"Everyone! What do you mean? I don't know where I offended everyone, please give me some pointers." Lu Chen was stunned when he was suddenly surrounded.

Although the Cultivation Base of several people is below the Foundation Establishment period, Lu Chen still decided to figure out the situation first.

snort! What's the meaning? What do you mean, I think you know best in your heart, but now I give you two options to pay me a hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, or cut off your hands. "The figure of Miracle Doctor Yishan appeared in front of Lu Chen.

He got up in the morning to open the door for business, and cleaned the Yishan Medicine Pavilion leisurely as usual, but he always felt that something was missing, so he gave up without thinking about it for a while.

Until he saw Horn and Li Yanan coming out of the opposite inn talking and laughing, he didn't expect that Li Yanan, who was still critically ill yesterday, would recover today. While marveling at Lu Chen's methods, he finally remembered that there were a few in the store what.

The sixth-level spiritual herbs he had planted were gone. Combined with Li Yanan's condition, he immediately thought that the other party must have stolen the sunflower last night and used it for Li Yanan to refine the sunflower.

"I don't know what you're talking about, get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Lu Chen said in a cold voice, the momentum of the Foundation Establishment middle stage spread out, and the cultivator who blocked his several Qi refining stages retreated back and forth.

"Hmph! Put garlic back on me. You cured Horn's wife yesterday, right? I never thought you could still refine Lieyang Pill. The main drug of Lieyang Pill, Lieyang Flower, grows with volcanoes. It's not easy. Looking for it, and the blazing sunflower in my store was stolen by someone, who would you say it wasn't you?" Gentle doctor Yishan stroked his beard and analyzed with confidence.

At this time, many cultivators gathered at the entrance of the inn, pointing and talking to Lu Chen in low voices.

"Do you have evidence?" Lu Chen looked at Miracle Doctor Yishan and asked indifferently. He also admired Miracle Yishan in his heart, and felt that he still had two skills, but how could Lu Chen admit it.

"Uh... isn't what I analyzed just evidence?" Miracle doctor Yishan was taken aback. He really didn't have any definite evidence, but he must have done it with Lu Chen and the others, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence. After confirming that those two people left Finally, he decided to find trouble with Lu Chen.

"Hehe... You are so funny, what you analyzed is evidence, then I lost a storage bag in your medicine cabinet yesterday, and there were 100,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones in it,

And I found it lost when I came out from you yesterday, I'm sure it was you who took it, shouldn't you give me 100,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones now? "Lu Chen sneered.

"Haha..." The crowd around were amused by Lu Chen's words.

"This young man is right, Doctor Yishan, are you making a mistake?"

"Exactly! Without evidence, how can you think who took it according to your own thinking?"

"I think it's because the genius doctor Yishan saw that this young man's Cultivation Base is lower than him, and he is easy to be bullied by outsiders, so he acted like a rascal."

"Keep your voice down, aren't you afraid of offending Miracle Doctor Yishan? Be careful that he will retaliate against you."

All kinds of discussions came from around, and Miracle Doctor Yishan blushed at the words, but he couldn't swallow his breath: "Hmph! It's useless to argue, I have to teach you a good lesson today."

Lu Chen was also very angry and didn't expect this Yishan to be so unreasonable, so he secretly picked up "Chaos Daoshengjue" and was ready to do it at any time.

"Stop!" At this moment a loud voice sounded.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a middle-aged man flying towards him with his sword in a hurry.

"Meet the city lord!" The person who came was Wang Yuanjiang, the lord of Vientiane City, a Cultivation Base integrated with the middle stage, and almost everyone around him knew him.

"My father's old illness has relapsed from the genius doctor Yishan, and he is in danger. Please follow me to see him quickly." Wang Yuanjiang said anxiously.

"Castile Lord Wang is polite! It's not that I won't go, but..." Doctor Yi Shan said decisively, and filed a criminal complaint, intending to use the hands of the city lord to punish Lu Chen, but unfortunately he miscalculated Ruyi Scepter's plan.

"Hehe... Since this little brother is also a psychic alchemist, why don't we go together and wait until my father is cured." Wang Yuanjiang couldn't see the mind of Yishan doctor,

If Lu Chen wasn't the elixir master, Wang Yuanjiang might have compromised, but according to Yi Shan, he felt that Lu Chen seemed to have some skills, so he was eager to save his father and planned to invite Lu Chen to go with him.

Doctor Yishan was dumbfounded, he felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock, but he had no choice but to give Lu Chen a vicious look.

"Okay!" Don't look at the politeness of Wang Wang's words, Lu Chen felt that this person belonged to the kind of person who said something in front of the face but behind the scenes. If Lu Chen didn't agree, it would be difficult to get out.

The City Lord's Mansion in Vientiane City is not very big, just a simple courtyard house. These small towns

Most of the vassals are under the big cities, and the big cities are divided and governed by the seven Sects.

For example, the Vientiane City is attached to the Tongyou City in Qujing Prefecture, and the Tongyou City is attached to the Jade Maiden Palace, one of the seven sects.

In the bedroom of the City Lord's Mansion, an old man was sitting on the bed in Lotus Position, his face was flushed, his eyes were closed tightly, his lips were trembling slightly, and bean-sized sweat was constantly pouring out of his forehead.

There were seven or eight men and women around the door, some old and some young, they should be the family members of the city lord, they didn't dare to make a sound, they waited anxiously.

"Hehe... Mr. Wang just suffered from a relapse of his old illness, which caused him to lose his breath while practicing. There is nothing serious about it. It will be fine when I refine a batch of medicine pills that nourish and smooth the Qi, but there is nothing I can do about this old illness. "Miraculous doctor Yishan smiled after checking, and glanced at Lu Chen proudly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yuanjiang said gratefully: "Then I will trouble Miracle Doctor Yishan!"

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, and gave Miracle Doctor Yishan a contemptuous look.

"Brother Lu Chen, what do you think differently?" Wang Yuanjiang saw that Lu Chen's eyes were a little strange, and thought he saw other problems.

"I do have a different opinion. I think Mr. Wang is poisoned not because of his practice. If he takes the Medicine Pill that smoothes Qi, his life may be in danger." Lu Chen said surprisingly.

"It's nonsense! I think you just don't know how to pretend to understand. How could Mr. Wang be poisoned? Even if I was poisoned, would I not be able to see it? You don't even have the identity certification of a magic alchemist. What qualifications do you have to doubt my diagnosis? It's really impossible Li Yu." Yishan divine doctor scolded.

"I'm not a certified alchemist, but that doesn't mean I can't pill refining. Isn't it great that you have a broken certificate?" Lu Chen said in a bad tone.

"Okay! Both of you, stop arguing! Miracle Doctor Yishan also asks you to quickly refine the Medicine Pill!" Wang Yuanjiang said a little displeased. After thinking about it, he finally decided to choose Yishan, who is certified as a spiritual alchemist.

Hearing the words, genius doctor Yishan looked like a victorious rooster, cast a provocative glance at Lu Chen and said, "Yes! Please also ask the city lord to clear out the idlers, and the Medicine Pill can be successfully refined in half an hour."

"Brother Lu Chen, please wait at the door for a moment." Wang Yuanjiang said politely, without any intention of letting Lu Chen leave. Biqu library

Lu Chen nodded, he didn't care, anyway, there would be times when Yi Shan would cry.

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