Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 56 Slapping The Face Of The Head Of The Beast Mountain

Not only was Lu Chen not angry at the scolding of Master Qingxu, but he was sincerely grateful in his heart. He was not stupid, so he could see that Master Qingxu wanted to protect himself, so he said that on purpose.

But Lu Chen came out on his own initiative at this time, and he also had his own intentions.

Master Qingxu immediately felt a headache when he heard the words, ten thousand horses galloped past in his heart, he was very angry,

I protected him with good intentions, but this kid actually climbed up to expose his identity, and even brazenly said that he wanted to single out Chu Dingtian, do you have the qualifications?

"Haha...Qingxu! People don't seem to appreciate your favor! Boy! You dare to come out under such circumstances, I have to say you are very kind." Chu Dingtian looked at Lu Chen playfully,

Who would have thought that a small person in the Foundation Establishment early stage would dare to say such arrogant words in front of Nascent Soul stage Power.

"That kid is Lu Chen? I must have heard it wrong, but he actually wants to challenge Chu Dingtian? Where did he get the courage!" Someone from Shennongmen said.

"I think he's just arrogant, just trying to please the public. People can easily pinch him to death with just a few fingers." Another person echoed.

"Is this kid crazy? What is he trying to do? Isn't he looking for death? Should I send a voice transmission to the head and tell him that Lu Chen's Alchemy Talent is amazing, so that Sect can come forward to save him?" Pill King Yu Tongwei looked at him with a complicated expression. Lu Chen thought.

"Master Qingxu has been taken care of by you, and I have benefited a lot over the past year, but now that the enemy has come to the door, how can I hide in Shennongmen? I have my way, and I hope you will not be angry, uncle. .” Lu Chen kowtowed to Daoist Qingxu, his words were very respectful.

"Hmph!" Daoist Qingxu snorted coldly and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously when he saw this, after all, he regarded other people's kindness as the liver and lungs of a donkey.

Then he turned to Chu Ding Heavenly Dao, the head of Shenshou Mountain: "Chu Dingtian, I know that there is a big gap between myself and your Cultivation Base, but if I dare to say that I challenge you one-on-one, I will not be afraid of you. I don't want Shennongmen to be implicated because of me."

Lu Chen was neither humble nor overbearing, and felt like giving up his life.

"Hmph! Just know!" Chu Dingtian looked at Lu Chen with disdain.

"But you and I are personal grievances, I don't want

I hope to fight on the site of Shennongmen, even if my blood is splashed on the spot, I don't want my own blood to be stained on the blessed land of Shennongmen.

Why don't we fight outside the Bamboo Sea, I'll go ahead and wait for you there, how dare you? " Lu Chen still had an awe-inspiring look for a second, and before Chu Dingtian could react, he stepped on the Flying Sword and flew towards Zhuhai.

"Uh..." Chu Dingtian was stunned for a moment. Although Lu Chen's speed was extremely fast, for Chu Dingtian of Nascent Soul middle stage, he was not worried that Lu Chen would escape from his grasp.

"Haha... Qingxu's business is over here, so I'll take my leave," Chu Dingtian said with a cupped hand at Master Qingxu and smiled.

"Not good! That kid is going to play tricks!" A Nascent Soul stage cultivator on the side of Divine Beast Mountain shouted, and then flew towards Lu Chen.

With this shout, Chu Dingtian, Master Qingxu and everyone all cast their eyes on Lu Chen.

I saw that Lu Chen was flying towards the Bamboo Sea, but suddenly dived into the Bamboo Sea on the way, and almost got into the Bamboo Sea in the blink of an eye.

Chu Dingtian's expression changed, and he immediately flew towards the position where Lu Chen swooped.

All this happens almost simultaneously in the middle of a few breaths.

"Haha... Chu Dingtian, you silly old hat, I'm leaving, young master! Next time I see you again, I will take your head, and the big teleportation talisman will take you away!"

Lu Chen purposely yelled these words with real energy, so that everyone present could hear them clearly, the words were very arrogant and proud.

Chu Dingtian knew he had been duped when he heard the Great Teleportation Talisman, his face became gloomy, and he arrived first, almost in the blink of an eye, he got into Lu Chen's position just now, and the Divine Sense stretched out overwhelmingly, with a strong sense of threat pressure.

But he was dumbfounded, not to mention Lu Chen, who didn't even have a hair. It stands to reason that it would take one or two breaths to activate the Great Teleportation Talisman. He escaped right under his nose.

What Chu Dingtian didn't know was that it only took one thought for Lu Chen to hide in the world of golden beads, and the reason why he shouted the big teleportation amulet was to confuse everyone, including Chu Dingtian of course.

"Master! This..." The Nascent Soul cultivator who first noticed Lu Chen's behavior arrived first, and he knew it from Chu Dingtian's ugly face.

Said that something was not good, and swallowed the next words directly.

"Let's go!" Chu Dingtian shouted, and his body disappeared into the bamboo sea.

"Haha..." Many cultivators at Shennongmen were amused by Lu Chen's words.

At first, they all thought that Lu Chen would definitely die today, but they didn't expect such a result.

"That kid is really cunning, he escaped with a big teleportation talisman, Chu Dingtian will be slapped in the face now." A cultivator from Gold Core period commented.

"That kid is too arrogant. You didn't see Chu Dingtian angry just now, his face turned green." Another Gold Core cultivator laughed.

"Who says it's not, but Lu Chen offended Shenshoushan to death this time, but I don't know if he will have a big teleportation talisman to escape next time, hey... I lost a big teleportation talisman for nothing." Gold Core The cultivator sighed.

At this moment, Chu Dingtian shot out from the bamboo sea with a gloomy face, apparently not catching Lu Chen, and then ordered the Nascent Soul cultivator following to fly in all directions, while he himself flew in the remaining directions.

According to Chu Dingtian's thinking, the Great Teleportation Talisman can move more than 10,000 meters in no direction at most, and with so many people, hurry up and chase them in all directions, maybe we can catch that kid.

Master Qingxu saw that the people from Shenshou Mountain had left, and then ordered everyone to return to Sect.

A few hours later, Chu Dingtian returned to the sky above the Bamboo Sea with a dark face, followed by several other Nascent Soul stage cultivators who also rushed back here. They all shook their heads and showed bitter smiles, apparently none of them chased after Lu Chen.

Chu Dingtian saw that the fist was tightly clenched, murderous intent appeared in his eyes, he was very angry but had nowhere to vent it, so he could only tell everyone to go back first.

Lu Chen didn't come back until the evening, and Yu Qian became restless, so she walked out of the Baicao Garden to find someone to inquire about Lu Chen's whereabouts.

When she heard Lu Chen's mad talk about fighting against the Nascent Soul cultivator, her heart tightened and she instinctively became worried.

When she heard that Lu Chen escaped using the big teleportation talisman, she was both grateful and disappointed.

Yu Qian returned to the wooden house in Baicaoyuan with an empty heart. For more than a year, she had already gotten used to the life of two people. Lu Chen's sudden departure made her very sad.

"Have you left? Will you come back?" Yu Qian muttered to herself, tears streaming down her face silently.

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