The five Gold Core stage Elders of Shennongmen were crushed by this momentum, and they all resisted with luck and vitality. Everyone showed a painful expression. There is no way this is the gap in strength.

"Hmph!" Daoist Qingxu shook his body, increasing his aura to confront Chu Dingtian's aura, and the five Elders at Shennongmen immediately felt the pressure was gone.

"You all back off. Since Daoist Qingxu is interested in competing with me, I will accompany you to the end." Chu Dingtian ordered the five Nascent Soul early stage cultivators who came with him, and the five nodded upon hearing this, and then flew into the air. to kilometers away.

"Retreat too!" Daoist Qingxu ordered.

At this moment, Qingxu Zhenren and Chu Dingtian are left in the sky above the bamboo sea. Both of them are Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul middle stage, and the battle is imminent.

"Keng..." A sword sound resounded throughout the world.

Daoist Qingxu put his fingers together, and with a thought, a purple long sword flew out of the storage bag and floated in front of his eyes.

"Innate Spirit Treasure Purple Cloud Sword!" Chu Dingtian didn't expect Master Qingxu to be serious as soon as he came up, so he didn't dare to trust him, so he also took out the Houtian Lingbao Seven Star Gu Yue Sword.

Under the control of Daoist Qingxu, the Ziyun sword shot towards Chu Dingtian at high speed, and created a purple long rainbow in the sky. When it was close to the top of Chu Dingtian's head,

The Ziyun sword suddenly turned into a giant sword tens of meters long, and it struck Chu Dingtian from top to bottom with terrifying power, and the purple light that filled the sky was very gorgeous.

Chu Dingtian dodged to avoid it, and Divine Sense controlled the Houtian Lingbao Seven Star Guyue Sword to meet the huge Ziyun Sword.

I saw the Houtian Lingbao Seven Star Gu Yue Knife, under the infusion of Chu Dingtian's true essence, instantly turned into a giant knife, no smaller than Ziyun Sword, glowing with golden light, equally gorgeous and colorful.

In the sky above the bamboo sea, two rays of light, one purple and one gold, collided together.

"Boom..." The sky suddenly turned pale, and the terrifying energy generated by the collision spread to the surroundings, causing the surrounding clouds to recede to both sides.

Everyone in the Shennongmen Gate felt this powerful energy fluctuation, they all stopped what they were doing, threw out the Flying Sword and flew out of the mountain gate. Biqu library

"What's going on? Is someone attacking our Shennongmen?" A disciple in the Qi refining period asked.

"I don't know, but there must be strong people fighting outside the mountain gate. I have to go and see quickly, otherwise I will miss the opportunity to watch the strong people fight." Another qi refining

After Qi disciple finished speaking, he ran out of the mountain gate.

On the hillside of Baicao Garden, Lu Chen and Yu Qian also felt this powerful energy fluctuation.

When they came out to check, they saw two huge brilliances in the distant sky, one golden and one purple, constantly colliding and separating, and they could still feel the terrifying power within such a distance.

"There are masters fighting, let's go and see the excitement!" Lu Chen threw out the Flying Sword and was about to set off, but found that Yu Qian was still standing there unmoved.

"You go! I don't like crowded places very much." Yu Qian lowered her head and said in frustration.

"Okay! Then you just stay here. I'll come back after I go and have a look." Lu Chen knew that she was embarrassed to show it in front of others, so he didn't force it. After leaving Yu Qian with a smiling face, he stepped on the Flying Sword to Baicao Under the garden hill.

The female cultivator guarding the entrance at the bottom of the mountain was not here today, so Lu Chen took out the jade token with his identity information, poured his true energy into it, and the jade token immediately shot a green light, which was cast on the barrier light curtain at the entrance of Baicao Garden.

The light curtain flickered for a few times and then slowly opened. Lu Chen showed joy, and the imperial sword flew out of the Herb Garden.

In the sky above the bamboo sea outside the Shennongmen Mountain Gate, real Qingxu and Chu Dingtian were fighting hard at this time, because the difference in Cultivation Base was not that big, it was difficult for the two to tell the winner.

Unless both of them are fighting to the death, maybe the battle will end in a short time, but at their level, who would easily fight to the death.

At this time, in front of the mountain gate of Shennongmen, many disciples of Shennongmen have gathered. The disciples below the Foundation Establishment stage are all looking up at the sky on the ground, and the disciples above the Foundation Establishment stage are standing with their swords in the low sky, and the high altitude is the Gold Core stage. In the same position as Nascent Soul and Power, the lineup is very strong.

"Let's stop here for Qingxu, and it won't help if we continue to fight like this. You and I don't want to fight to the death, why don't you hand over that Lu Chen to me!" Chu Dingtian took back the Qixing Guyue knife and looked at the real Qingxu laughed.

"Wow..." Chu Dingtian's words were heard clearly by everyone present, causing an uproar.

"Lu Chen? Who is Lu Chen? The other party is actually here for Lu Chen." Shennongmen, whether it is a disciple of the Qi refining stage on the ground or a cultivator above the Foundation Establishment stage in the air, is discussing who Lu Chen is.

"I heard that that person is the head of the branch of the Divine Beast Mountain

Chu Dingtian, because Lu Chen killed his grandson Chu Chenggou, that's why he came to Lu Chen to ask for his life. "One of the Foundation Establishment disciples said.

"You know all this? Who did you listen to?" asked another disciple of the Foundation Establishment period.

"The news must be correct. Yang Liu, who guards the gate of the mountain, has been guarding here. Then Chu Dingtian explained the reason when he came. It's just that the head didn't agree to hand over Lu Chen, so the two fought." The disciple of the Foundation Establishment just now assured Said.

"Ah! I remembered who is Lu Chen. Isn't Lu Chen the cultivator who was punished by the master to plant spiritual herbs in Baicao Garden for three years? Then why did the master stand up for him?" Someone exclaimed.

"Who knows what the master thinks, we don't care about these things, huh? Junior brother, you look very unfamiliar, which Elder's disciple are you, why do I feel like I haven't seen you before?" Lu Chen's side A disciple of the Foundation Establishment early stage asked Lu Chen.

"'s nothing, I don't know." Lu Chen was a little stunned, and he said something perfunctory, but he was shocked in his heart that Chu Dingtian, the head of Shenshou Mountain, found Shennongmen, and Master Qingxu came out to fight for him Yes, to be honest, Lu Chen was really moved.

But Lu Chen didn't believe that Chu Dingtian would take such pains to find him because Chu Chenggou was killed by him. It must be because he was able to drive two Demonic Beasts to spy on the method that he didn't even know what was going on.

"Hmph! You bring a master to our Shennongmen to ask for someone, not to mention whether Lu Chen is a disciple of my Shennongmen, even if he is not, if I hand him over to you, where will my Shennongmen's face be placed?" Master Qingxu replied coldly.

Just when Master Qingxu finished speaking, a figure flew from a low altitude to the side of Master Qingxu on a Flying Sword, very conspicuous.

"Who is that person? How dare you come out to show off at this time?" Someone from Shennongmen shouted, pointing at the Daoist figure.

Master Qingxu looked at the figure beside him, first he was surprised that he broke through to the Foundation Establishment period, then his face changed and he scolded: "Whose disciple are you? Why are you so bold, you still don't let me go back!"

"Chu Dingtian, right! I am Lu Chen, do you dare to challenge me to a one-on-one fight with you?" Lu Chen pointed at Chu Dingtian and said loudly, his words full of pride.

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