Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 48 The Rest Of My Life Owes

After the busy day, Lu Chen and Yu Qian returned to the wooden house like a young couple, each sitting cross-legged on the own hard bed as usual.

"Senior Sister! I want to ask you something! Do you think it is difficult to learn pill refining? In our Shennongmen pill refining technology, is the best person in charge of Qingxu?" Lu Chen laughed.

Yu Qian thought for a while and said: "Shennongmen mainly focuses on pill refining, and almost every disciple has learned the method of pill refining. Most of the basic medicine pills in the world are refined by their own disciples.

Pill refining masters are divided into two levels: spirit alchemist, and alchemy king, and each level has nine levels.

For example, most of the disciples in our sect are third rank to fifth rank elixir masters, and most of the elders are ninth-rank elixir masters. There is only one alchemist in our sect, but he is not the master. "

Hearing what she meant, Lu Chen probably understood that it is easy to get started but difficult to master. Didn't see that there is only one Alchemy King in the whole Shennongmen.

"Then do you think I can learn pill refining? I have been here for more than a year, so I can be regarded as a disciple of Shennongmen! And the Cultivation Base has been stuck in the Qi refining period of Dzogchen, I want to learn to refine the Foundation Establishment pill, Can you help me?" Lu Chen looked at Yu Qian expectantly.

"I'm afraid this won't work. I heard that you came to Baicao Garden after you were punished. Sect hasn't registered your identity badge for the time being, so you are not considered a disciple of our sect." Yu Qian shook her head and said as tactfully as possible .

"Hey... What a crime! I've been messing around for a long time, but I'm still a criminal, haha..." Lu Chen laughed at himself, lying on the bed with his feet up in the air, looking very depressed.

Yu Qian looked at Lu Chen, her emotions were infected and she had no intention of cultivating. After more than a year of getting along, she also developed a different feeling for Lu Chen, but she was ugly, so she kept that feeling deeply buried in her heart. So whenever Lu Chen asks for something, she will try her best to satisfy him.

Lu Chen didn't notice that Yu Qian's eyes were very complicated at the moment, and she seemed to have made a difficult decision in her heart.

At the entrance and exit of Baicao Garden, Yu Qian whispered to the female cultivator guarding here: "Senior Sister! Can I... can I go out?"

"Ah? Oh... yes... yes!" The female cultivator thought she had heard it wrong. For thirty years, this girl had never left Baicao Garden. How could she take the initiative to go out today? Others in Baicao Garden

His disciples are free to move around after finishing their own work, except for Lu Chen.

"Thank you!" Yu Qian bravely stepped out of the exit of Baicao Garden.

On Danyang Peak of Shennongmen, there was smog and medicinal fragrance. Yu Qian looked up at the tall and straight Danyang Peak. After hesitating for a moment, she threw out the Flying Sword and flew straight to the summit.

"Stop! The Shendan Pavilion is the most important place, and the idlers are waiting to retreat!" As soon as Yu Qian stepped on the Flying Sword and landed on the top of Danyang Peak, there was a burst of scolding, and a cultivator at the fusion stage appeared in front of Yu Qian. It is one of Yu Tongwei's disciples called Daoyi.

"Disciple Yu Qian is here to pay respects to Elder Yu, please let me know." Yu Qian cupped her hands and saluted.

The disciple in the fusion period seemed to recognize Yu Qian, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he also bowed with cupped hands: "Uh... ok... ok! Please wait a moment! I'll go pass it on right now."

The Shendan Pavilion is the dojo of the only alchemy king Yu Tongwei in Shennongmen. At the moment, the alchemy king Yu Tongwei is refining the second rank divine alchemy Qingming Dan. If this alchemy is successfully refined, then Yu Tongwei will be promoted to the second rank alchemy king. It's just the first rank pill king.

Medicine pills are divided into panacea pills and god pills, and each grade is divided into nine grades, which just correspond to the grade division of pill refining masters.

"Master! Miss...Miss, she is here!" Dao Yi shouted bravely. Although he knew that the master was at the critical moment of refining the Medicine Pill, he still didn't dare to delay the news about Yu Qian after weighing it.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was an explosion sound in the alchemy room, and Daoyi was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground.

"Bastard! Don't you know that I'm pill refining? You dare to disturb me, damn it." A roar came from Dan's room, and then a middle-aged man with gray hair and a beard rushed out. Dan Fang looked at Dao Yi angrily, Dao was so overwhelmed by the momentum of the Nascent Soul stage that Dao Dao was sweating profusely.

"Master! Miss is here, please see me outside the door!" Dao Yi shouted with all his strength, and the pressure on his body was indeed much less.

"You mean that Yu Qian is here?" Yu Tongwei asked cautiously with soft eyes, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes! It's Miss, waiting outside Dan Pavilion at this moment." Dao Yi affirmed, there was no Master when he looked up.


Yu Qian stood outside the Shendan Pavilion, her heart was very complicated. She thought that she would never see him again in this life, but she didn't expect to come to him on her own initiative today.

At this time, the figure of Dan Wang Yu Tongwei appeared in front of Yu Qian, and his eyes met.

Seeing that his daughter's body was no longer thin, Yu Tongwei felt relieved, and his eyes were filled with kindness.

"Thirty years! Will she finally forgive me? Will she finally come to see me?" Yu Tongwei murmured in his heart.

When he was young, Yu Tongwei's Alchemy Talent was surprisingly valued by Sect. In order to win over Yu Tongwei, the previous head of Shennongmen married his own daughter to him, but at that time Yu Tongwei had already wanted to fall in love with another ordinary female disciple named Ruyan, and Ruyan Already pregnant.

Under Sect's coercion and temptation, in order to protect Ruyan and the fetus in her womb, Yu Tongwei finally agreed to marry the daughter of the head of the sect, but the requirement is to ensure the safety of Ruyan and the fetus in her womb.

Later, Ruyan successfully gave birth to a girl, but was killed by his wicked mother-in-law. Ruyan died on the spot to protect her daughter, and her daughter also ruined half of her face and injured her legs and feet because of the fight.

In the end, when Yu Tongwei arrived, he could only save his daughter. In order to avenge Ruyan, Yu Tongwei angrily killed the daughter of the head of the sect. In order to express his guilt for his daughter, he named her Yu Qian, which means Yu Sheng owed.

From then on, Yu Tongwei entrusted his daughter to the nuns of Baicaoyuan to raise him, while he devoted himself to the research of pill refining.

When Yu Qian was ten years old, Yu Tongwei went to find Yu Qian and told her about it. As a result, Yu Qian refused to accept such a father, refused to return to Yu Tongwei's side, and ignored him.

As Yu Qian grew up, the estrangement between father and daughter deepened, so that for thirty years, Yu Qian never paid attention to Yu Tongwei. Even if Yu Tongwei went to look for her, but today her daughter came to her suddenly, how could she not call her? Yu Tongwei was happy.

"Qian'er! Are you finally willing to accept me? You have waited for this day for my father for thirty years!" Pill King Yu Tongwei said tearfully.

"Give me the pill recipe of Foundation Establishment Dan!" Yu Qian stretched out her hand, her face burning like fire.

"Uh... Foundation Establishment Dan's pill recipe?" Yu Tongwei said in amazement. He never expected that the first thing his daughter asked for when looking for own was actually asking for a pill recipe.

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