Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 474: Departure From The Northern Territory

"Ah!" The beaten Su Zhiguo immediately screamed.

The powerful force caused Su Zhiguo's body to fly horizontally in an instant.

However, the figure of the old man Su Galaxy Cluster flashed, and he directly pulled Su Zhiguo back.

Then he slapped Su Zhiguo hard on the face again.

"Pfft..." The intense pain made Su Zhiguo spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot, and his body flew out again.

However, Su Zhiguo, who was stunned by the beating, instinctively wanted to dodge, and at the same time a long sword appeared in his hand, and he was ready to fight back.

It's too late, but it's fast.

When the old man Su Galaxy Cluster saw this, he was even more angry, his body turned into an afterimage, and in the next second he had come to Su Zhiguo's side.

The powerful Divine Sense directly enveloped Su Zhiguo, a faint golden brilliance flashed between the palms, and another slap slapped Su Zhiguo fiercely on the face.

Then there was a burst of punching and kicking, which made Su Zhiguo scream again and again, but he was powerless to fight back.

You know, Su Zhiguo is the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul middle stage, and old man Su Galaxy Cluster is the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul middle stage.

In addition, this time, the Cultivation Base has been improved even more under the effect of the Changsheng Pill, and I believe it will break through to the Expanding Aperture early stage in a few days.

It's a piece of cake to abuse Su Zhiguo. This is because Su Galaxy Cluster intends to keep his hand, otherwise it is completely capable of killing Su Zhiguo in an instant.

However, all the members of the Su family watched all this in astonishment.

Because, no one would have imagined that the old man who was dying would be able to do this in less than a cup of tea.

It has recovered to its original state, and it seems that it has become a lot younger.

And all this is because the old man left Lu Chen in the room.

Everyone who came back to their senses looked at Lu Chen like a monster, wondering what happened in the room just now.

At this time, Grandma Su came out of the room with a benevolent smile. She looked at least ten years younger, which shocked everyone even more.

"Grandma!" All the juniors shouted in surprise.

"Mom!" Mother Su and Su Zhicheng exclaimed happily.

"Sister-in-law, are you alright?" Su Xinghai exclaimed in surprise, but more in shock.

He didn't expect Lu Chen, an insignificant person, to have such a heaven-defying means, and his heart

Zhong couldn't help but take another look at Lu Chen.

"Hehehe... Well, well! I can see you again, thanks to Lu Chen, thank you very much, Lu Chen."

Grandma Su said gratefully, she nodded and prepared to salute Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen quickly helped Grandma Su up, and said with a smile:

"Senior don't want to bully Junior like this, Junior is nothing more than a little effort, how can it be such a great gift?"

"Yes, mother! We are all from our own family, so why do you see outsiders like this?"

Mother Su came out in time to smooth things over and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Grandma Su said with a happy smile on her face:

"Well, well... such a family, Ruolan is so lucky!"

After this incident, Grandma Su liked Lu Chen originally, but now she hopes even more that Lu Chen can become her grandson-in-law of the Su family.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Su Ruolan enviously, and a few juniors even secretly regretted that they hadn't made friends with Lu Chen earlier.


At this time, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster threw Su Zhiguo, who had been beaten like a dead dog, in front of everyone, making a muffled "bang".

At this moment, Su Zhiguo has changed beyond recognition, and everyone looks at each other in dismay.

But everyone reacted quickly and saluted Su Galaxy Cluster one after another.

The entire quiet courtyard was full of laughter and joy because of the recovery of the two pillars, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Even if Su Junmin was beaten because of daddy, he blamed everything on Lu Chen, and even secretly gave Lu Chen a vicious look.

But Lu Chen directly ignored him, jokingly, Lu Chen is not even afraid of his father, so how could he be afraid of him?

Seeing the joyous scenes of the Su family up and down, Lu Chen's heart was also touched unceasingly,

After making up his mind to wait for the matter here, he should also go north to find Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu.

In the afternoon, Lu Chen took the opportunity to bid farewell to Su Ruolan's family, saying that he still had something to do and should leave tonight.

After Su Zhicheng and Su's mother heard the words, they were naturally extremely reluctant, but there was nothing they could do, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

At this time, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster came at the right time and said that he was going to hit the Expanding Aperture period tonight. He hoped that Lu Chen could come and observe him for a while, and he had a great intention to cultivate him.

You know, Nascent Soul period

From the cultivator breakthrough to the Expanding Aperture period, you will face the baptism of thunder calamity, that is, twenty-nine thunder calamities, a total of eighteen arcs of thunder.

The old man's attitude is definitely a great honor for Lu Chen.

Before that, Lu Chen learned from Li Yanan's indirect knowledge that thunder calamity is generally divided into nine thunder calamities, two nine thunder calamities, three nine thunder calamities, and even ninety nine thunder calamities.

Since the cultivator's Nascent Soul stage, every time he breakthrough a large Realm, he will be baptized by the Thunder Tribulation. Although Lu Chen has seen Horn's breakthrough of the Nascent Soul stage before, he will be baptized by the Thunder Tribulation.

Now that I have the opportunity to experience the Erjiu Thunder Tribulation, I immediately agreed gratefully after hearing the words, and secretly rejoiced in my heart that I can replenish the thunder element in my body again.

At midnight, after watching Su Galaxy Cluster breakthrough Expanding Aperture, Lu Chen thanked Su Galaxy Cluster again and bid farewell to the old man.

Then they left quietly until Lu Chen had gone far away, Su Galaxy Cluster still couldn't calm down the shock in his heart.

Because his original intention was to let Lu Chen come to observe himself accepting the baptism of Lei Jie, so that Lu Chen could have a reference in the future breakthrough expanding aperture period.

But who once thought, that kid actually flew directly towards Lei Jie when he was Transcend Tribulation, this scene almost didn't scare Su Galaxy Cluster to death.

He scolded Lu Chen in his heart for being foolish and looking for death, and regretted that he brought him because of his troubles.

However, it turned out that Lu Chen was not only fine, he was also alive and kicking and laughing in the air.

Su Galaxy Cluster was in the shocking stage of the Expanding Aperture. Fortunately, it succeeded in the end. Otherwise, because Lu Chen disturbed his own mood, and his breakthrough failed, then who would he cry to?

In the dark night, Su Galaxy Cluster shook his head and smiled bitterly, then his figure flashed, and he teleported and disappeared in place...

Beichen Continent is distributed vertically and is divided into three major regions: Southern Xinjiang, Central Plains, and Northern Territory.

Among them, the Beichen River running east-west serves as the dividing line between southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains.

But between the Central Plains and the Northern Territory, the Taihang Mountains are used as the dividing line.

Taihang Mountains is a mountain range full of mysterious colors, which basically spans the entire Beichen Continent from east to west, forming a natural barrier.

Since ancient times, there has been a literati cultivator who wrote poems praising:

There is a mountain in Taihang hundreds of feet high, you can pick up a star by raising your hand,

Pedestrians dare not speak loudly, lest they startle the heavenly beings.

It can be seen how steep the Taihang Mountains are...

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