Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 68 Square And Circle

The Spiritual Breath Building is equivalent to a teahouse in the city of Cultivation World, where cultivators who come and go can rest and inquire about news.

After Lu Chen left Feiyu Pill Pavilion, he found a good-looking Lingxi Building, ordered some ordinary spirit fruit and spirit wine, took the initiative to move to a table with three people sitting, and took the spirit into consideration. The fruit spirits were placed on the table, and they sat down.

When the three saw that Lu Chen was also a cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period, and his manner was sophisticated, they greeted each other with smiles, and then continued to chat about their previous topic.

This kind of thing is very common in the spiritual breath building. If you want to inquire about news or listen to other people's conversations, you can just buy some spiritual wine and spiritual fruits and put them on other people's tables. Of course, it is best to find a cultivator of the same level, or A cultivator whose Cultivation Base is lower than yours, otherwise you may be beaten.

In the Feiyu Pill Building, he heard that Mr. Qian said that he was going to participate in the endless forest trial. After coming to Cultivation World for so long, Lu Chen naturally knew that such a trial is the best place to improve the Cultivation Base, so he came here to inquire about the news. .

When they were about to chat, Lu Chen picked up his wine glass and smiled in a timely manner: "Have you heard the news about the trial in the endless forest? Can you tell me something?"

"Hehe... It seems that Xiongtai neither belongs to the Seven Sects, nor is he a child of any family." The cultivator who called himself Yang Yunfei laughed.

Through the conversation just now, Lu Chen learned that these three young people are all descendants of aristocratic families in Shun'an City, namely the Yang family, Qi family, and Zhao family. These families are also quite powerful in the local area. Biqu library

The one who spoke was Yang Yunfei, the one sitting to the left of Lu Chen was Qi Yutang, and the one on the right was Zhao Chengzhi. Like Lu Chen, they were Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

"Brother Yang is right, I'm just a Rogue Cultivators." Lu Chen admitted frankly.

"I think Brother Lu's Cultivation Base is similar to ours, and it's also Rogue Cultivators. It seems that Brother Lu's opportunity is extraordinary!" Qi Yutang laughed.

"Brother Qi has won the prize. I don't know how many of you know the news about the trial in the endless forest." Lu Chen asked again.

"Hehe...Brother Lu is still impatient. To tell you the truth, Brother Lu, we will set off to the Endless Forest tomorrow to participate in the trial." Zhao Chengzhi took a sip of his wine and laughed.

"Oh? Where is the endless forest? Can I participate?" Lu Chen didn't expect such a coincidence that several people just happened to be going, so he asked the right person.

"Brother Lu doesn't even know where the endless forest is? I'm sorry I have no other meaning, and please don't misunderstand, Brother Lu." Zhao Chengzhi was surprised at first, and then felt that something was wrong and hurriedly apologized to Lu Chen.

"It's okay, I really don't know where the Endless Forest is. From what you're saying, the Endless Forest seems to be very famous?" Lu Chen looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Chengzhi, don't be a fool. Brother Lu should focus on cultivation and rarely pay attention to the outside world, so he doesn't know." Yang Yunfei came out to help Lu Chen smooth things over.

"As we all know, Tianyuan Continent has four plates, Beichen, Nanyou, Xiji, Dongxuan, and four continents. The extreme east of Beichen Continent is the Hopeless Sea. Once you enter Hopeless, you will be hopeless. If you don't reach Huashen, you can't enter Hopeless.

It means that the hopeless sea is boundless and extremely dangerous. After a cultivator goes deep into the hopeless sea, there is no hope of coming out alive. Unless you have a Cultivation Base in the stage of transformation, it is possible to walk out of the hopeless sea alive. "Zhao Chengzhi said solemnly.

Lu Chen listened with great interest. He had seen these in Xuantian Sect's Cultivation Technique hall before, but the specific information was still limited.

Zhao Chengzhi continued: "After talking about the land of the extreme east, then the land of the extreme west is next. The land of the extreme west of Beichen Island is the endless forest.

It can be seen from the name that the endless forest is vast and boundless, but there is no relevant record about how big it is. Some people speculate that the endless forest may not be smaller than the hopeless sea. If you go deep, you will also lose your way.

Moreover, the endless forest is very dangerous, not only Demonic Beasts, but also poisonous fog. It is said that even if the cultivator of the transformation stage goes deep, he may not be able to walk out of the endless forest alive.

Of course, this is a bit far-fetched. Every ten years, the Seventh Sect will organize disciples who are below the fusion period to hunt and kill Demonic Beasts outside the Endless Forest to train their disciples.

Aristocratic families and Rogue Cultivators can also go, and even individuals can go there in normal times. No one cares about this, but it's easy to lose your way if you go alone, and the danger is even greater.

Hearing what he said, Lu Chen suddenly realized and knew more about Tianyuan Continent.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Endless Forest Trial is equivalent to a large-scale hunting event initiated by the Seven Sects. As long as you are willing to participate, everyone can play together. As for how to play, you will only know when you go.

"I have heard a conjecture that the end of the endless forest is very

It may be Xijizhou or Dongxuanzhou. "Yang Yunfei said.

"How is it possible, isn't it said that Xijizhou is at the end of the Hopeless Sea?" Qi Yutang asked in surprise.

"Isn't the end of the Hopeless Sea Nanyou Continent? How could it be Xiji Continent?" Yang Yunfei retorted.

"Actually, what you said is correct. I have seen an intercontinental map. The Hopeless Sea is in the middle, with Beichen Continent to the north, Nanyou Continent to the south, East Pole Continent to the east, and West Pole Continent to the west, so relatively speaking You are all right." Zhao Chengzhi smiled confidently.

Lu Chen was confused when he heard about east and west, and he suddenly asked: "Everyone! Do you think Tianyuan Continent is round or square?"

"Haha...Brother Lu! Don't you even know this? Don't you Rogue Cultivators usually read books like Jade Slip? The Tianyuan Continent is of course a round place." Zhao Chengzhi laughed, and in order to express his apology, A toast to Lu Chen alone.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and raised his wine glass with a smile, but he was shocked in his heart.

His previous thinking was that everyone knew that Tianyuan Continent was a sphere, just like the earth.

But according to what Zhao Chengzhi said, people here seem to have always believed that the sky is round and the earth is round.

Lu Chen didn't argue, and drew a sphere in his mind based on the appearance of the earth, including Beichen, Nanyou, Xiji, Dongxuan, and Wuwanghai.

He was surprised to find that the four continents could really be connected to each other, but they were separated by the endless forest and the hopeless sea. This discovery made Lu Chen very excited.

"Brother Lu! What's wrong?" Yang Yunfei asked after seeing the change in Lu Chen's expression.

"'s nothing! I just want to say, can I go to the endless forest trial with you?" Lu Chen withdrew his mind, he didn't intend to share this with Yang Yunfei and the others, because he knew that even if he said it, no one would Letter, I am afraid it will attract their ridicule.

"Of course! Where does Brother Lu live, we will come to you before we leave tomorrow." Yang Yunfei smiled.

"Yes! Getting together is fate, and we have a mutual care for each other." Qi Yutang also welcomed Lu Chen to join.

Lu Chen planned to open a room in this spiritual breath building so that they could find him tomorrow.

The next few people chatted about their own experience, but Lu Chen rarely spoke, they just thought that Lu Chen had little knowledge and didn't care about it.

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