Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 468 Reunion After A Long Absence

Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang had to leave the formation space a little later than the others because of their brief exchange with Lu Chen.

However, after they rushed out of the formation light curtain, they found that other people did not leave first, but were waiting for them outside the formation light curtain.

After seeing the two of them coming out, the others flew to the surface of the water one after another.

After Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang looked at each other, they followed closely behind and gave chase.

However, after everyone landed on the ground, Yang Yunfei had a complete understanding of what is human heart.

Almost everyone looked as if they had lost the battle. Yang Yunfei naturally pretended to be confused when he saw this, and guessed in his heart:

"These guys! They must have made up their rhetoric before."

Seeing this, the two Elders immediately asked why they were in such a mess, and even killed a few people.

So everyone talked about each other, and they gave a general idea of ​​the matter, but they never mentioned anything about Lu Chen.

In this way, under the wonderful performances of everyone, the two Elders have nothing to say,

After comforting everyone, he ordered everyone to rest for a while, and set off to go back after half an hour.

At this time, Yang Yunfei bent Qi Yutang with his elbow, and smiled maliciously:

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to others? When I go back this time, I don't know when I will see you again.

Don't you want to ask her why she came to the Central Plains? Or does she have a dao companion now? "

Hearing this, Qi Yutang followed Yang Yunfei's gaze and saw Sun Lifang squatting on the bank alone, looking at the Yalong River quietly, perhaps in deep thought.

However, when he thought that Su Lifang had become someone else's wife, Qi Yutang felt inexplicably sad, and he didn't have the courage to ask.

Yang Yunfei saw that Qi Yutang's eyes were in a trance, but he didn't see any action, so he whispered in his ear:

"Why are you standing still! Let me tell you a secret, that bitch is still a baby,

Even if you've been married before, it's still unrelated, if you don't seize the opportunity, don't blame me for not reminding you... Hehehe..."

Qi Yutang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he yelled at Yang Yunfei in a low voice:

"Go away! I know nonsense."

After finishing speaking, he left Yang Yunfei behind and came to the shore alone, less than one meter away from Sun Lifang, and then pretended to look at the river, thinking how to open his mouth to reconcile with Jia

people talk.

Sun Lifang glanced at Qi Yutang, and said softly:

"Come and sit!"

"Uh... good... good." Qi Yutang became a little embarrassed when he heard this, and after sitting down, he swallowed sharply.

"You!" The two said in unison again.

" should talk first!" Sun Lifang said in an awkward and delicate voice, her voice was very gentle and pleasant.

Hearing this, Qi Yutang mustered up the courage to ask:

" did you come to the Central Plains? I remember you started a family in Southern Xinjiang, didn't you?"

When it came to getting married, Qi Yutang subconsciously kept his voice low, as if he was a little reluctant to mention this matter.

Sun Lifang heard the words, glanced at Qi Yutang, and then at the wide river, as if lost in memory, but ignored Qi Yutang.

After a long time, Sun Lifang sighed lightly and said:

"Let's go! Seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other, so farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Lifang's figure flashed and turned into an afterimage, and left resolutely.

This completely confused Qi Yutang, who didn't know where he was wrong.

Yang Yunfei, who had been secretly following Qi Yutang all this time, came over in due course and asked about what had happened.

After listening to Qi Yutang's explanation, Yang Yunfei suddenly showed a look of hatred for iron, which made Qi Yutang look very innocent.

Not long after, Shen Elder called everyone to set off and go back. Until the two flying ships left, Qi Yutang was still thinking sullenly, where did he go wrong...

At the bottom of the Yalong River,

Lu Chen stopped because of a formation light curtain. After much deliberation, he decided to go in and take a look.

Therefore, Lu Chen put his palm on the formation light curtain, secretly running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body, and using its powerful analysis function, he quickly found the way to break it.

However, Lu Chen did not destroy the formation, but took out an array flag to subtly change the formation so that it would not repel him.

After doing this, Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he passed through the formation light curtain very easily.

At this time, a strong spiritual Qi rushed towards him, causing Lu Chen's eyes to light up. Judging from past experience, there must be some treasure inside.

So Lu Chen went underground more cautiously, and flew away with Yujian.

As he continued to go deeper, there was a sudden "crashing" sound of water flowing in Lu Chen's ear.

pass through

At the end of the road, there is an empty space in front of you.

As seen by Divine Sense, on the top of the space are countless stalactites in different poses and with different expressions, and at the bottom is a swift underground river.

"Lu Chen! Why are you here?"

Just when Lu Chen was about to look for Spiritual Qi Yuanyuan, a familiar and surprised shout suddenly sounded.

Then, a young cultivator who was about the same age as Lu Chen, wearing a black suit, quickly flew towards him with a sword.

"Chengzhi! How could it be you?" Lu Chen exclaimed in surprise after the man approached.

"Hahaha... It's been a long time. I originally came to do the mission with Yang Yunfei and the others. Who would have thought that I would be attacked by a large number of spirit-eating insects?

So I ran away desperately, and later found this passage, and escaped in a hurry,

But my luck is better. There is actually a small spiritual spring in this underground. I took the spiritual spring and was about to leave when I saw you.

correct! How did you come to this ghost place? Have you ever met Yang Yunfei and the others? "

Zhao Chengzhi also explained in surprise.

"Hey... don't mention it! I also accidentally broke into this place, Yang Yunfei and the others have already left,

But your Cultivation Base is really improving fast enough. I haven't seen you for a few years. You've already reached the Gold Core period. How did you cultivate? "

Seeing Lu Chen of Zhao Chengzhi's Cultivation Base, he smiled in surprise, but he was also really happy for him.

"What? Yang Yunfei and the others left? It's broken, it's broken, Lu Chen is really sorry, I have to hurry back, do you think you should continue to look here? Or come with me?"

When Zhao Chengzhi heard the words, he said in a hurry.

"All the good things have been taken away by you kid, why should I stay? Let's go! Let's go up first, it's not too late to find a place to have a good drink."

Meeting Zhao Chengzhi again, also reunited after a long absence, Lu Chen happily invited.

He doesn't have many friends in this world, and Zhao Chengzhi must be one of them.

After speaking, Yu Jian took the lead to leave.

"This kid's true essence is so pure. If he absorbs his true essence, I guess the old man will be able to breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop. It really doesn't take much effort."

Zhao Chengzhi glanced at the back of Lu Chen leaving, a ghostly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and thought, a faint black air floated in the palm of his hand, and Yu Jian, who followed closely behind, flew out... ………

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