, so he spurted out a mouthful of old blood and passed out directly.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Zhen rushed over and shot a beam of real energy into Lu Chen's body, but the result of the inspection shocked Xuanyuan to Deva.

Because the Meridians in Lu Chen's body have been cut off, and there are obvious burn marks on the surface,

This shows that Lu Chen just now was indeed caused by a strong backlash due to absorbing the energy in the spar.

Of course, this is not the key point, Xuanyuan Zhen was shocked because.

As far as he knows, among the few top forces in Beichen Continent, quite a few cultivators have tried to absorb the powerful power of this special spar,

Even if they know, the strong power in it is composed of a substance similar to Spiritual Qi.

Even, they once thought that this spar was a fairy crystal, as long as they absorbed the Immortal Qi inside, they could break through the shackles of the Cultivation World and directly ascend to the Immortal World.

But the result is that no one can successfully absorb the energy in it for my use.

As a result, the high-level officials of those top forces returned disappointed,

Only then did An Lushan, the "God of Array", use this spar on the formation signal tower as a source of power.

However, today, Xuanyuan Zhen saw with his own eyes that Lu Chen was indeed successful, and was backlashed by absorbing the strong power in the spar.

It's just that with Lu Chen's current physical body, he still can't bear this powerful energy.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Xuanyuan Zhen's mind.

But now is not the time to think about this issue, the most urgent thing is to wake up Lu Chen first.

Xuanyuan Zhen was not stingy either, and immediately took out his best healing medicine pill and gave it to Lu Chen, and shot out a beam of real energy to help Lu Chen refine the medicine.

After about a cup of tea, Lu Chen, whose consciousness was plunged into darkness, slowly woke up.

At this time, Lu Chen felt the pain all over his body, even breathing was very difficult.

Trying to operate the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, but feel that the own Meridians have been broken, pen fun library

The true essence in Dantian can't complete a big universe at all, and the condition in his body can be described as extremely bad.

At this time, Lu Chen tried to cast

Divine Sense, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Chen hurriedly opened the Divine Sense to communicate with the Golden Bead World, and then took out a Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill from it.

Under Xuanyuan Zhen's surprised gaze, a milky white Medicine Pill, emitting a faint halo, flew into Lu Chen's mouth.

As the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill entered his belly, a powerful vitality filled Lu Chen's whole body,

The broken Meridians in their bodies are rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Healing holy medicine? Thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill?"

After Xuanyuan Zhen sensed the changes in Lu Chen's body, he was immediately shocked to tell the truth.

I became more and more curious about Lu Chen in my heart, because Lu Chen brought him too many surprises,

Even though his cultivation aptitude is in a mess, his cultivation speed is astonishing. He is proficient in gambling stones, and the Meridians in his body are different from ordinary people. m.x.com

Just before Xuanyuan Zhen recovered from the shock,

Lu Chen has been revived with a red face and full blood, showing the terrifying healing effect of the holy medicine for healing.

After recovering, Lu Chen immediately said respectfully to Xuanyuan Zhen's cupped hands:

"Thank you senior for saving your life!"

When Xuanyuan Zhen heard the words, he smiled strangely and said:

"Hehehe... You are being polite, my friend. I actually didn't help much. The main reason is that your Medicine Pill is very good, my friend."

Lu Chen didn't explain too much after hearing the words, and after saying some words of gratitude again, Divine Sense controlled the two crystals that fell on the ground to fly into his hands.

Then secretly run Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, ready to use its powerful analysis function,

Look at this thing that almost killed him, what the hell is it.

Chaos Dao Sheng Jue did not disappoint Lu Chen,

Under the influence of its powerful analysis function, a piece of mysterious and mysterious information appeared in my mind.

After seeing the content, Lu Chen felt a storm in his heart.

Immediately, he also understood what this kind of spar was, no wonder he couldn't bear the energy in it.

However, it is worth mentioning that I have also gained a lot of benefits due to the recovery from this serious injury.

First of all, the Cultivation Base is more stable, and the King Body Realm of Body Refining Technique has also been improved again.

Lu Chen feels that as long as he finds enough Spirit Stones and the right opportunity, he can raise the Cultivation Base to the Nascent Soul stage and the Body Refining Realm to the Monarch Stage in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen

On his face, he couldn't help showing a little complacency.

"Little friend! Little friend Lu Chen!" Xuanyuan Zhen called out when he saw that Lu Chen was suddenly stunned.

"Uh... I'm sorry senior, I suddenly thought of something just now, and I was distracted for a while, I hope senior forgive me,

Once again, I am grateful to senior for saving his life. Junior has bothered senior for so long, and Junior still has other things to do, so he will leave first, and see you later. "

Lu Chen, who came back to his senses, fished his head in embarrassment, and said goodbye in embarrassment.

Then, without leaving any trace, put the two special crystals into the storage bag.

As for the spar information, because it was too shocking, Lu Chen did not intend to tell others.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to leave, Xuanyuan Zhen seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

He raised his hand and took out two Jade Slips from the storage bag. Divine Sense controlled the Jade Slips to fly in front of Lu Chen. Then laughed:

"Wait a minute, friend Lu Chen! Although the old man can't accept you as a disciple for some reasons,

But you can pass on what the old man has learned all his life to your little friend. As for how much you can learn from it, it depends on your good fortune, little friend. "

Although Lu Chen was puzzled when he heard the words, he didn't understand why Xuanyuan Zhen senior said such contradictory words,

But he still happily accepted Jade Slip, then sincerely knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times to Xuanyuan Zhen, and said seriously:

"Thank you Master for preaching and teaching. I am a teacher for a day and a teacher for a lifetime. Please rest assured, Master.

After the apprentice leaves, he will definitely not use the name of the Master to discredit the Master's Losing face, let alone do anything that insults the family. "

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Zhen looked at Lu Chen's actions with satisfaction, and couldn't help but secretly nodded for him, then waved his hands and smiled:

"Go! Go! You can come back and see more when you have time."

Hearing this, Lu Chen bid farewell respectfully again, then threw out the Flying Sword "Qinghong" and left directly from the window, quickly disappearing into the sky.

Xuanyuan Zhen was standing in front of the window, looking at the distant sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"Master!" At this moment, Chen Song teleported to Xuanyuan Zhen's side and shouted respectfully.

Xuanyuan Zhen looked at this disciple who had followed him for many years, nodded slightly and said:

"Hmm! The Hopeless Sea Trial is about to start, I'm going to the East China Sea for a while, and I'll leave all the affairs in the pavilion to you.

"Master..." Chen Song heard the words, his face was a little ugly, and he shouted hesitantly......

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