Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 60 Establishment Of The Chinese Mercenary Corps

The mythical beast Shan Chu Dingtian was in a very depressed mood, he sent people to look for Lu Chen everywhere, but there was no news at all, it seemed that this kid had disappeared again.

Ever since he learned that Lu Chen was able to drive multiple Demonic Beasts to fight, he knew that his own opportunity had come. If he could obtain this method, not only would his own strength be greatly improved, but if he dedicated this method to the headquarters, it would be a great achievement , Maybe there is a chance to be transferred back to the headquarters.

But Lu Chen is like a loach, it is difficult to catch his traces. In fact, Chu Dingtian has fallen into a misunderstanding. He always looks for Lu Chen with the thinking of an ordinary Foundation Establishment student, but he doesn't know that Lu Chen has a flying boat to travel. Shang is thoughtful, so it is difficult to find traces.

Early the next morning, Horn brought his recovered wife to Lu Chen to thank him. His wife's name is Li Yanan, who is dignified and generous, and she speaks well, giving off a shrewd and capable feeling when she speaks. She belongs to the kind of working woman strongman character.

After thanking them, Lu Chen saw that they were flirting with each other, seeming to be hesitant to speak. Biqu library

"You two seniors, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. If I can help, I will do my best." Lu Chen smiled, thinking about how to ask for the parchment that records the art of body training.

Li Yanan glanced at Horn and motioned him to speak.

"Hehe... Thanks to you, Lu Chen is safe and sound this time. If you don't mind, we can become brothers in the future. What do you think?" Horn looked at Lu Chen expectantly, as if he was still a little worried about Lu Chen. Chen would refuse.

After Li Yanan woke up last night, Horn told her the whole story. After hearing that Lu Chen used the fireball skill pill refining with bare hands, the technique was amazing, and he was not certified as a elixir master. Everything was up to him Originality, people are amazed at Lu Chen's Alchemy Talent.

Li Yanan was shocked, but his eyes lit up, and he immediately asked Horn to make friends with Lu Chen, but they were poor and white, so Horn thought of sworn marriage with Lu Chen.

Although they are now Gold Core cultivators, Lu Chen is just a Foundation Establishment cultivator, but Lu Chen's potential can be seen as long as he is not stupid. The icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow. If you make friends with Lu Chen now, you will benefit in the future The Horns.

"Since Huo Dage thinks highly of me, Lu Chen, naturally my younger brother

I am very willing, and I will be grateful to Mrs. Dage for taking care of me in the future. " Lu Chen smiled happily, and stood up to greet the Horns and his wife as he spoke.

He is not stupid and naturally understands that the other party wants to invest in him emotionally. Lu Chen's current strength is low, and he has long planned to form a circle that he can trust.

Since practicing "Chaos Dao Shengjue", Lu Chen's perception is particularly sharp, this feeling is very mysterious but accurate, so he feels that the Horns and his wife are good-natured and worthy of association.

"Haha... Then my husband and I will follow you from now on. Don't worry, although our Cultivation Base is not high, we will definitely risk our lives to protect you." Horn secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Chen's promise, and smiled happily.

"Huo Dage! No! I don't need your protection right now." Lu Chen laughed.

"Ah?" Horn became anxious when he heard that Lu Chen thought Lu Chen looked down on his husband and wife.

"What are you in a hurry for? It's not too late to listen to what Lu Chen has to say. Lu Chen has other arrangements for us to make." Li Yanan had a delicate mind, and instantly understood Lu Chen's intentions. After touching Horn's head, the latter smiled awkwardly.

"Hehe... As my sister-in-law said, I do have other arrangements. I hope you will continue to go north to the Central Plains. You can move around the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture.

First: The Central Plains is not under the jurisdiction of the Seven Sects, so you don't have to worry about being hunted down by the Acacia Sect.

Second: I will leave southern Xinjiang for the Central Plains in at most two years.

Third: I hope you will continue to develop the mercenary group, accumulate strength secretly, and help me collect some information about Brahma Pure Land by the way.

Fourth: No matter what happens, take care of your own safety and wait for me to come to you. "

"Hehe... It seems that our brother has a lot of plans, no matter! Since you are determined to do something, brother, my husband and I will definitely go all out." Horn said with emotion.

Everyone is a smart person, and Lu Chen understood what he meant as soon as he finished speaking to the Horn couple, especially Li Yanan's eyes were shining with fire.

"Yes! Since the mercenary group is going to be established, it's up to you to come up with the name!" Li Yanan suggested with a smile.

"Let's call it the Chinese Mercenary Corps!" Lu Chen thought for a while and affirmed, he will never forget himself

I used to be a part of the sons and daughters of China, and this name is also to commemorate my hometown.

"Chinese Mercenary Corps? Good! Let's call it the Chinese Mercenary Corps." Huo En and Li Yanan murmured, thinking the name was good.

The Chinese Mercenary Corps was established simply in this way, with Horn as the leader, Li Yanan as the deputy leader, Lu Chen as the honorary leader, and no members.

Next, the three polished commanders briefly discussed the future deployment and development, and imagined the future. They were all excited, especially Horn, who wanted to fly to the Banyue Mountains immediately to flex their muscles.

As a result, after discussions and discussions, an important conclusion was drawn, that is, there is no Spirit Stones, which undoubtedly poured cold water on the two team leaders.

Lu Chen took out a storage bag at the right time, which contained some Spiritual herbs. These Spiritual herbs were picked from Jinzhu World and his own medicine garden. Lu Chen estimated that it could sell for 50,000 to 60,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones. , can be regarded as the start-up capital for the two of them.

With Qian Horn and his wife, they have confidence, they are full of enthusiasm again, and at the same time they are amazed at Lu Chen's generosity.

"Dage can sell these spiritual herbs in small quantities along the way, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Lu Chen reminded,

These spiritual herbs are all grown from gray matter. Spiritual herbs are very old. One or two plants are nothing, but if you take out a lot at once, it will inevitably be missed by those who are interested.

"Don't worry about this, I understand." Horn smiled.

The next few people chatted about some homework. Lu Chen took the opportunity to ask for the parchment that records the art of body training. Horn immediately gave the parchment to Lu Chen, and kindly persuaded Lu Chen not to practice because the fragments of the chapter did not work. what effect.

Lu Chen only said that he was curious and wanted to know more about it, but Horn did not doubt it. After leaving the message Jade Slip to each other, the Horn and his wife set off for the Central Plains. They made an appointment to meet in Banyue Mountains in two years.

After seeing off the Horns and his wife, Lu Chen went downstairs to the inn to check out and leave. He planned to quietly go back to Anlinzhou to give Shenshou Mountain a big gift.

Suddenly there was a commotion.

"Over there! That kid hasn't left yet, catch him quickly." Then five or six men came running ferociously and surrounded Lu Chen, each of them pointed at Lu Chen with a Magical Item long sword in their hands, The scene was tense and tense.

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