"Ah...you scared me to death! Look at you, this clothes has to be washed again, ah! You learned to fly with a sword? Congratulations, your dream has come true." Yu Qian smiled happily, picked it up and dropped it on the ground Clothes ready to be rewashed.

"Why wash him, this is for you." Lu Chen snatched the clothes from his hand, and turned the clothes into ashes with a fireball.

"This is it?" Yu Qian took the Jade Slip suspiciously, injected Divine Sense into it, and then her face changed. It actually records the flying skill of Yujian, and it is obviously much more advanced than the one she gave him, but Why does he still ask me for the method of flying with a sword?

"How about it? This is a new sword flying technique I adapted based on the Jade Slip you gave me. Not only has the speed increased a lot, but it also has a concealment effect." Lu Chen boasted proudly.

Hearing what she said, Yu Qian began to blame herself. How could she doubt him? Then she thought of what Lu Chen said, and she was even more shocked: "You mean you adapted the flying technique I gave you? How is this possible? , Does the Cultivation Technique mean that you can change it as soon as you say it?"

"Haha... Nothing is impossible. You have to know that I am a genius. Do geniuses understand? Well, try it quickly, but don't spread the word, you know?" Lu Chen entered the cabin after he finished speaking. Also study the two Jade Slips that Dan Wang left for him.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, Yu Qian became depressed. Lu Chen is not only amazing in Alchemy Talent, but also extraordinary in cultivating Talent. Adapting Cultivation Technique is not something ordinary people can do. Touching her face full of scars, Yu Qian felt The distance between himself and Lu Chen is getting farther and farther. Biqu library

In the next few months, Lu Chen worked step by step with Yu Qian in the spiritual field during the day, studied the technique of pill refining at night, and practiced when he was free. His life was very fulfilling.

It has to be said that the Jade Slip given by Pill King Yu Tongwei to Lu Chen is of great significance. One of the Jade Slips is Pill Refining experience of Pill King’s life, and the other Jade Slip records the introduction and pharmacological properties of tens of thousands of Spiritual herbs, and many more pill recipe.

With these two things, together with Chaos Dao Sheng Jue combined with Lu Chen's original pill refining technique, Lu Chen's pill refining technique has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few months, Cultivation Base has also broken through to Foundation Establishment middle stage, and Spirit Stones are also left not much.

this day is pure

He was discussing government affairs with the five Elders in the Hall of Supreme Purity, when suddenly Daoist Qingxu frowned and looked up at the distant sky.

Immediately, Daoist Qingxu's figure flashed, and he flew out of the mountain gate at high speed. Seeing that something was wrong, several Elders glanced at each other, and then flew out of the Taiqing Hall.

Shennongmen, above the bamboo sea outside the mountain gate, Qingxu real person stepped out of the air and stood, looking at the direction of the bamboo sea.

"Master! What happened?" The five Elders who followed stood on both sides of Daoist Qingxu, stepping on Flying Sword. Biqu library

"Huh..." A powerful momentum came from the other side of the bamboo sea, swaying the bamboo sea one after another, rolling like waves, and blowing the clothes of the six people at the same time.

"It's so powerful, who came to our Shennong Gate?" Foreign Affairs Elder Yu Qian asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid the visitor is not kind!" Law enforcement Elder Zhao Xuanming stroked his beard and said.

Only Daoist Qingxu looked at the direction of Zhuhai calmly, not too worried.

"Haha... Qingxu hasn't seen you for many years, and you are getting more and more beautiful. Even I wonder if you are a daughter." Just after the words were finished, a Daoist shadow flew towards the sky at high speed, standing tall in the sky above the bamboo sea, following closely Then there are five Daoist shadows flying towards the sky.

"Chu Dingtian! What's the point of you bringing five masters from the Nascent Soul stage to our Shennongmen? Is it just to talk nonsense?" Master Qingxu said coldly, not at all because the five Elders on his side are all Gold Core Expect Cultivation Base and be afraid of each other.

"Okay! Then I won't talk nonsense. Since ancient times, there have been grievances and debtors. My beloved grandson Chu Chenggou was killed in the southeast of Hengyang City. After many investigations

The trace of the murderer is finally confirmed, and the murderer is hiding in your Shennong Gate. I hope that your lord can give me the face of Shenshoushan and hand over the murderer to me. My Shenshoushan will thank you very much. "Chu Dingtian explained his purpose.

A few people from Shennongmen felt sobbed immediately when they heard the words, and the five Elders began to chat with each other through sound transmission.

"How could he, the majestic head of the Shenshou Mountain branch, go to such lengths to avenge his grandson." The Foreign Affairs Elder Yu Qian sent a voice transmission to several people.

"That's right! I think he's just trying to find an excuse."

"Do you want to notify the other Nascent Soul Elders in the Sect to come to help? Otherwise, if there is a fight, the few of us can't stand it." Law Enforcement

Elder Zhao Xuanming said anxiously.

Master Qingxu was also puzzled, he didn't expect Chu Dingtian to give such a trivial reason.

"Chu Dingtian! I don't have the person you're looking for in Shennongmen. If you're here as a guest, I welcome you very much. If you're here to find fault, then it's okay to let our subordinates see the truth." Master Qingxu road.

"Hehe... Qingxu, please don't defend your disciple of Shennongmen. The person I'm talking about is not from your Shennongmen. A cultivator named Lu Chen came to your Shennongmen more than a year ago? He disappeared later. His whereabouts, what I'm looking for is this cultivator named Lu Chen, not your disciple of Shennongmen." Chu Ding Heavenly Dao.

"Lu Chen? Who is Lu Chen?" Several Elders looked at each other, and Yu Qian, the Foreign Affairs Elder, said through a voice transmission. He was often not in Sect because he was in charge of things other than Sect, so he hadn't heard about Lu Chen at that time.

"It seems that there is such a person who was imprisoned by the head to plant spiritual herbs in Baicao Garden because he offended the head, but that person seems to be a disciple of the Qi refining period." Law enforcement Elder Zhao Xuanming recalled.

"It's just an outsider, it's better to leave it to them, so that you can also get a favor from Shenshou Mountain." One of the Elders said through voice transmission.

Daoist Qingxu frowned slightly, and he could understand what the Elders said through sound transmission based on his Cultivation Base, and he didn't expect that it was Lu Chen that the other party was looking for.

Even if Lu Chen killed Chu Dingtian's grandson, there was no need for the other party to seek revenge on Lu Chen in such a big way. It seems that there must be some hidden secrets that I don't know about.

"Qingxu! How is it? As far as I know, Lu Chen was originally a disciple of Xuantian Sect. Why do you, Shennongmen, have a grudge with my Shenshoushan for an irrelevant little disciple? This time I also came with the intention of the headquarters Negotiating with you, so I hope you Shennongmen can be accommodating." Chu Dingtian laughed.

"So what if I don't hand it over to you?" Master Qingxu raised the corners of his mouth, full of aura, ready to go like a sharp arrow.

"Then there's no other way. Kill people to pay for their lives and debts to pay back money. Today I vow to catch that kid to avenge my grandson." Chu Dingtian said coldly, and at the same time spread the aura of the Nascent Soul middle stage overwhelmingly towards the opposite side.

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