Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 51 Chaos Dao Shengjue

"Ah... ah..." Lu Chen suddenly let out a long cry, all the humiliation, unwillingness and helplessness he had suffered in the Baicao Garden over the past year were released at this moment.

After a long howl, suddenly! A golden lightning arc hit Lu Chen, and countless mysterious runes also entered Lu Chen's body.

"Fuck!" Lu Chen screamed and fell from the sky.

"Bang..." fell to the ground and raised a cloud of dust.


At this time, three Demonic Beasts approached for unknown reasons, and the gold-eating toad stared at Lu Chen with eyes full of doubts, and exchanged: "Master, what's the matter? You were so flamboyant just now, why is it all of a sudden?" Just fell off? Couldn’t it be dead!”

"How is it possible? If he is dead, you won't feel it?" Sky Knife Mantis glanced at the Golden Toad with contempt.

The little earthworm was lying on the shoulder of the Tiandao Mantis, and its small eyes rolled away. Because of its small size, it couldn't communicate with Xiaotian and the others.

Not long after, Lu Chen slowly got up and shook his dizzy head. At this time, a lot of golden words appeared in his mind. These golden words kept spinning in his mind, and then automatically typeset to form a text .

Lu Chen keenly felt that these golden characters had an extraordinary origin, so he quickly sat in the Lotus Position and closed his eyes to check.

Dao can be Tao, very Tao, name can be named, very famous.

The nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the nameless mother of all things.

It is because Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, and all things give birth to infinity...

This is the way...

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and read the entire text. Through the content, he learned that this is the era of chaos, a law that co-existed in the universe, called "Chaos Dao Sheng Jue"

Later, it was accepted by Jinzhu World, and now Lu Chen breakthrough to the early stage of Foundation Establishment has been recognized by Jinzhu World, so Jinzhu World sent this method to Lu Chen. This method cannot be measured by level, but it is definitely extraordinary.

If it was said that Jin Zhu only lived in Lu Chen's Dantian before, then now Lu Chen is truly integrated with Jin Zhu and has been recognized by it.

Lu Chen knew everything about the world of Jin Zhu like the back of his hand, and with a thought, in the next second, Lu Chen had already appeared thousands of meters away, almost teleporting there.

Of course it's not real instant

Teleportation, teleportation is a supernatural power that can only be used by the Power of the Fractionated Divinity period, and Lu Chen can only be used in the world of Jinzhu.

I saw that the original Golden Pearl World was only the size of two football fields, but now the gray matter has extended to the far horizon.

At this moment, the area of ​​the Golden Pearl World has expanded countless times, about twenty-five square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a small county town.

"It seems that with the improvement of my Cultivation Base, the Golden Pearl World will gradually expand, and maybe this will become another world in the future," Lu Chen murmured, and tried teleporting in other directions, almost as long as he had a thought , appearing in the place you want to go in the next second, it is very mysterious.

Lu Chen had a great time playing here, and the three Demonic Beasts also began to occupy a place and busy building their nests. In the past, they could only make do with the small space, but now the space is spacious enough, so the three Demonic Beasts naturally have to settle for themselves. a comfortable nest.

After the novelty was over, Lu Chen began to consider whether he should practice the "Chaos Dao Shengjue" in his mind. If he practiced it, the Cultivation Base he had practiced before would have to be dissipated and rebuilt.

If he didn't practice "Chaos Dao Shengjue", Lu Chen felt unwilling, and Lu Chen fell into a dilemma for a while.

"It would be great if I could practice Chaos Dao Shengjue without dissipating the Cultivation Base." Lu Chen thought.

He decided to try to run "Chaos Dao Shengjue" first to see if he could convert the early stage Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment period that Xuan Tianzheng made before.

The content of "Chaos Dao Sheng Jue" came to mind, Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, all things beget infinite...

In front of the wooden house on the hillside of Baicaoyuan, Dan Wang Yu Tongwei came again with his face empty. Seeing his daughter still sitting cross-legged at the door, his face darkened instantly.

This is the fourth time he has come. He has been here three times before. Lu Chen did not leave the customs, and Yu Qian did not allow him to go in to check. Now it has been the tenth day. What is this kid doing?

"The kid hasn't passed the test yet? Don't you think that you can refine the Foundation Establishment pill with a pill recipe Jade Slip?" Yu Tongwei lightly tapped his feet and landed beside Yu Qian.

Yu Qian didn't even open her eyes, and ignored Yu Tongwei.

"It's been ten days,

Could it be that the kid doesn't understand Qi Deviation? Good girl! I think you should let me go in and have a look. If it is really Qi Deviation, I will rescue it in time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. "Yu Tongwei said casually.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yu Qian opened her eyes, and began to hesitate in her heart. Logically, it would not take so long for Insight to get a Jade Slip.

"That's right! You care about him so much, are you still worried that I will hurt him?" Yu Tongwei was about to push the door in, and Yu Qian also stood up and did not stop him.

Yu Tongwei was very proud of himself, he secretly decided that when he sees that kid later, he must beat him severely to relieve his anger.

Just when Yu Tongwei's palm touched the wooden door, the door suddenly opened. A young man with a delicate figure, clear facial features, and a very energetic look was opening the door with a smirk, and happened to bump into Yu Tongwei.

As soon as Lu Chen opened the door, he bumped into an old man with a beard and a scruffy body. At this moment, his palms were facing his chest muscles, and his eyes met for a few seconds.

"Old man! Who are you?" Lu Chen stepped back, crossed his arms, and asked in surprise.

Yu Tongwei's face turned even darker when he heard the words, "Stinky boy! What are you talking about? Look for a beating!"

At this moment, Yu Qian turned around and looked at the alchemy king indifferently.

"Hehe... just kidding! I just wanted to make a joke, so you take it seriously." Yu Tongwei smiled sarcastically, retracted his raised palm, and then consciously backed away.

Seeing that the old man seemed to be quite afraid of Yu Qian, Lu Chen felt relieved.

"Little girl! Look!" Lu Chen exclaimed happily, not noticing that the old man was looking at him through gritted teeth.

Yu Qian was used to him being called that, so she didn't care. She saw Lu Chen smiling triumphantly, with her palm spread out, a lotus flower condensed from true essence, blooming in her palm like essence, very beautiful and dazzling.

"Flower of True Essence? Are you breaking through to the Foundation Establishment period? How is it possible? Did you really succeed in refining the Foundation Establishment pill?" Yu Qian asked several questions in shock.

She is well aware of Lu Chen's aptitude, and it is impossible for him to breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment stage in a short period of time by himself, unless he really succeeded in refining the Foundation Establishment pill with only one pill recipe Jade Slip, but where did he come from? medicine?

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