Seeing that Yu Tongwei no longer stepped forward, Yu Qian also breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew her true energy, and the father and daughter looked at each other.

Yu Tongwei also decided to wait, at least for now he can spend time alone with his daughter. In the past, when Yu Tongwei came to look for Yu Qian, she turned him away.

After investigation, he knew that Lu Chen didn't approach his daughter on purpose, and he didn't even know his own identity, which also made him feel relieved. So going to have a look,

If this kid is good-natured, he wouldn't mind bringing the two together to form a companion. After all, his daughter has physical defects, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to marry in this life. This is also the pain in King Pill's heart.

"Is the identity Jade Slip done?" Yu Qian plucked up the courage to break the embarrassment.

"'s done," Yu Tongwei Divine Sense controlled Jade Slip to fly in front of Yu Qian.

"Then you can go!" Yu Qian took over Jade Slip and killed the donkey. She has never been able to accept this father who abandoned herself since she was a child. If it wasn't for Lu Chen, she would never pay attention to this father in this life.

Hearing this, Pill King Yu Tongwei was so angry that he co-authored it as if he was only here to deliver something?

"Since ancient times, it's the order of your parents and the words of the matchmaker. If you really want to be with this Lu Chen, you have to let me, the father, take a look. If he wants to learn pill refining, I can help him too, right?" Yu Tongwei eyed Turn around, change the previous words,

In the past, he always talked about how he had difficulties and how helpless he was, but Yu Qian didn't listen to his explanation at all.

Hearing this, Yu Qian really hesitated, she didn't drive him away, and returned to the Lotus Position at the door of the wooden house to sit down.

Seeing this, Yu Tongwei was secretly happy, and found some hay mats on the ground, sitting cross-legged not far from Yu Qian, thinking about how to get closer to her daughter.

As soon as the time turned to the afternoon, Yu Qian kept her eyes closed and rested, not giving Pill King any chance to get close.

Yu Tongwei couldn't sit still anymore, he also had a lot of things to do, so he couldn't just sit here and wait all the time! I really wanted to rush in and grab that kid out and beat him up.

But judging by his daughter's posture, she probably wouldn't agree with him to do this. I really don't know what ecstasy soup that kid poured into Xiaoqian.

"If that kid leaves the customs, remember to bring him to see me, it's impossible to rely on the pill recipe alone

Practice Dan's Foundation Establishment. "Yu Tongwei left without saying a word.

In the golden bead world, Wulian's heart fire is still shining brightly. Lu Chen has consumed more than a hundred medicinal materials for refining the Foundation Establishment pill at this moment, but he has not refined even a single Foundation Establishment pill.

If you are tired, take a break and absorb the mid-grade Spirit Stones to supplement Spirit Power. Anyway, there are a lot of Spirit Stones, and Spiritual herbs are not afraid of wasting anyway, anyway, I can continue to produce them.

If King Pill knew about this, he would have to jump up and call him a prodigal.

When encountering problems, find a way to solve them. For example, during the extraction process of Spiritual herbs, the medicinal power will also be lost. Lu Chen uses Divine Sense to stir the airflow to form a cyclone, and seal the medicinal power within the cyclone.

Another example is throwing the spiritual herbs into the sky fire to extract one by one in order, which will cause the first spiritual herbs to be in contact with the flame for too long, and the medicinal power will be weakened.

Lu Chen threw all twelve kinds of spiritual herbs into the sky fire at one go, and then used the Divine Sense control to toggle all the spiritual herbs, achieving the effect of four or two dials, which can save time and reduce the consumption of Divine Sense.

The most important thing is to be able to extract all the spiritual herbs at the same time, and to ensure that the medicinal power will not be lost due to various factors.

Of course, this method also has drawbacks, that is, it consumes a lot of Divine Sense. Fortunately, Lu Chen's Divine Sense is relatively powerful.

Lu Chen has completed each step more than a hundred times, summing up experience from continuous failures.

At this moment, Lu Chen has closed his eyes and entered a wonderful state, everything is available to me in a single thought.

Skyfire, Spiritual herbs, Divine Sense, air, seemed to come alive, twelve spiritual herbs jumped into the skyfire together, within a few breaths, twelve clusters of medicinal liquids of different colors were extracted, and each cluster of medicinal liquid was crystal clear Clear, there doesn't seem to be any Impurities.

The air forms a cyclone under the movement of Divine Sense, and the cyclone then wraps the twelve balls of medicinal liquid. I saw that the twelve balls of medicinal liquid are continuously fused and then separated, and then merged and separated again. Laden's handprints are constantly changing, and finally ten The green Medicine Pill floats in the sky fire,

After receiving the alchemy, Lu Chen's handprints began to change, and ten Foundation Establishment pills flew to Lu Chen's eyes. All the links were completed in one go, until the last note was pressed, and the final pill was completed.

Lu Chen once again

After reviewing the whole process in my mind, I slowly opened my eyes.

Looking at the ten Medicine Pills with a green halo in front of him, Lu Chen knew that he had succeeded, and he was not too excited after all the hardships. He smiled flatly and put the Medicine Pills into the jade bottle.

Then take out 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones from the storage bag, eat a Foundation Establishment pill, the Medicine Pill melts in the mouth, a burst of hot energy enters the abdomen, travels through the seven meridians and eight meridians, and finally gathers into Dantian.

Promoting from the refining stage to the Foundation Establishment stage requires converting the Spirit Power in the body into true essence. The Foundation Establishment Pill is like a catalyst, which can accelerate the transformation of Spirit Power.

However, Lu Chen's Dantian has been transformed by golden particles. Dantian is several times larger than ordinary cultivators, and the Spirit Power in his body is also extremely thick, so when the first Foundation Establishment pill was eaten, the Spirit Power in Dantian did not cause much controversy. ripple.

Seeing this, Lu Chen quickly ate a few more Foundation Establishment pills, and the Spirit Power in his body began to boil gradually, but Lu Chen felt that it was not enough until after taking the ninth Foundation Establishment pill, the Spirit Power in his body was overwhelmed.

Lu Chen felt that it was almost done, and immediately moved Xuan Tianzheng to fight, and began to transform Spirit Power, while constantly absorbing the Spiritual Qi in Spirit Stones to support the transformation of Spirit Power.

At this moment, Lu Chen sat in the Lotus Position, his body slowly rose into the air, and the Spiritual Qi in the more than 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones underneath gathered into Lu Chen's body like thick smoke, and Lu Chen floated in the sky like a god , Solemn and solemn.

"Kach... Kacha... Boom..." The golden bead world, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly darkened, the situation changed suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, as if the end of the world was approaching.

"Boom..." The surrounding gray matter began to gradually extend outwards, causing the earth to shake and the area of ​​the Golden Pearl World to slowly expand.

"Quack...quack..." The gold-devouring toad, the sky knife mantis, and the ancient mythical beast Little Earthworm in the Golden Pearl World all lay down together and shivered in horror.

a long time! When the gray matter in the golden bead world no longer extends outward, when the ground no longer shakes, when the sky gradually returns to brightness, when the 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones turn into a pile of dust.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, a sharp light shot out from his eyes, and all the Spirit Power in his body was transformed into true energy.

Eventually into the Foundation Establishment period.

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