Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 469: Battle Between Brothers

After Lu Chen and Zhao Chengzhi flew out of the underground passage one after another, they reappeared in the formation space at the bottom of the Yalong River.

Just as Lu Chen was about to fly up and leave the formation space, Zhao Chengzhi grabbed Lu Chen's arm.

"Chengzhi, who is this?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

But immediately, Lu Chen's complexion changed suddenly, because a faint black smoke enveloped him violently.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen felt Own's heart tremble, the true essence and Blood Essence in his body were being drained crazily and fast.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Lu Chen didn't even think about it, and punched Zhao Chengzhi's face fiercely. The powerful true energy gathered on the fist, and there was a sound of piercing the air.

However, what surprised Lu Chen even more was that the zhenyuan that he had just condensed on his fist seemed to be yanked away before his fist hit Zhao Chengzhi.

So much so that the power of this punch was greatly reduced, and it was firmly caught by Zhao Chengzhi's other hand.

Lu Chen wanted to break free from the restraints, but found that his hands were tightly clamped, and he couldn't break free at all.

Coupled with the rapid loss of true energy and blood essence in his body, Lu Chen's face turned pale almost instantly, and he was even more angry in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the former brother would actually attack him.

In the midst of this flash, Lu Chen tried to use Divine Sense to communicate with the world of Jinzhu and wanted to run away,

But I found that my own Divine Sense seemed to be eroded by a black smoke, and it was not usable at all.

"Zhao Chengzhi, what the hell are you doing?" Lu Chen cursed in horror when he saw this.

"Hehehe...Brother Lu! Which one of us brothers is with who? I need a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage. I need to borrow your true energy and Blood Essence. Brother Lu, why are you so stingy?"

Perhaps because he felt that he had a chance to win, Zhao Chengzhi smiled ghostly.

"I'll borrow from your mother!" An angry Lu Chen cursed immediately after hearing the words.

At the same time, countless blue flames burst out of the body instantly, covering the two of them.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengzhi's pupils shrank, and he let go of Lu Chen's hand that had been tightly grasping him, and his body quickly retreated for a distance.

The "Prime Ancient Star Attraction Jue" was running in his body, and he swung his hands back and forth quickly like Tai Chi, and the flames on his body were quickly absorbed into his body.

Then he looked at Lu Chen in surprise and said:

"Hahaha... Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo! This kind of strange fire from heaven and earth was actually obtained by Brother Lu. Brother Lu, you really surprised me!"

Seeing this, Lu Chen was also shocked by Zhao Chengzhi's methods

Now, you must know that even Lei Aotian who owns the Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen is not immune,

But it was solved by Zhao Chengzhi in twos and twos. How could this not surprise him.

"Brother Zhao! I admit that your Cultivation Technique is really powerful. Do you and my brother really want to fight to the death?"

Lu Chen faintly showed weakness.

He was going to procrastinate for a little time, even a dozen or so breaths would do, because he had already taken the Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Vitality Pill.

At the same time, he tried his best to think about how to deal with Zhao Chengzhi, because Lu Chen felt that Zhao Chengzhi's Cultivation Technique was very strange, and his true energy was no weaker than his own.

"Huh? You actually have a holy medicine for healing. It seems that you, Brother Lu, have a great chance!"

Zhao Chengzhi felt that the blood on Lu Chen's body was recovering quickly, and guessed happily.

Immediately, the figure flashed, and once again appeared in front of Lu Chen, his right hand was formed into a palm, surrounded by black air, and then he slapped Lu Chen like lightning.

Lu Chen suffered from Zhao Chengzhi's disadvantages, and he didn't want to get in close contact with him. The Xuantian Nine Steps under his feet were running to the extreme, and his body turned into several afterimages, like A Ke zooming in, retreating at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, with a thought,

"Kacha Kacha" bursts of thunder and lightning sounded.

Then, dozens of blue thunder arcs as thick as buckets, with the momentum of destroying everything, directly slashed at Zhao Chengzhi who was chasing him at a high speed.

Because Lu Chen felt that Zhao Chengzhi was very unusual, so he immediately used the big move "Thunderbolt"

"'s actually a thunder calamity." Zhao Chengzhi, who was hit by an arc of thunder all over the sky, immediately let out a scream.

However, just when Lu Chen thought that Zhao Chengzhi would be killed by Lei Hu,

I saw Zhao Chengzhi swinging his hands back and forth like cloud hands in Tai Chi, surrounded by a faint black air,

The lightning arc all over the sky did not disappear, but rotated with the rotation of Zhao Chengzhi's body, and then Zhao Chengzhi pushed his hand violently.

Those dozens of lightning arcs gathered together, and then flew directly towards Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and he quickly dodged to dodge, but that powerful lightning arc seemed to be carrying a tracker, and it was extremely fast.

As soon as Lu Chen dodged to dodge, before he had time to leave the spot, his body was directly hit by the lightning arc.

It all happens almost just between breaths.

After the lightning dissipated, Lu Chen looked at Zhao Chengzhi in shock. He never thought that Zhao Chengzhi could bounce back his own attack.

If not for your own body

There are thunder beads in it, which can quickly absorb the elements of thunder, plus the Cultivation Base of the King Body Realm, the art of refining the body,

If it is another cultivator, it is estimated that it will be wiped out immediately.

Such an attack method reminded Lu Chen of Zhao Huaizhen's big move in Glory of the King, but Zhao Chengzhi's method was even more powerful.

Not only will all the own attacks be accepted, but also the enhanced ones will be counterattacked.

In fact, Zhao Chengzhi was also very shocked by Lu Chen's attack methods, first the sky fire, then the thunder robbery,

Even with his thousands of years of experience, he has never seen a Gold Core Dzogchen cultivator that can possess such combat power.

This also made Zhao Chengzhi more determined, wanting to absorb the true energy from Lu Chen.

The two looked at each other like this, each marveling at the other's methods, while thinking about how to kill the other.

"Hehehe...Brother Lu! You and I are equal in strength, why not fight another day, and I have to rush back to Sect to return."

Zhao Chengzhi looked at Lu Chen, put down his guard and smiled, as if the two had never fought before.

Lu Chen also put away his posture when he heard this, and said with a smile:

"Okay! In fact, I don't want to be an enemy of Brother Zhao. Why don't we stop fighting today, and if we meet again next time, it's not too late for us to discuss each other again."

"Okay! Then let's go separately. After all, there's no need for us brothers to fight to the death, right? We'll meet later."

Zhao Chengzhi smiled with cupped hands, with a look of reluctance on his face.

Then the two agreed to turn around and leave.

However, at the same time as the two of them turned around, they shot suddenly at almost the same time.

I saw a dark purple broadsword suddenly appearing in Lu Chen's hand.

In an instant, a huge purple knife shadow condensed, the first form of the nine knives in the early days, "supreme", with the aura of one man guarding the gate, ten thousand men can't open it, going to heaven and earth, and I am the only one, directly slashing at Zhao Chengzhi.

And Zhao Chengzhi also sacrificed a Lingbao-level long sword, which also glowed with a golden brilliance, and also instantly condensed into a huge golden sword shadow, and slashed at Lu Chen.


When the swords collided, there was a huge bang.

When the brilliance dissipated, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Hahaha... Brother Lu, you are really slippery." Zhao Chengzhi laughed.

"To each other..." Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

Immediately, the expressions of the two of them changed, and they changed into expressions of disapproval, and they attacked each other relentlessly again...

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