Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 59 Stealing The Sunflower

After checking, Lu Chen was surprised to find that Horn's wife Dantian actually had a Gold Core in it. Judging from the size of the Gold Core, Horn's wife is a master of the Dzogchen Gold Core period.

It's just that the surface of the Gold Core is covered by a layer of white substance at this moment, which is somewhat similar to the cold poison that Hongfu suffered last time, but it is different. Horn's wife was obviously injured by an external force, not poisoned. The caster should Using spells like Ice Palm.

Well, the honest and embarrassed Horn in front of me is probably not much taller than her wife, not like the Cultivation Base that only looks like the Foundation Establishment middle stage on the surface.

But what is the reason why such a Power hides the Cultivation Base, is willing to be humiliated and still appears in such a small remote place, and who injured his wife?

"Senior! Your wife's Gold Core in her body was enveloped by cold air due to external force. This cold air not only corroded the Gold Core in her body, but also affected her mind." Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Hey... Now that you've found out, I won't hide it anymore. I just don't know. Little brother, do you have a way to save my wife? If you can save my wife, little brother, just ask for anything." Horn Seeing that Lu Chen has some abilities, he can also see that his wife is a cultivator at the Gold Core stage, so there is no need to be a villain again.

"There is a way. You only need to refine the Lieyang Pill to save your wife. It's just that I have other auxiliary medicines here, but I don't have the main medicine Lieyanghua." Lu Chen said with some regret.

"Sixth-level Spiritual herbs blazing sunflower? But where can I find this blazing sunflower in a short time, and... hey..." Horn's heart twitched, as if there was something hard to say, and he was disappointed after seeing hope.

"Don't be discouraged, senior. I know where there are sunflowers,'s just a little tricky! I just don't know if you are willing to condescend, senior..." Lu Chen said hesitantly.

"Ah? You asked me to go to the Yishan Medicine Pavilion to steal Lieyanghua? No, absolutely not. I would rather pay a high price to buy it than do such a stealthy thing." Horn rejected Lu Chen's proposal.

It turned out that Lu Chen found a potted plant in the Yishan Medicine Pavilion, and that potted plant was the Lieyang flower. Now that he just needed it, he remembered it, so he asked Horn to go to the Yishan Medicine Pavilion to collect the Lieyang flower.

The flowers were stolen back.

But I didn't expect that Horn is still a relatively honest cultivator, and in this case, he still considers the morality of the Cultivation World,

Lu Chen didn't speak, but looked at Horn with deep meaning, there were some things he needed to understand by himself.

Seeing Lu Chen looking at him like this, Horn lost the pride he had just now. He thought about Yishan's personality, his wife's critical illness, and thought that he didn't have Spirit Stones. Even if he had Spirit Stones, Yishan would probably sit on the ground. Starting price, or even simply do not sell to yourself.

So Horn was heartbroken, and he found a reason for himself to do justice for the heavens, and smiled helplessly.

Lu Chen knew that Horn had figured it out, so he told him what the Sunflower looked like and where it was placed, so that he could act better tonight.

There was still some time before the night, and Horn took the initiative to tell Lu Chen what happened to the couple.

Horn and his wife originally ran a mercenary team in Anlin Prefecture. There were about a dozen people in the team. The cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period and the fusion period accounted for half, because the husband and wife are both Cultivation Bases in the Gold Core period. It is also well-known in Tongmuping area of ​​Anlin Prefecture.

He was exterminated only because he offended one of the seven Sects, the Hehuan Sect, and his wife was seriously injured by the Elder of the Acacia Sect. He took his wife and fled Anlin Prefecture with his own desperation. Detour north to the Central Plains.

When passing by Vientiane City in Qujingzhou, his wife suddenly fainted and became unconscious. That's why Huo En went to the doctor in a hurry to find the miracle doctor Yishan, and the previous story happened.

Horn went out to do errands in the evening, Lu Chen was waiting for the good news in the room, recalling that it had been two years since time travel, he had experienced many things and learned a lot in the past two years, and felt more and more that the road to cultivation was bumpy and bumpy.

Now without the protection of Sect, everything has to be faced by oneself. The master has no strength to go to Shenshou Mountain to report the hatred of the master, and the emotional debt owed to Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu is also unable to repay. The world is so big I don't have the strength to take a look.

All because of not having enough strength, just when Lu Chen was feeling emotional.

A figure flashed into the room, it was Horn who had returned from stealing the sunflower.

"Have you got the item? You haven't been discovered!" Lu Chen asked happily.

"Does it need to be said?" Horn gave Lu Chen a blank look, and then took the bag from the storage bag.

He took out a potted plant, which was the sunflower.

Besides, he is a dignified cultivator in the Gold Core period, if he goes to steal something from a Foundation Establishment period home, if he is found out, then he can just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Lu Chen took the Lieyang flower and took out more than a dozen auxiliary medicinal materials. To say the pill recipe of Lieyang Dan, I have to thank the pill king Yu Tongwei. He recorded many pill recipes in Lu Chen's Jade Slip, Lieyang Pill is one of them.

In order to show off in front of Horn, Lu Chen directly cast fireball and threw all the medicinal materials into the flames, and then used his original pill refining technique to start pill refining.

The whole process took about half an hour, but this half hour surprised Horn as Deva, he had never heard of a pill refining master who didn't use a pill furnace, and he had never seen a pill refining master use a fireball technique to pill Refining, he didn't even dare to guess what kind of elixir Lu Chen was.

Horn's expression kept changing, until he finally made a decision, and it was precisely because of this decision that the future completely changed the fate of their husband and wife.

"Why is the senior looking at me like that?" Lu Chen who finished the pill refining asked in confusion when he saw Horn staring at him strangely.

"'s nothing, did you succeed in refining Lieyang Pill?" Horn quickly changed the subject.

"Fortunately!" Lu Chen laughed, spreading out ten fiery red Medicine Pills with a faint halo, lying on Lu Chen's palm.

" actually a top medicine pill!" Horn was shocked. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that Lu Chen's pill refining technique would be so high.

At first, he was also desperate, so he asked Lu Chen to treat his wife with the attitude of giving it a try, but now he is very grateful for his decision at that time, and he finally let go of his hanging heart.

After taking a Lieyang Pill, Horn's wife's complexion became ruddy, and her body was no longer cold, which made Horn believe that the Medicine Pill refined by Lu Chen was effective.

"Senior! Your wife will wake up soon, so I won't bother you. I'm next door. Let's talk about what's going on tomorrow morning." Lu Chen checked Horn's wife again and said with a smile after confirming that there was nothing serious. .

Horn thanked Lu Chen excitedly when he heard the words. After sending Lu Chen away, Horn came to the bedside, looked at his wife with tender eyes, and waited quietly for her to wake up.

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