Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 57 The Desperate Cultivator

The Tianyuan Continent consists of four parts, East Xuan Continent, Xiji Continent, Beichen Continent and Nanyou Continent, between which is the Sea of ​​Hopelessness.

Beichen Continent is divided into three regions: Southern Border, Central Plains, and Northern Region. Hundreds of states in Southern Border are basically under the jurisdiction of the seven Sects.

Lu Chen knew these basic knowledge when he first entered the hall of Xuantian Sect Cultivation Technique.

Qujing Prefecture is in the northwest of Yulin Prefecture. There is a small town on the edge of it called Vientiane City. The population in the city is not very large, almost the population of a small county.

Most of the cultivators in the city are in the Qi refining period, and occasionally some cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period will be seen.

"Excuse me, is there an alchemist in Vientiane City? Or a pharmacist?" A tall man with a square face, stubble, and melancholy eyes, with a pale and unconscious female cultivator on his back, stopped him anxiously. The cultivator on the sixth floor of the next gas refining period asked.

The cultivator in the qi refining period saw the Cultivation Base who couldn't see through the other party. After a moment of stunned, he smiled and said: "senior! Go straight ahead and then turn right. There is a Yishan Medicine Pavilion. The owner of the pavilion there is named Yishan. It is Vientiane. The only panacea in the city."

"Thank you!" After the tall cultivator thanked him, he left in a hurry.

Yishan was originally a second rank elixir hired by the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. He is greedy for cheap things, and often intentionally or unintentionally greedy for the resources in the store.

Because he belongs to a branch, and he is the only elixir teacher in the branch, so the manager of the branch turned a blind eye to it. After all, elixir masters are hardly scarce.

Until one day, the eldest lady Yan Zixia came to the branch for an inspection in secret. Yi Shan was usually domineering, so he took the opportunity to take advantage of the diagnosis of the eldest lady Yan Zixia.

Later, Yan Zixia severely injured him on the spot and expelled him from Qu'an City. He also stripped him of his background and made it public, so that his reputation was ruined and no one dared to use him.

There is no way for Yishan to live in a small place like Vientiane City, but this old boy is a second rank elixir after all, and he became very successful in Vientiane City in a short time, opened his own store, and It is called Yishan Medicine Pavilion.

As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. It didn't take long for Yishan's true nature to be exposed. The attitude is not good, and the fees are very expensive, so his reputation is not very good.

But there is no way in Vientiane City

In such a small place, he is the only second rank elixir teacher, and the cultivator here can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out, after all, sometimes they have to rely on his pill refining technique to cure diseases and save lives.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly at noon, and there were not many people in Yishan Medicine Pavilion.

"Excuse me, who is the genius doctor Yishan?" The tall cultivator ran into the Yishan Medicine Pavilion with the unconscious female cultivator on his back, because the voice of speaking in a hurry might be a bit loud, and everyone immediately looked at him. Biqu library

"What's the noise? Didn't you see that I was treating this female cultivator?" An impatient voice sounded,

The person speaking was an old man in his fifties or sixties, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a gray goatee. At the moment, he was holding the hand of a nun, stroking it back and forth, obviously unhappy because someone suddenly interrupted his interest.

"I'm sorry! I'm Horn, my wife suddenly fell into a coma, and I asked Yishan's genius doctor to help me treat her. I'm very grateful." Horn cupped his hands respectfully.

"Put it there!" Miracle doctor Yishan looked at Horn first, and seeing that he couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, he casually pointed to the bed on the left side of the Medicine Pavilion and said lazily.

After Horn laid his wife down and put her back on her back, the genius doctor Yishan came to check on him pretending to be an expert.

He put his two fingers together and shot out a stroke of zhenyuan on the wrist of the unconscious nun. The zhenyuan traveled all over his body. After a while, Miracle Doctor Yishan withdrew the zhenyuan with a clear expression on his face.

Seeing this, Horn showed joy and said, "How is my wife, Miracle Doctor Yishan?"

"Don't worry! I'm here to make sure she's fine, but the cold poison in her Dantian is a bit tricky, and the Spiritual herbs needed are also extremely precious. I need 100 middle-grade Spirit Stones to pill refine. Medicine Pill goes down to make sure her The medicine will cure the disease." Miracle doctor Yishan stroked his beard lightly and smiled.

Horn had a hopeful smile on his face when he heard that he could say the cold poison in one breath, but when he heard that he wanted a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones, his face immediately changed, and he subconsciously took out the storage bag, and Divine Sense checked that there were only a few To one hundred low-grade Spirit Stones.

The genius doctor Yishan seemed to have seen through Horn's thoughts, and immediately changed his face and said coldly: "You don't have Spirit Stones, do you? My Spiritual herbs didn't fall from the sky, if there weren't a hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones , then you should take him and leave quickly, don't hinder my business."

Miracle Yishan finished speaking

He winked at the clerk in the store and told him to drive him away.

"Let's go! Go! Let's go! What's wrong with Spirit Stones?" the guy urged loudly.

"Miracle Doctor Yishan, please help me save my wife. I, Horn, will definitely thank you!" Horn bowed his cupped hands and said respectfully.

"Thank you so much? What kind of thank you do you want? Just rely on your words? Hurry up and take your wife and get out, or you will give me a hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, and I won't help you. By then you Just prepare a cemetery to bury her!" Doctor Yi Shan said harshly.

"You!" Horn looked at Miracle Doctor Yishan angrily, and really wanted to slap him to death, but when he saw his pale wife, Horn loosened his clenched fist again.

"Hmph! What? Do you still want to rely on your own cultivation base to do it? Let me tell you, you can't find any other pill refining masters within a radius of ten thousand miles. You killed us all?" Yi Shan said disdainfully.

"That's not necessarily!" At this moment, a retorting voice sounded.

At this moment, in front of the gate of Yishan Medicine Pavilion, many cultivators have gathered to watch the excitement. In such a small place, if there is any disturbance, everyone will know.

Miracle doctor Yishan, Horn and other cultivators in the store all went looking for prestige.

I saw a tall, thin, handsome young man walking out of the crowd, with a confident smile on his lips.

"Where is the hairy boy, do you have a place to talk?" Seeing that the visitor was only in his twenties, the Cultivation Base was only at the Foundation Establishment early stage, and he himself was at the Foundation Establishment late stage, so he spoke You're welcome.

"There are people who will shovel the road of injustice in the world, and someone will take care of the affairs of injustice in the world. If you don't want to help, why don't you allow others to help?" The young man laughed.

The young man is exactly Lu Chen who hid in the Golden Pearl World from the bamboo sea in Shennongmen, Yulin Prefecture. After he came out of the Golden Pearl World, he went straight to Qujing Prefecture. some remote areas.

When he passed Vientiane City, he was going to replenish some supplies here, so he saw this scene of Yishan Medicine Pavilion,

Lu Chen was very displeased with Yishan's acrimony, so he decided to speak out.

Of course there are more important reasons...

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