Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 464: Great Chance

Before, because Su Ruolan Divine Sense told Lu Chen that she had a large teleportation talisman.

The Great Teleportation Talisman has the effect of teleportation, the user only needs to inject the true essence into it to activate the Talisman Record,

Therefore, it is very mysterious to move tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, and it can be said to be extremely precious, with a price but no market.

Of course, the Great Teleportation Talisman Record also has flaws, that is, the specific teleportation location cannot be determined, and it can only be used by one person at most.

That's why Su Ruolan didn't take it out until now,

Because she had long planned to live and die with the Su family, and it was even more impossible for her to escape alone.

But the appearance of Lu Chen completely changed her mind.

In her heart, she was already very happy to see Lu Chen again, so how could she bear to watch Lu Chen die in front of own?

So Su Ruolan told Lu Chen through voice transmission from Divine Sense, let Lu Chen use the big diversion talisman to escape alone.

But who once thought that at the last moment, Lu Chen actually hugged Su Ruolan.

Before leaving, Su Ruolan clearly saw her father dodging himself and Lu Chen, flying to block the Leng family's attack.

Thinking of her parents, grandparents, and members of the Su family, Su Ruolan was heartbroken.


In a long and narrow space, countless leech-like, dark brown insects almost covered the river.

At this time, a golden light flashed, and two figures embracing each other miraculously appeared in this space out of thin air.

The two were Lu Chen and Su Ruolan who teleported at will with the help of the Great Teleportation Talisman.


The moment the two of them appeared, countless leech-like, dark brown insects swarmed towards them as if they had found their prey.

"Fuck! Spirit-eating insects! What the hell is this teleported to?"

Seeing so many spirit-eating insects, Lu Chen's expression changed instantly and he exclaimed,

Even Su Ruolan stopped crying, a look of horror flashed in her beautiful eyes,

You must know that girls are born to hate bugs, let alone so many bugs.

Without further ado, Lu Chen raised his hand and shot several fireballs, forming a flame circle around himself and Su Ruolan.

Suddenly there was a disgusting burning smell.

However, the devouring

However, the worms still attacked one after another, and the densely packed spirit-eating worms directly extinguished the flames, and then continued to advance towards the two of them.

At the same time, there are a large number of spirit-eating insects falling down in pieces above the head.

At the moment of crisis, Lu Chen directly expanded his own protective energy, instantly enveloping himself and Su Ruolan,

However, the spherical body-protecting qi was quickly filled with countless spirit-eating insects.

"Lu Chen! What is this place?" Su Ruolan looked at the wriggling spirit-eating insect above her head and asked with a pale face.

"I don't know what kind of place this is, but we have to deal with these spirit devourers first, otherwise these guys will be difficult to deal with."

Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan, frowning slightly.

Before, Lu Chen got a Jade Slip about Demonic Beasts records, which contained records about spirit-eating insects.

Devouring worms belong to the insect class Demonic Beasts. They are very ferocious by nature, and each one is comparable to the fighting power of a cultivator in the fusion stage.

It has sharp teeth and specializes in eating things that contain Spiritual Qi.

The key is that after the spirit-eating insect eats its companions, its strength will increase greatly, and it can even rise to a strength comparable to that of a human cultivator in the Expanding Aperture period.

However, fortunately, the spirit devouring insects will not eat living companions, they only eat dead companions.

Therefore, once these guys grow up, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just now Lu Chen discovered that the spirit-eating insects behind had eaten the spirit-eating insects that had been burned to death by the flames, and their strength had improved, so he did not continue to use the flames to burn these spirit-eating insects. Biqu library

At this time, Lu Chen heard Su Ruolan crying softly beside him, and knew that she was sad because the Su family might be doomed this time, including his parents.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't speak either, because there were some things she needed to digest by herself.

After all, the situation was critical at that time, and I could only take her away alone.


"Not good! These guys can actually break through my body shield."

Lu Chen suddenly sensed that his own protective qi was being eaten by these spirit-eating insects, and he was surprised immediately.

Su Ruolan looked at Lu Chen tearfully when she heard the words, because she was sad at the moment, she also became confused.

So Lu Chen discussed with Su Ruolan, saying that it would be more convenient for him to send her to a safe place by himself.

I haven't waited for Su Ruolan to answer

In response, Lu Chen directly told Su Ruolan to close her eyes not to resist, and directly enveloped her with Divine Sense,

Then send it to the Sky Pagoda, and then send the Sky Pagoda to the Golden Pearl World.

The reason why he was in such a hurry was that Lu Chen found that the body-protecting qi was already vulnerable, even if he circulated his own genital energy to continuously replenish it, it would not help.

What's more, with Su Ruolan around, it's really difficult for him to use many methods.

For example, release the ancient beast Pixiu, as well as the gold-eating toad and the sky knife mantis.

Because in the Jade Slip that records the information of Demonic Beasts, it is also recorded that the Blood Essence of the spirit devouring insects is sufficient, and it is a delicacy that most Demonic Beasts like to eat, and can improve their own level.

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and with a thought, the two-meter-tall Heavenly Sword Praying Mantis, the Gold-eating Toad the size of a millstone, and the ancient mythical beast Pixiu suddenly appeared out of thin air.


The Gold-eating Toad hadn't been released for a while, and when it first appeared, it screamed excitedly,

When seeing the spirit devouring insects, Gold Devouring Toad's bowl-sized eyes revealed an excited expression,

I saw its big tongue protruding several meters long like lightning, directly rolled up countless spirit devouring insects and stuffed them into its mouth, chewed them a few times and swallowed them in one gulp, showing a very delicious expression.

The Sky Knife Mantis lay on the ground like a golden retriever, pushing forward non-stop, sweeping away the spirit-eating insects wherever it went.

The ancient mythical beast Pixiu is even more exaggerated, opening its small mouth directly, like a vacuum cleaner, sucking countless spirit-eating insects into its mouth wherever it goes.

Seeing all this, Lu Chen was stunned, especially the ancient mythical beast Pixiu, with a body the size of a grain of rice, could actually devour spirit-eating insects much larger than it.

The point is, it ate so many spirit-eating insects, its body was not stretched,

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but think of some introductions about "Little Earthworm". "It has a mouth but no anus, can swallow everything, and is extremely fierce. Its name is Pixiu, an ancient beast."

After countless human spirit devourers were cleaned up, Lu Chen caught a glimpse of an egg-sized spar on the surface of the river sand, shining with a crystal clear luster.

Immediately, Lu Chen's heart throbbed in his throat, and he rushed over immediately, laughing excitedly:

"Hahaha... My god! What did I see? Hahaha..."

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