Su Zhicheng's idea is very simple. With Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, it will be of no use at all.

However, what Su Zhicheng didn't know was that if Lu Chen hadn't happened to leave the world of the Golden Bead and saw the message in the communication bead, he probably wouldn't have come.

However, Su Zhicheng soon realized another problem, and quickly asked through Divine Sense:

"Lu Chen! Do you have a way to pass through this formation, then uncle asks you one thing,

Later, you will find an opportunity to take Su Ruolan and her mother away, and I will try to buy you time to escape. "

Lu Chen didn't answer Su Zhicheng's words, but quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind.

Because his Divine Sense sensed that among the dozen or so cultivators of the Leng family, none of them could see their cultivation base.

Then it means that they are all cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage, and the situation is not optimistic.

At first when he saw the information, Lu Chen didn't plan to come, because the Su family didn't feel so friendly to Lu Chen.

Especially the faces of Leng Yue'e and Leng Yuexin made Lu Chen even more disgusted.

But thinking of Su Ruolan, Lu Chen finally bit the bullet and took a look.

But who once thought that the opponent was far stronger than he imagined.

"Hmph! Boy! I let you escape by chance that day. I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the trap today, and die!"

When Leng Wuyi saw Lu Chen, he immediately shouted angrily, and then Divine Sense sent everyone to come together.

The old man Su Galaxy Cluster and Grandma Su stood up again under the effect of the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, standing side by side with Lu Chen, ready to desperately resist,

Now there are only two masters left in the Su family, and the other masters have been beheaded to death.

"Wait a moment!"

Just a second before the members of Leng's family made their move, Lu Chen suddenly pumped up his true energy and gave a loud shout.

The sound was like thunder, and everyone was stunned.

However, the members of Leng's family did not listen to him as Lu Chen expected,

Everyone was stunned for only a second, and then a sword shadow suddenly flew out, pointing at Lu Chen's head.

"Fuck! You didn't play the cards according to the routine," Lu Chen cursed in his heart, with a thought.

The big knife in his hand was directly slashed out, and the third form of Taichu Nine Swords was "swallowing".

As soon as the sword is released, it carries a strong sword intent, and the sword intent also has a powerful devouring force.

When the knife fell, the knife intention pierced Wanfa, and the power of devouring captured the heart and soul.

The cultivator of the nearest Nascent Soul early stage suddenly felt

His mind was shocked, and then his brain went blank, and his body froze for half a breath in an instant.

That's half the time of breathing, when he reacted, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a huge purple knife shadow has come to the top of his head,

Almost in the blink of an eye, the cultivator felt the things in front of him separate to the two sides, and then his consciousness fell into endless darkness. Biqu library

In fact, he was cut in half by Lu Chen, and his blood and brain spurted out immediately.

All this happens almost only in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen's vigor made everyone in the Leng family gasp.

At the same time, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster had already taken the initiative to find Leng Qiuchan. Both of them were cultivators of the Dzogchen period of Nascent Soul, and they were inseparable for a while.

Grandma Su is responsible for protecting Su Ruolan and other younger generations.

Su Zhicheng looked at Lu Chen in shock. He didn't expect that Lu Chen could kill a Nascent Soul early stage cultivator in seconds. This kind of strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But it was too late to think about it, the remaining ten Nascent Soul stage cultivators of the Leng family, many of them Nascent Soul late stage Powers, launched an attack on Lu Chen and the others almost at the same time.

Countless swords, swords, and colorful energies illuminate the entire night sky.

times of crisis,

A black stone the size of a mountain suddenly appeared out of thin air, and stood in the courtyard in time, blocking the attack of the Leng family.


Countless swords, lights and swords hit the black stone, and there was a huge bang,

The strong inertia made the black stone the size of a mountain move back quickly.

Lu Chen, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly covered the black stone with Divine Sense, and sent the black stone directly into the world of Jinzhu, so as to avoid the tragedy of being hit and attacked again.

However, at this time, everyone in the Leng family flew away and attacked from multiple angles.

The powerful attack power made Lu Chen feel distracted, and could only sacrifice black stones again to resist the opponent's attack.

Grandma Su also sacrificed the three-legged tripod again, and the golden protective light curtain enveloped everyone again almost instantly.

It's too late, so soon,

The joint attack of more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage cultivators can be imagined, and suddenly there was another huge bang, and the powerful energy instantly shattered the Su family's house.


The protective light curtain emitted by the three-legged tripod shattered like broken glass.

"Pfft..." Grandma Su immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, Su Ruolan and others

They yelled in surprise, then gathered around to check anxiously.

Because of the countless swords in his body, Su Zhicheng's clothes were already stained red with blood, and he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Then he quickly took a Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill. Fortunately, Su Ruolan gave him three before, otherwise Su Zhicheng would still be alive.

Lu Chen was not feeling well either. Facing the crowd's attack, Rao Yiyi's real energy was comparable to Nascent Soul early stage, and after frequent tricks, he was still lost and fell to the ground, just beside Su Zhicheng. .

"My son-in-law! Take Lan'er and the others away!" Su Zhicheng said to Lu Chen via voice transmission from Divine Sense.

Lu Chen's face showed bitterness when he heard the words, and he thought to himself that I want to leave, but the key is that the Leng family won't let me!

At this time, Su Ruolan's Divine Sense sound transmission sounded in Lu Chen's ear again.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he was also troubled immediately.

However, Lu Chen still took the nine steps of Xuantian, his body turned into an afterimage, and rushed directly to Su Ruolan's side. Biqu library

At this time, Su Ruolan resolutely handed Lu Chen a golden object the size of a palm.

At this moment, the members of the Leng family attacked again. Seeing this, Lu Chen immediately slashed out horizontally with a knife, and suddenly condensed a purple knife shadow tens of meters long. With a terrifying momentum, he attacked the Leng family members fiercely.

All the masters of the Leng family felt the dominance of this knife, and they all chose to scatter around to avoid its sharp edge.

It was at this vacancy that Lu Chen quickly poured his true energy into his hands, and suddenly a golden brilliance enveloped him, and mysterious runes danced around him.

"It's the Great Teleportation Talisman! Stop him!" Someone from Leng's family saw the clue and immediately shouted loudly.

Immediately, several powerful Sword Rays slammed towards Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Su Ruolan sighed softly in her heart, with a gratified smile on her face.

Then he dodged in front of Lu Chen, preparing to fight desperately, buying time for Lu Chen to teleport away.

However, at the moment when the brilliance dissipated, a big hand grabbed Su Ruolan's waist.

"No! Huh..." Su Ruolan, who realized something, immediately cried out heartbreakingly, tears streaming down her face.

Soon the smoothness disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and at the same time, the bodies of Lu Chen and Su Ruolan disappeared in place in an instant.

It all happens almost just in breath.

Seeing their daughter being transported away by the Great Teleportation Talisman, Su Zhicheng and Su's mother all smiled in relief.

Seeing this, the rest of the younger generations of the Su family showed painful expressions...

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