Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 49 Finally Got The Pill Recipe

"Are you going to give it or not?" Yu Qian stomped her foot angrily.

"I'll give... can I give it?" Yu Tongwei flattered, and then took out a Jade Slip from the storage bag.

"Within three days, apply for another Shennongmen identity Jade Slip for Lu Chen, and then send it to Baicao Garden." Yu Qian took Jade Slip and left instructions, threw the Flying Sword and left Danyang Peak as if fleeing.

"Uh... Lu Chen? Who is Lu Chen?" Yu Tongwei asked in astonishment, and then a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Could it be that someone approached my daughter on purpose and then used her to steal the pill recipe? If so, then this person named Lu Chen The guy is really tormented.

"Dao Yi! Where did you die, bastard?" Yu Tongwei roared.

"Master! The disciple is here!" Dao Yi stepped forward.

"I'll give you an hour. I want to know all the information about this guy named Lu Chen, including everything Xiaoqian has done in the past three years. I'll help you become a second rank elixir after I finish it." Forgot to give a date.

"Yes!" Dao was really motivated when he heard the words, and disappeared in a flash.

In the wooden house on the hillside of Baicao Garden, Yu Qian happily pushed open the wooden door.

"Where did you go? You seem to be in a good mood!" Lu Chen leaned against the head of the bed and cast a glance at Yu Qian.

"Hey! This is for you!" Yu Qian handed the Jade Slip to Lu Chen. Biqu library

"What?" Lu Chen casually picked up Jade Slip and injected Divine Sense into it, when he saw the five big characters of Foundation Establishment Dan pill recipe.

"Fuck!" Lu Chen jumped up from the bed and hugged Yu Qian into his arms.

"Ah..." Yu Qian cried out in shock from Lu Chen's sudden action, her face turned red, but her heart was as sweet as honey.

"Haha... I'm sorry, I was so excited. Where did this come from? You probably stole it! If you stole it, return it quickly, or you will be miserable if someone comes to your door!" Lu Chen joked, saying Passing the Jade Slip to Yu Qian, she secretly sighed in her heart, this chick has a really good figure, the only pity is this face.

"Don't worry! That person gave it to me willingly. Besides, this Jade Slip is usually kept in people's storage bags. How can I steal it?" Yu Qian smiled sweetly. He didn't expect that Lu Chen would still care about her at this time safety, I feel more

be satisfied.

"Thank you then! I want Closed Door Training now, you guard the door for me, don't let anyone in until I come out, okay?" Lu Chen smiled.

"En!" Yu Qian nodded in affirmation, then went out to find some licorice cushions, and sat in the Lotus Position on the spot to protect Lu Chen.

Lu Chen excitedly held the Jade Slip in his hand, and with a thought, he appeared in the world of golden beads in the next second.

Divine Sense explores Jade Slip, about the Spiritual herbs needed for refining Foundation Establishment pills, the order of extraction, and the control of fire style, the decision of Golden Core harvesting pills, and the experience of pill refining, Lu Chen carefully After reading it carefully several times, I quit Divine Sense with satisfaction until I memorized it by heart.

"Broken Dragon Root, Devil Sovereign Grass, Sand Tree Root, Black Sovereign Fruit, Mange Flower, Snake Desire Fruit, Purple Smoke Fruit, Anorexia Flower, Zhuyu Grass, Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, Zixin Grass, Ginkgo Grass." There are ten in total. Two kinds of spiritual herbs, Lu Chen checked his own medicine garden, fortunately, he had tried to plant hundreds of kinds of spiritual herbs before, and these twelve kinds happened to be among them.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of a sentence, success is reserved for those who are prepared, so excited Lu Chen couldn't wait.

After preparing ten copies of the Spiritual herbs needed by Foundation Establishment Dan, Lu Chen recalled the contents of the Jade Slip again, after confirming that nothing was missing.

A blue light suddenly appeared in the corner of Jinzhu World, and the second-level Skyfire Mist and Lotus Heartfire shone bewitchingly in the air.

Lu Chen threw the Spiritual herbs into Wulian Xinhuo according to the steps.

"Huh... There's a burning smell," Lu Chen frowned, the first step failed just at the beginning.

Lu Chen put away his contempt, Divine Sense controlled the spiritual herbs and threw them into the sky fire again, this time Lu Chen was extra careful, the spiritual herbs really stayed in the sky fire for a few more seconds, but it was still far from extracting the spiritual fluid Require.

The very spiritual herbs that were prepared in less than ten minutes have been wiped out. It seems that the first step of extracting spiritual fluid by controlling the fire is extremely difficult.

Lu Chen used the gray matter to cultivate two hundred pieces of medicinal materials needed for the Foundation Establishment pill in a short period of time, and this time he planned to fight to the end.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Lu Chen. After all, he has not systematically studied the method of pill refining. The second foundation establishment pill is a second rank panacea. Even with the detailed pill recipe provided by the pill king, it is not so easy to practice the foundation Establishment of Dan's.

It's like a person who has never learned the piano, suddenly got a simple piano, and you ask him to play the fourth-level piano piece "Dream Wedding", do you think he can learn it?

The answer is yes, you only need to play notes one by one, master a short section, and then play the next short section.

From the initial jumping sound, to the later legato, from unskilled to proficient, and finally the fingers will form muscle memory.

Then spend time practicing from beginning to end, and finally you will find that you can play the entire fourth-level piano piece "Dream Wedding" without looking at the score.

Then it takes a while to beautify the whole piece and finally reach the performance level.

In the Danyang Peak Shendan Pavilion, Pill King Yu Tongwei patiently listened to Dao Yi's report. In recent years, in order to break through to the second rank Pill King, he himself forgot how long he hadn't paid attention to his own daughter Yu Qian.

He frowned slightly when he heard that Yu Qian was being bullied by the female cultivator of Baicaoyuan. When he heard how Lu Chen entered Baicaoyuan, how he got along with Yu Qian, and how he took care of Yu Qian, Yu Tongwei finally showed a relieved smile.

He decided to go and see what kind of magical power Lu Chen possessed, that he could make his daughter let go of her grievances and come to him. Maybe this is also an opportunity for him and Xiaoqian to get back together.

After making up his mind, Yu Tongwei specially went to apply for an identity Jade Slip for Lu Chen, and then flew into the air and landed in Baicao Garden.

The nun at the entrance greeted him, but he ignored it, and flew directly towards the wooden house on the mountain.

When Yu Qian heard the movement, she opened her eyes. Seeing that it was Yu Tongwei, she got up to stop her and said, "Stop! Are you here to give the identity jade badge? Just give it to me."

"Where's Lu Chen? Tell that kid to come out and meet me." Yu Tongwei blew with a beard.

"Lu Chen is at the Closed Door Training, no outsiders are allowed to disturb you, if you want to force your way in, don't blame me for being rude." Yu Qian put on a posture of fighting, with true energy gathered in the palm of her hand, it seemed that Yu Tongwei took another step forward, She can really do it.

This is probably the only person in Shennongmen who dares to talk to King Pill like this.

"You..." There was a black line on Yu Tongwei's forehead, but he still stopped, thinking: "Is this still my own daughter? Am I an outsider? What kind of door does he, a kid in the Qi refining period, close?"

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