Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 62 Lu Chen Makes A Move

Xiaozhufeng in Xuantian Sect, Anlin Prefecture, was originally the residence of Lu Chen and his Master Hao Nande. After Hao Nande died, Lu Chen left Sect, and the place was idle.

In order to have a chance to be alone with Tong Wei, Gu Feng often brings Tong Wei here to meet. Seeing that Lu Chen did not come back too many times, the two simply moved here to live together, under the pretense of helping Lu Chen look after the house.

Zhong Tao had come to look for Gu Feng a few times, and he wanted to move here even if he was shameless. The reason was to be Gu Feng's company, but Gu Feng rolled his eyes.

The three people in the yard set up a fire to barbecue, because they were still in the Qi refining period and had no bigu, so they had to eat some food every few days, and barbecue was Zhong Tao's favorite.

"Do you think Lu Chen will come back? It's been almost two years, and he hasn't come back yet. Do you think something happened to him?" Zhong Tao asked Gu Feng.

"I don't know if he will come back or not, but I know he is still alive. I pay attention every time Sect announces the information of the fallen disciples. There is no Lu Chen's name in it." Gu Feng flipped the pheasant on the fire with a wooden stick road.

"Senior brother Lu Chen is auspicious and has his own natural appearance, and his extraordinary combat power will definitely be fine. Maybe when he comes back again, it may not be that the breakthrough Foundation Establishment period has passed." Tong Wei thought of how many people formed a team in Lu Chen's performance in the poisonous mist swamp, in retrospect, I feel that Lu Chen is extraordinary.

"How can it be so easy to breakthrough during the Foundation Establishment period? Last time Sect sent me an extra Foundation Establishment Dan, maybe I could breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment period, but the result was a little bit..." Zhong Tao complained dejectedly.

"Hehe... Sect has so many disciples in the Dzogchen period of Qi refining period, it would be nice to be able to distribute a Foundation Establishment pill every year, but you are too impatient, don't you know how to save a few more pills before breakthrough?" Gu Feng handed it to Zhong Tao A chicken leg said.

"You're still going to plan, don't talk about eating and practicing again, maybe that kid Lu Chen is not as tall as my Cultivation Base, and it's not so easy to mess around outside." Zhong Tao took a bite of the chicken leg meat, gobbling it voraciously Gufeng Tongwei, who looked offended, smiled.

In Wang Yuantu's bedroom in Wang Yuantu's bedroom in the City Lord's Mansion of Vientiane City, accompanied by Wang Yuanjiang the whole time, the genius doctor Yishan succeeded in refining the Shunqi Pill within half an hour.

"Miraculous doctor Yishan has worked hard!" Wang Yuanjiang smiled when he saw Yishan receive the pill into the jade vase.

"The city lord is polite, there is no need to delay, let's give Wang Lao the Medicine Pill!" Doctor Yishan handed the jade bottle to Wang Yuanjiang, and Divine Sense controlled the pill furnace into the storage bag.

After Wang Yuantu took the Shunqi Pill, the disordered essence in his body gradually stabilized, and his flushed face began to return to normal.

Seeing this, Wang Yuanjiang's heart was finally relieved, and he opened the door to tell the family members the good news. Everyone praised Yishan's miraculous doctor and miraculous medicine, only Lu Chen looked disapproving.

"Haha... Miracle Doctor Yishan is really rejuvenated. Thanks to you this time, I hope that Miracle Doctor Yishan will not dislike you." Wang Yuanjiang was in a good mood, and handed a storage bag to Miracle Doctor Yishan to express his gratitude.

"Hehe... the city lord has won the award. It is my honor to treat Mr. Wang. I have already received your wish. I hope the city lord will take care of you in the future." While speaking, the doctor Yishan pushed the storage bag back to Wang Yuanjiang , which means that I don't want your things, and you just need to take care of me a little more in Vientiane City in the future.

"It should be so, it should be so." Wang Yuanjiang greeted with a smile.

"Boy! Did you see who was talking nonsense just now? Now that you know how powerful this alchemist is, shouldn't we have to settle our debts, and ask City Lord Wang to uphold justice for me?" Yi Shan pointed out Looking at Wang Yuantu who was recovering on the bed, he smiled proudly.

"Pfft..." As soon as the genius doctor Yishan finished speaking, Wang Yuantu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the bed, twitching all over, his face was pale, he breathed in less and exhaled more, as if he was about to die in the next second.

"Father!" Wang Yuanjiang screamed, and all the family members began to panic.

"This...?" Miracle doctor Yishan rushed over to check in a hurry, his face gradually became serious, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he couldn't find out why.

At this moment, Wang Yuantu's body had stopped shaking, his eyes began to turn white, his body began to stiffen, and the signs of Death began to appear.

"What's going on with Yi Shan? If anything happens to my father, I'll take you to be buried with me." Wang Yuanjiang said angrily.

"I... I don't know either! This... Wasn't it good just now?" Miracle doctor Yishan wiped the sweat from his forehead tremblingly, almost crying.

"I don't know? Go to daddy!" Wang Yuanjiang

He pulled Yishan away and fell to the ground. In a panic, his forehead hit the corner of the table, and he bled profusely. He didn't dare to use his skills to stop the bleeding, so he curled up on the ground and let Wang Yuanjiang punch and kick him to vent his anger.

A group of family members also began to criticize Yishan Miracle Doctor, and the scene became noisy.

Lu Chen saw that the situation was not good, Wang Yuantu would die if he delayed any longer, and he probably would not be able to get him any favors, so he hurried forward and injected a genital energy into Wang Yuantu's body, quickly checked the current situation, and the result was as he had guessed.

"It's a good thing that the poison didn't attack the heart," Lu Chen nodded secretly, and first sealed the toxin in Wang Yuantu's body with his true essence. It is estimated that with his own Cultivation Base, he can hold it for a quarter of an hour at most, but this time is enough for Lu Chen .

"Boom..." A flame suddenly appeared in the bedroom out of thin air. The scorching heat caused everyone to look sideways, and the scene fell silent. Lu Chen threw a bunch of spiritual herbs into the flame.

"What is he doing?" A beautiful woman asked, probably Wang Yuanjiang's wife.

"It seems to be pill refining, but the pill furnace is not used, how is this possible?" Miracle doctor Yishan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Wang Yuanjiang saw that Lu Chen's movements were smooth and flowing, his expression was serious and not fake, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes, he quickly ordered everyone to leave the bedroom, only himself and Doctor Yishan were left on the scene.

In less than a moment, the five snow lotus pills were successfully refined, and Lu Chen deliberately reduced the success rate to half, and the quality was only low-grade Medicine Pill.

Last time, Horn specially reminded Lu Chen not to act too shocking, so as not to attract villains to peep at him, but even so, Wang Yuanjiang and Doctor Yishan were still shocked by Lu Chen's action.

Lu Chen helped Wang Yuantu take the Snow Lotus Pill, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and the next step is to wait for the result.

Wang Yuanjiang looked at his father on the bed expectantly, while Miracle Doctor Yishan felt a little complicated. On the one hand, he didn't want Lu Chen to cure Wang Yuantu, and on the other hand, he was worried that Lu Chen wouldn't be able to cure Wang Yuantu.

After a while, Wang Yuantu gradually started to move, the true energy in his body began to circulate, and the aura of fusion late stage spread, and then he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to recover his body.

Seeing this, Wang Yuanjiang knew that Lu Chen's Medicine Pill had worked, so he made a gesture of silencing the two of them, and the three of them carefully exited the bedroom.

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