Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 472 Get Daddy Out

In the courtyard of the thatched cottage, there are more than a dozen members of the Su family sitting together.

Only then did Lu Chen understand why Su Ruolan came here directly after hearing that someone from the Su family had escaped.

Presumably, she must have guessed that if someone from the Su family really escaped, they would definitely come to seek refuge with Su Xinghai, and that was indeed the case.

In the yard, Su Jingrou, Su Junmin, and Lu Chen recognized each other once they had seen each other. As for the others, Lu Chen was not familiar with them.

Su's mother and Su Ruolan were embracing each other and weeping, talking about their experiences.

After experiencing life and death parting, when the mother and daughter meet again, they will inevitably feel sad in their hearts.

It was the boss Su Zhiguo who scolded own just now, I didn't expect that he would not die, what a pity!

Su Zhiguo didn't like Lu Chen in the first place, and after hearing that Lu Chen escaped with a big teleportation talisman, he looked down on Lu Chen's act of running away even more.

However, Su Zhiguo never thought that Lu Chen and his Su family were not related, so why would he fight to the death for the Su family?

Lu Chen looked around, because he didn't see Su Ruolan's father Su Zhicheng, he couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed, so he ignored Su Zhiguo.

However, Su Zhiguo didn't intend to let Lu Chen go. He said to his second grandfather Su Xinghai:

"Second Uncle! This kid killed three talented descendants of the Leng family and broke the marriage of our Su Leng family.

That's what caused my Su family to suffer such misfortune. Please Second Uncle make the decision for us and hand over this kid to Leng's family. Maybe our Su Leng family can turn our war into friendship. "

Su Zhiguo's tone of grief and indignation made Lu Chen the culprit. Because he had seen Lu Chen's bravery, he knew that he couldn't beat Lu Chen, so he hoped to ask Su Xinghai to take action against Lu Chen.

Su Xinghai's eyes were narrowed when he heard this, his face was neither cold nor indifferent, showing no attitude, but it didn't let Su Zhiguo get his wish.

Lu Chen's face immediately became gloomy and uncertain when he heard this, and his heart was even more furious, just as he was about to turn back.

Su Ruolan and Su's mother wiped away their tears, and tried their best to defend Lu Chen.

Because Su Junmin is the son of Su Zhiguo, seeing his father attacking Lu Chen, he naturally helped Su Zhiguo, Yin & Yang said angrily:

"Ruolan, don't forget that you haven't married yet, and you only know how to speak for outsiders. If you marry, then our Su family may have to change our surname to Lu."

"Junmin! What are you talking about?

As for Menzi, now that the Su family is no longer what it used to be, everyone should be united as one. Ruolan is just telling the truth, so why are you here to speak ill of each other? "

Su's mother spoke out in time to defend her daughter.

Su Zhiguo was not happy at this time, and tried his best to suppress Su's mother.

All of a sudden, the entire quiet courtyard became chattering and clamoring, which made Lu Chen feel annoyed.

At this time, a Daoist figure eagerly came out of the room, and said anxiously: "What are you arguing about, father and mother are dying, can you be quiet!"

The person who came out was the third child, Su Zhicheng, who had been taking care of Su Galaxy Cluster and Grandma Su who were seriously injured and dying in the room.

The loud noise made the two old people panic, and their already exhausted bodies deteriorated rapidly. Su Zhicheng hurried out to stop everyone.

Everyone's face changed drastically when they heard the words, and they hurriedly filed into the thatched hut. After a while, there was a burst of crying inside.

After Su Zhicheng saw Lu Chen and Su Ruolan, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he walked quickly and said:

"My son-in-law! It's good that you're fine, but... hey... But you shouldn't be back!"

His original intention was to hope that Lu Chen could take his daughter away and fly away, but he never thought that they would come back again.

"Uncle! It's a blessing that you can live in peace. It is said that a young man appeared last night. Does uncle still have any impression?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"I'll talk about this matter later, I know you are also a pill refiner, can you please take a look at the injury of the second elder?"

Su Zhicheng looked at Lu Chen expectantly and said.

When Lu Chen was hesitating, Su Ruolan also ran out crying and asked Lu Chen to help, to see the situation of Su Galaxy Cluster and Grandma Su.

Su Ruolan knew about Lu Chen's pill refining ability, and this was the main reason why she was curious about Lu Chen at the beginning.

There was no other way, Lu Chen had no choice but to agree.

The house built by the thatched cottage is not very big, so that the arrival of the crowd makes the room very crowded.

Everyone gathered around the bed, saying goodbye to the two old people one by one.

At this moment, Su Galaxy Cluster and Grandma Su were sitting on the bed in Lotus Position, their original dusky complexions were now even paler, as if they were going to die at any moment with less intake and more exhaust.

Lu Chen glanced at the second elder through the gap surrounded by the crowd,

see them angry

Their breathing is weak, their eyes are sluggish, their lips are chapped and white, and their vitality is gradually weakening. It is known that they are running out of time because of burning their life essence, and they may not survive tonight.

The arrival of Lu Chen once again aroused Su Zhiguo's dissatisfaction, and strongly demanded that Lu Chen be kicked out.

Especially when Su Zhicheng said that Lu Chen was a pill refining specialist and came here specially to treat the two elders.

Su Zhiguo scolded angrily:

"Third brother, you are so confused! He's a brat, so he's fine with his big words. How can you take your parents' bodies and let an outsider mess around? If something goes wrong, who will take the responsibility?"

When it came to responsibility, Su Zhicheng was at a loss. After all, he knew the physical condition of his parents.

The reason why I called Lu Chen to take a look is because I wanted to give it a try.

But in case something happens, Dage insists on letting Lu Chen take the responsibility, which is not what Su Zhicheng wants to see.

Seeing that Su Zhicheng was at a loss for words, Su Zhiguo shouted even harder.

Lu Chen looked at Su Zhiguo with eyes like an idiot the whole time,

I thought to myself: This Su family can have such a second-rate existence, and it will be a matter of time before it goes into decline.

Grandma Su heard that her lips were squirming, but she couldn't force herself to say something, she sighed helplessly in her heart.

The old man Su Galaxy Cluster's eyes were filled with anger, he wanted to get up but couldn't move, he wanted to speak, but he was also unable to speak.

Seeing this, Su Zhiguo proudly said:

"Third brother, look for yourself, how angry father and mother are with you, why don't you hurry up and kick Lu Chen out of me?"

After finishing speaking, the boss Su Zhiguo pushed aside the crowd and came to Su Galaxy Cluster with a concerned look.

"Pfft..." At this moment, old man Su Galaxy Cluster suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, everyone panicked again, and Su Zhiguo even shot out a beam of true energy into Su Galaxy Cluster's body.

Maybe it's because Su Zhiguo's true essence has worked, or maybe it's because of the backlight.

I saw that the face of the old man Su Galaxy Cluster suddenly became a little more rosy, and his body stood up abruptly,

Then he pulled Su Zhiguo over, and slapped Su Zhiguo hard on the face with a "slap",

As if exhausting all the strength in his body, he roared angrily:

"Nizi! Get out of here, Daddy!"


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