Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 473: A Few Slaps

Su Zhiguo never expected that his father Su Galaxy Cluster would slap himself after finally getting better. This made Su Zhiguo, who is in his fifties, feel very embarrassed.

Immediately looked at the old man angrily, but it was the old man Su Galaxy Cluster who greeted him spit out a mouthful of blood again, so scared that he turned sideways to avoid it.

"Huh...huh..." Su Galaxy Cluster panted heavily, and said weakly:

"You... you bastard, still... still... get out of here, you all get out, Lu... Lu Chen, you stay here."

"Grandpa, no!" Seeing that his own daddy was being beaten, and grandpa wanted to keep an outsider here, Su Junmin immediately retorted.

Under Su Junmin's gaze, several other juniors expressed their disobedience to the old man.

All of a sudden, the room became noisy, and the old man Su Galaxy Cluster took a few steps back, slumped on the bed in pain.

"Presumptuous! Get out of here!"

At this time, an angry scolding sound suddenly sounded, and then a powerful momentum rushed towards the crowd, and everyone felt their own bodies, as if they were carrying a heavy weight.

Su Zhiguo felt even more uncomfortable in his chest, as if being hit hard with a sledgehammer. Only then did he remember that there was a powerful second uncle in the room.

Everyone who reacted hurriedly begged for mercy from Su Xinghai who was speaking, and all expressed that they would get out immediately.

Seeing this, Su Xinghai regained his own aura.

Everyone who was relieved quickly left the room as if fleeing.

After a while, only Lu Chen and Su Galaxy Cluster were left in the room, as well as Grandma Su who couldn't speak.

The old man Su Galaxy Cluster glanced at Lu Chen, and was about to forcibly shoot out a beam of true energy and set up a sound-proof shield of true essence, but the moment the shield of true essence was formed, it collapsed immediately.

After seeing what the old man meant, Lu Chen raised his hand and threw several array flags, and a translucent soundproof formation instantly enveloped the three of them.

Su Galaxy Cluster is very tired.

Glancing at Lu Chen, he sighed lightly and said:

"I know that you are a person of great ability. The Su family's misfortune was not due to Ruolan's marriage, but because of the spiritual vein of my Su family's Maoershan." Biqukuku

When talking about the spiritual pulse, Su Galaxy Cluster took a special look at Lu Chen, seeing that his face still had a calm expression, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen was able to produce so many ten thousand-year stone marrow vitality, and he felt relieved.

In fact, what Su Galaxy Cluster doesn't know is that in the eyes of most people, the spiritual vein may be the lifeblood of a family.

It is worth a family to defend and guard with everyone's life,

But in Lu Chen's eyes, the so-called spiritual pulse is not worth mentioning at all, it is the state of mind.

Therefore, when Lu Chen heard the spiritual pulse, he would not be moved.

At this time, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster gasped again:

"I know that my lifespan is exhausted, if it weren't for the miraculous effect of your Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, I would probably have buried my old bones long ago.

But what I want to say is that I want to give you the spiritual veins of the Su family. I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope that you can protect our Su family when you are able.

On this point, it is the old man begging you before he dies, do you think it is okay? "

After Lu Chen heard the words, he was very surprised. He didn't expect the old man to say such a thing.

However, although the spiritual vein is good, it is also a hot potato.

Leaving aside the old man's request, let's take the Leng family as an example. It is estimated that Mao'er Mountain has already been occupied by the Leng family.

He couldn't get the spirit vein at all, or the spirit vein had already been taken away by the Leng family.

After a short period of thought, Lu Chen said with a smile on his cupped hands:

"Senior, you really think highly of Junior. I'm afraid it's hard for Junior to take on this important task.

However, based on my relationship with Sister Su, if the Su family needs my help in the future, Junior will definitely do my best,

As for the matter of the spirit vein, you should handle it yourself! "

When the old man Su Galaxy Cluster heard this, his face was full of disappointment and exhaustion. He thought that Lu Chen was making fun of him.

After all, I am a dying person, how do you tell me to deal with the matter of spiritual veins?

However, the eyes of the old man Su Galaxy Cluster froze.

I saw that Lu Chen spread his palms, and a brown Medicine Pill the size of a quail egg appeared between his palms. The Medicine Pill flashed a faint halo, and exuded an aura of principles.

The strong medicinal fragrance made Su Galaxy Cluster feel refreshed after smelling it,

Even next to her, Grandma Su, who had already closed her eyes and waited to die, suddenly opened her eyes after smelling the fragrance of the medicine.

"This... what is this Medicine Pill?" Su Galaxy Cluster asked in shock.

"Longevity Pill! If the senior takes this Medicine Pill, he will be able to add two Jiazi's lifespan. From now on, you should deal with the affairs of the Su family by yourself!

I have nothing else to ask, I just hope that after you recover, you can slap your ineffective elder son Su Zhiguo a few times,

This small request, senior, do you think it is ok? "

Lu Chen smiled casually.

It seems that the priceless longevity pill is just like an ordinary medicine pill in his hands, it doesn't matter.

As he spoke, under the surprised eyes of Su Galaxy Cluster, he handed him the Medicine Pill, and at the same time gave Grandma Su a longevity pill.

Once the Medicine Pill was taken, the two elderly people immediately felt full of vitality, and then showed joy.

Ants can live stealthily without dying, so who would want to die?

Reminded by Lu Chen, the two hurriedly operated their respective Cultivation Techniques to refine the medicinal power.

With the absorption of the medicine, the aura of the two old people gradually increased, the wrinkles on their faces also decreased, and their whole faces became radiant.

When Lu Chen saw this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The longevity pill was refined by him in time before.

Originally, I thought that I would go to the Northern Territory, find Ye Rushuang and the others, and then go back to the Southern Border for the use of my own parents, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today, and it seems that the effect is quite good.

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