Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 47 Own Medicine Garden

"Cry, cry, cry... you know how to cry in one day! You are a bitch! You are so ugly!" Lu Chen became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, and kicked over the wooden barrel that Yu Qian had just supported, causing her to slump on the ground and hold back her tears The sound, but the tears kept flowing.

After Lu Chen vented, he also felt very regretful in his heart. Looking at the poor Yu Qian, he walked over to help her up, but Yu Qian kept moving her body backwards like a frightened rabbit.

"I'm sorry! I can't accept it for a while, you rest for a while, let me do it!" Lu Chen said in a calm voice, picked up two wooden barrels, picked up the long ladle, and looked at the yellow and white things that were still wriggling in the pool , Suppressing his nausea, he prepared to scoop it into a wooden barrel.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Yu Qian called to stop Lu Chen, then took out a black Medicine Pill from the storage bag, and threw it into the cesspool.

Lu Chen didn't understand what it meant, but he saw that the cesspool suddenly boiled like boiling water, and the yellow and white matter began to be diluted. After a burst of white gas, the stinking cesspool, which was originally stinking intolerable, actually wafted bursts of fragrance, which was very pleasant.

"Is this okay?" Lu Chen was surprised, and then scooped the dung water into wooden barrels one by one, and then the two of them each picked up two buckets of dung water and started walking up the mountain.

No one would have guessed that Spiritual herbs are also artificially fertilized.

After a busy day, Lu Chen has a preliminary understanding of the basic work of planting spiritual herbs. In order to make up for the guilt in the morning, Lu Chen took the initiative to chat with Yu Qian.

But Yu Qian always responded with "Huh! Ah! Oh!", very afraid of herself.

In order to ease the atmosphere of the awkward chat, Lu Chen chose to tell a story. First, he told the story of the seven dwarfs and a Snow White. Chen couldn't see it.

Then he told a story about an ugly duckling turning into a swan, which made Yu Qian cry into tears.

He kept saying that she was like an ugly duckling, but she had no hope of becoming a swan. In desperation, Lu Chen had no choice but to comfort her, saying that he didn't choose the right subject.

However, as the two stories continued, the relationship between Lu Chen and Yu Qian really eased a lot.

Yu Qian also opened up the conversation and asked about Lu Chen's past.

The days go by like this...

Every seven days at dawn, Lu Chen will get up and Yu Qian to pick up manure, and then fertilize the spiritual herbs under the guidance of Yu Qian, and water the spiritual herbs once every three days, and the two of them stay in the rest of the time Practicing in a wooden house on the mountainside.

Occasionally, Yu Qian would pester Lu Chen to tell her stories, and Lu Chen would make some barbecue for Yu Qian to eat from time to time.

A year passed in a blink of an eye.

During this year, Lu Chen and Yu Qian depended on each other for life, and their relationship gradually deepened, and they almost talked about everything.

Under Lu Chen's intentional care, Yu Qian's body is no longer as weak as before, and she has begun to gain some confidence, and occasionally she will take the initiative to joke with Lu Chen.

Although Yu Qian has mediocre cultivation resources, she is very talented in planting spiritual herbs. She can clearly explain the pharmacology and planting techniques of the thousands of varieties of spiritual herbs in Baicao Garden.

This made Lu Chen keep asking Yu Qian for advice as if he had discovered a new world. Yu Qian also patiently told Lu Chen everything she knew.

So this year, Lu Chen not only mastered the planting techniques of thousands of spiritual herbs in Baicao Garden, but also has a thorough understanding of the pharmacology of each spiritual herb. To put it bluntly, if there is a pill recipe, Lu Chen Chen can start pill refining almost directly.

That night, as usual, Lu Chen sneaked into the world of Jin Zhu while Yu Qian was asleep.

In fact, when Lu Chen disappeared in the wooden house for the first time, Yu Qian knew about it, but her personality was relatively introverted, and she never took the initiative to talk to other people.

At the same time, she was also willing to keep this secret for Lu Chen. Fortunately, every time Lu Chen appeared in the wooden house again the next morning, Yu Qian didn't take it seriously.

At this moment, the Golden Pearl World has already become another medicine garden. Almost three-quarters of the area the size of two football fields has been planted with various spiritual herbs by Lu Chen, and each spiritual herb is hundreds of years old. Some years, some are even mature and can be used directly.

All of this is when Lu Chen was bored and discovered another secret of the world of gold beads. Once Lu Chen looked at the gray material walls around him, and wondered if he could use something to dig it out to see what was on the other side.

so he tried

He used any tools to chisel the gray matter, and it turned out that he really discovered the strangeness. Steel, iron, wood mud, and stone were all unworkable, and only bamboo could easily scrape off the gray matter. It will recover instantly.

This also shattered Lu Chen's idea of ​​digging through the gray matter, but what's the use of this thing?

So Lu Chen tried various things again, until one time Lu Chen had a whim and buried it in the soil, but the grass in that small area withered instantly, and Lu Chen tried several more places, all of which were the same, so he I made a bold guess that this gray substance can give birth to plants and shorten the growth cycle.

In order to confirm his own conjecture, Lu Chen secretly dug up a few Spiritual herbs seedlings, planted them in the Golden Pearl World, and then slowly buried a small amount of gray matter as fertilizer into the soil. Visible speed grows up.

After many experiments and conclusions, Lu Chen finally figured out the function of the gray matter. Now, as long as he is given a seed of spiritual herbs, he can immediately turn the seed into mature spiritual herbs, which is very miraculous.

With this discovery, Lu Chen planned to plant his own medicine garden in the world of Jinzhu.

Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, Lu Chen found various reasons to ask Yu Qian for the seeds of spiritual herbs. Spiritual herbs seeds are not uncommon in Baicao Garden.

Yu Qian will try her best to get different seeds for Lu Chen every time, and he is now responsive to Lu Chen's words.

However, the world of golden beads is only so big, and he has planted spiritual herbs in the usable places. Both the sky knife mantis and the gold-eating toad can only move in a small area, which is very pitiful.

Even so, the types of spiritual herbs planted by Lu Chen are very limited, and the only way is to plant them in rotation, but the number cannot keep up.

After picking the mature spiritual herbs, Lu Chen tried to plant several new spiritual herbs. It was estimated that it would be dawn soon, and with a thought, he appeared in the wooden house the next second.

Seeing that Yu Qian was still sleeping soundly, Lu Chen didn't bother him, and continued to practice in Lotus Position on his own.

Now that I am still in the Qi refining period of Dzogchen, as long as I find a way to get the pill recipe of the Foundation Establishment Pill, I can try to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. With enough Foundation Establishment Pills, it will be difficult for me not to think about a breakthrough.

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