In the sky above the Su family, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster suddenly erupted with powerful combat power, making the members of the Leng family afraid to approach.

Instead, he swung the huge ax in his hand, and slammed at the faint formation light curtain in the air,

However, when the huge ax shadow struck the formation light curtain, the formation light curtain only shook slightly, without the slightest sign of damage.

Seeing this, Su Galaxy Cluster's eyes narrowed into a line, and his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Hehehe... Su Galaxy Cluster old man, do you think that you burn your lifespan and get a short-term increase in strength, so you want to break through my third-level magic formation? What a fool's dream,

I think you'd better arrest him without a fight. For the sake of past affection, I can promise you that I will leave you a whole body. "

Leng Qiuchan looked at Su Galaxy Cluster and sneered dismissively.

After the old man Su Galaxy Cluster heard the words, Divine Sense found that his wife was at the end of his battle, and knew that the Su family had no hope of turning around today.

Immediately, he stepped into the air and flew down, and the shadow of the ax all over the sky directly slashed at the cultivators attacking the defensive shield.

However, Leng Qiuchan's movements were not slow either. A dozen Nascent Soul Stage Powers galloped down almost at the same time, and then launched an attack on Su Galaxy Cluster.


After a burst of bangs, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster was defeated immediately, and his body flew upside down in an instant, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Then he fell in front of Su Ruolan and the others, and the giant ax in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Grandpa, father!" Su Ruolan and the others exclaimed.

"Old man!" Seeing this, Grandma Su immediately removed her defensive shield, stepped in front of Su Galaxy Cluster, and at the same time took out a healing Medicine Pill for him to swallow.

Just as he was about to shoot out a burst of true energy to heal Su Galaxy Cluster,

She also spit out a mouthful of blood again because of the burning of life essence before, and just when the time was over, she fell on Su Galaxy Cluster.

Seeing this, Su Mu, Su Jingrou and the others screamed in alarm, and without thinking, they each sacrificed their own Magic Treasures to form a Daoist wall, blocking grandma and grandpa behind themselves and the others.

But in the face of a group of Nascent Soul bosses, Su Jingrou and other juniors are also biting the bullet and doing nothing.

Su Ruolan leaned over, took out two milky white Medicine Pills from the storage bag, and gave them to her grandparents.

Once the Medicine Pill was taken, powerful vitality filled their bodies, and the old man Su Galaxy Cluster and Grandma Su woke up soon.

They all looked at Su Ruolan in surprise, not knowing what Su Ruolan gave

What Medicine Pill are they eating, the healing effect is so heaven-defying.

In just a short while, the injuries they had suffered before had fully recovered.

Even the sequelae caused by burning their life essence before have been well controlled, and now even if they can't exert their peak strength, there is not much difference.

Seeing this, Su Ruolan showed joy on her face, and immediately gave two more people, each a Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow Vitality Pill.

This time, Su Galaxy Cluster and Su's grandma, Wang, finally saw what the Medicine Pill was.

From the eyes of the two of them, it is natural to recognize at a glance that this pill is the healing holy medicine Wannian Stone Essence Vitality Pill.

Before they could be shocked, the two looked at each other.

All of this happened within a few breaths. Everyone in the Leng family thought they were sure of victory, so they didn't notice it at all.

"Go! Kill them!" Leng Qiuchan ordered again.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Wuqing and the other two cultivators of the Nascent Soul middle stage brandished their long swords and poured their true essence into them.

The long sword let out bursts of whistling sounds, and then slashed at Su's mother and the others.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Just when Su's mother and a group of juniors were preparing to resist desperately,

At this time, a sudden change occurred, and two figures appeared in front of everyone like ghosts.

Then a three-legged tripod shining with golden brilliance, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, slammed towards the three of Leng Wuqing.

At the same time, Su Galaxy Cluster took out a long sword again. Under the infusion of its true essence, the long sword instantly condensed countless sword shadows, and then attacked Leng Wuqing and the others in a devastating manner.

" is it possible? No..." Leng Wuqing said in disbelief and horror, and then was passed by countless sword shadows, and then lost consciousness.

"Damn it! Old man stop!" Seeing this, Leng Qiuchan exclaimed angrily.

Immediately, it disappeared in place, and then frantically launched an attack on Su Galaxy Cluster.

However, with mental calculations or careless intentions, no one thought that Su Galaxy Cluster and Wang, who had been beaten and disabled, would suddenly explode like nothing had happened.

Leng Wuqing and the other two Nascent Soul middle stage cultivators were instantly killed almost immediately after they shot.

One of them was directly smashed into Dantian by Wang's three-legged tripod, and then stabbed into a hornet's nest by the sword shadow sent by Su Galaxy Cluster.

In this fleeting moment, even if Leng Qiuchan discovered the clue, by the time he made a move, it was already too late, and he could only watch helplessly as his son Leng Wuqing was raped.


The death of Leng Wuqing made Leng Qiuchan very angry, and immediately ordered everyone to act, vowing to kill all members of the Su family.

Seeing this, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster and Mrs. Wang could only stand in front of Su Ruolan and others to resist desperately.

But two fists were no match for four hands. Facing so many attacks from Nascent Soul stage cultivators, the two of them were soon maimed again and fell to the ground.

Just when the Su family and the others were in crisis again, a huge purple knife shadow tens of meters long fell from the sky, like a city wall, blocking Su Ruolan and the others abruptly.

At this time, a young cultivator with a delicate figure, distinct facial features, handsome appearance, and a cynical smile on his mouth was slowly walking from the darkness.

"It's you! How did you get in here?"

When Leng Wuren saw the visitor, he immediately recognized that the visitor was Lu Chen who killed his son.

But he couldn't imagine how Lu Chen appeared in the formation, because according to the information, Lu Chen was not in the Su family before.

"Lu Chen, why are you here? It's dangerous here, so hurry up!"

After seeing Lu Chen, Su Ruolan's expression of joy and surprise changed rapidly, and then she reminded anxiously.

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart. He glanced at the dilapidated Su family courtyard, and at the people of the Leng family.

He was also very surprised, why the Leng family suddenly attacked the Su family, it seems that this posture is to wipe out the Su family!

But Lu Chen quickly reacted, guessing that the Leng family was throwing a mouse for the sake of the spiritual vein.

"My son-in-law! You are finally here, hahaha... Huh? Why are you the only one, and where are the others?"

At this time, Su Zhicheng came from a roof, and laughed happily.

After Su Zhicheng was shot down before, he was able to recover with the help of the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill.

But instead of coming out to continue fighting, he hid and took out the communication beads to send a distress message to Lu Chen.

Because he believes that Lu Chen is a disciple of Xuanyuan Zhen, the "God of Equipment", then Lu Chen will definitely return to Xuanyuan Pavilion after leaving,

And Xuanyuan Pavilion is just east of the Dongcheng District of Tai Bai Cheng, which many people know.

Now that the Su family was in danger, Su Zhicheng immediately thought of Lu Chen, and sent a message to Lu Chen, hoping that he could bring someone to the rescue.

But what surprised Su Zhicheng was that Lu Chen came here alone. This made Su Zhicheng, who was originally happy and proud, suddenly lose his joy...

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